I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 304: Beauty in the airport

Nanyang Airport.

A beautifully hot, dressed as a cool woman comes out from the cabin.

In an instant, countless people's attention is placed on this beautiful body. Beauty is wearing a white miniskirt, the beautiful legs below the short skirt holds a pair of black stockings, feet on the feet on a high heel shoes, The towering double peak seems to be able to break through the shackles of the clothes at any time.

Although the beauty is very simple, it is very sexy temptation.

Don't say that the passengers inside the airport, even if you usually see the staff of the flight attendant, you can't help but you can't help but swallow the water, you can take this in the heart. Beauty is dragging the bed, what kind of feeling is it!

The beauty's body is very tall, after the high heels are close to one meter, this is enough to kill all the men in the field, one fell in a single smile, and it is easy to make a sense of reason. general.

However, this is not the most attractive place of this woman. The most attractive place is still a woman's eyebrow, a pair of swordstered herme with Danfeng scorpion, the whole person looks in the temptation, temptation has a tall cold.

The beauty slowly walked out of the airport hall, then looked at the square in front of him, showing a touch of smile, whispered: "Chen Mo, I am here, you want to let my sister to play. do you died?"

After that, after I finished this, the beauty took out his mobile phone out and dialed a number.

"Hey, brother, I have now went to Nanyang City!"

The beauty said faint.

"Okay, I know, Qi Li, they should have been picking you up at the airport, you are waiting!"

The voice of a man came to the phone.


The beauty laughed back and then hanged it directly.

"Beauty, where are you going? Don't you send one or one?"

The beauty just hanged the phone, a man who was gentle and generously walked to the side of the beauty, and smiled at the beauty.

The beauty heard this slightly frowned, and the eyes flashed a dislike, and the faceless replied: "No!"

When the man heard this, there are few disappointments in the heart, but if you are willing to give up, you can only continue to say: "Beauty, in fact, I want to know you, don't know what you call ..."

"You don't have to meet me, I haven't gave me a quick release before I didn't get angled!"

The beauty squints, the sexy and charm of the lips open, and the words are disdainful and domineering.


When a man heard this, it was ugly to see a bit, biting his teeth: "You know, don't know what I am, you are in front of Laozi ..."


The man's words have not been finished, and the beauty of the beauty has rushed to the men's face.

The man is stupid by the beauty of the beautiful woman, stunned in the same place, watching the beauty in front of him, where he can think of this beautiful temper will be so bad, have not said two words yet. I actually gave my own slap.

"Sinking, your mother dares to hit me, you know, do you know what people are Laozi?"

The man is booming, and the woman is looking at the woman.

"I don't know who you are, but I know that you will become a wasteman because of the words you just said!"

The beauty is very light, then goes to leave.

The man saw beautiful women to go, I don't want to reach out, I have to hold a beautiful woman.

However, there is still no man's hand to grasp the beauty, and the five or six wearing a black suit rushed out from a off-road vehicle, and the man was pressed on the ground, and then did not care about the man's punch Pressed to play.

At the same time, a man-faced face, a handsome middle-aged man went to the face of the beautiful woman, and then shouted: "Miss, I am sorry, we are a little late!"

When the passengers in the airport saw this middle-aged man, all are stupid, because this middle-aged people are able to have a big brother who can name Du Tianhao in Nanyang City!

How big is it to be so respectable to let Qi Li?

Qi Shi Xiao original is a very famous gang of gang in Nanyang City. Later, because of a variety of reasons, this gang was dissolved, and it was a company called black shark.

And Qi Li is now the general manager of the black shark.

In fact, it is a company, but in fact, things have been almost the things that they have before, but they are changed a little better than listening to a little bit.

It is said that there is almost more than a thousand younger brother under the hand, so the scale can be comparable to Du Tianhaowei.

Just because of the support of Li Juncheng around Du Tianhao, the name of Qi Li Xiao is not as good as Du Tianhao.

"Are you ready to prepare?"

The beauty of the beauty is calm and asked.

"I am relieved, I am already ready!"

Qi Li went back to a sentence.


The beauty nodded and then walked toward the road in front of the road.

"Miss, you are going to take a few days in Nanyang City and then deal with Chen Mo, or let us go directly to Sujia Town?"

After the rose, he followed the woman after the woman's body, and she asked carefully.

When a woman heard this, he hesitated it, and then said: "What is fun in Nanyang City, let's go directly to Sujia Town. I have something to see if I have to see Chen Mo now!"

"Good ..."

Qi Li Lian is busy nod, then continue to say: "How do you plan to deal with Miss?"

"Directly worse!"

The woman returned to a very calm, saying that this sentence is like to deal with a kitten puppy, I can't hear any emotional color at all.

After a moment, the beauty sat down the road tiger car slowly disappeared in the sight of everyone.

The man who took the beautiful woman was lying on the ground, and the expression is abnormal. There are countless people to see this scene, but there is no one dare to call the police, because they all know that people who have fun but they are ridiculous!

In Nanyang City, Du Tianhao is not so messy, and there is no more troublesome.

At the same time, Chen Mo still doesn't know that the danger is gradually approaching him, still following Su Mu Bai, Sui Yuxi and others.

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