I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 319: Miss Wang, get off!

Before the door of Hongxing Hotel.

When I opened a shot, I opened a shot in the crowd. Everyone in the scene was in a chaotic, and everyone's face was full of panic.

At this time, most people present at this time are some ordinary people. It is just that the family environment may have a little better than the average person. When did they have seen such a battle!

Some people dare to shoot directly in the light day.

This is a very good Jiangnan, which is very good in public security.

So in the face of this situation, these people are also very normal.

Don't say that these people are, even if Chen Mo is also in the same place.


"Killing people, some people are grab!"

"Come and help!"


One time is similar to such a shout.

All people of Su Jia people hide in Hongxing Hotel, seem to be afraid that I will shoot for them. Only the Supuki Su Tudu Tang Qingqing is standing behind Chen Mo.

Qi Li Xiao is not an expression. Chen Mo and others, directly put the muzzle, then shouted with his lips: "Miss Wang, you will go first, who dares you, I Explosive this kid's head! "

The prince went to his head and looked at Qi Li, did not speak, continue to go to the parking position.

Li Jincheng stared at Qi Rui and Du Tianhao. The expression on his face was very nervous, because both of them clearly whispered this kind of person. This kind of person can do it.

"Qi Shi, if you shoot now, you may know if you know this life?"

Li Juncheng whispered his voice.

"Today, I don't shoot, I will not have anything in your hand, and I will protect my mission is my mission. You can rest assured that as long as I can complete the task, I will never hurt this kid. ! "

Qi Li smashed his lips, shouted with his face.

Du Tianhao and Li Jun have heard this after hearing this, and his eyes flashed a helpless.

After all, when they came out today, I didn't think that Qi Li would bring a gun, so they also knew any way to help Chen Mo out of the predicament.

And the people of Du Tianhao saw Qi Shiji, after the gun, I didn't dare to continue to stop the prince, they worried that if I was so excited that if I really shot, the Chen Mo must be dead, and no one can Take this responsibility.

The prince walked on the high-heeled shoes, Ting Ting came to the side of Mercedes, and then looked at Chen Mo with extreme disdain, and immediately opened the door and took the car.

" ..."

After the prince went on the car, Mercedes-Benz sounded a huge engine, and then rushed directly to the streets in front of Hongxing Hotel.

After the ritual, I saw the Mercedes-Benz where the prince. After leaving, the expression on his face was obviously relaxed, and the pistol in his hand was ready to put down.

Anyway, he has a weapon in his hand, as long as the prince is safe to leave, the people of Du Tianhao can't stay him at all.

However, when Qi Li just prepared to put down his hand in his hand, the crowd suddenly rushed out of a movie.

The speed of the rose is very fast, and the pistol is just held in the position of Chen Mo, but it is not waiting for his pistol.

A cold light flashed.

Next second, a dagger passed directly into the wrist.

" !"

Qi Li's pistol falls on the ground.

"Oh, big idea!"

Qi Li Xiao at this time, there is no mood to consider the injury in his hand. After bitten the teeth, you will bend your waist and want to pick up the pistol on the ground.

Unfortunately, he has no chance.

Zhao Lei rushed to the front of the rose, then fidel and fidel, directly in the belly of the rose.

" !"

Qi Li Xiao was flying by Zhao Lei, and his body smashed on the ground.

To know, Zhao Lei is very professional training, his feet is a wild boar facing more than 200 pounds, and it is also possible to give a feet.

What's more, I'm just a person.

After the got chest, the expression is abnormal, and it seems that it seems to stand up.

After seeing this scene, everyone exposed an incredible expression, because Zhao Lei's hand has been completely shocked to them, and it seems that only the TV drama movie can be completed in their eyes. At this time, it is even very true. The appearance is in front of them.

But he felt that he had just hit by a truck, and the internal organs followed by faintness, and there was no strength to stand up.

Du Tianhao's response is very fast, and the front step is directly on the top of the brain of Qihu, so that the rookie is completely lost.

"Chen Gongzi, I am sorry, we are late, are you nothing?"

Zhao Lei saw Qi Li Xiao has been sent to the uniform by Du Tianhao. When I walked into Chen Mo, I was very respectful to Chen Mo.

"I am fine ..."

Chen Mo's low returned, then looked up and looked up to the Mercedes-Benz where the prince.

Although Wang Zijing has been seen in the car, he is flying by Zhao Lei, but she is now self-reliant. At all, there is no mood to deal with the death, and only express excitement urges the driver to drive.

Now there is only one idea in the heart of the prince, it is to leave this ghost as soon as possible.

At this time, the development of things has been completely exceeded by her control.


But just at this time, there was a loud noise on the street.

After all people heard the sound, they directly transferred their attention from Qi Shi to the position of Mercedes.

A white van directly hit the Mercedes-Benz car where the prince was located.

The door of Mercedes-Benz is instantly depressed, and there is no unfair.

"Don't manage this car, hurry!"

The prince said that the car hit the car is definitely Chen Mo, so she ran quickly in the driver of Mercedes-Benz.

The driver screamed, and he can't take care of the blood on his own brain, and twist the car key to restart Mercedes.


But I still launched the Mercedes-Benz, and a hammer directly smashed on the window of Mercedes-Benz.

The glass is in an instant, followed by a dagger that exudes a burst of cold light, directly above the neck of the prince.

"Miss Wang, get off!"

A fatty voice rang outside the window.

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