I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 321: I have to take away these two people!

"Hey ..."

A harsh siren sounded on the street.

Everyone turned his head after hearing the siren, and more than ten police cars were rushed out directly, and then the people of Du Tianhao were all surrounded.

Chen Mo looked at the position of the police car, and asked Li Jincheng asked: "Is it you shout?"

"No ..."

Li Jincheng was busy shaking his head. After all, Li Juncheng did not come to let the police solve these problems.

And Wang Zi also turned his head to the direction of the police car, and the eyes were also confused, because she did not contact the police.

So these police are not yelling in Chen Mo, nor is it proud of prince. It is likely that someone has reported the police when there is a lot of people who have been in the scene.

"Chen Gongzi, if the police come, then this matter may be a bit trouble!"

Li Jincheng hesitated, whispered to Chen Mo.

"Is there a way to solve?"

Chen Mail asked.

"Don't do it!"

Li Jincheng shook his head, if it was the police in Nanyang City, the number of Li Juncheng would give Li Jincheng a little face, but it is not Nanyang City, but Sujia Town.

Li Jincheng does not know the often of Sujia Town.

Chen Mo listened to Li Juncheng, couldn't help but gently hold a box, and it is very unwilling to heart.

He clearly, once he left the prince today, then he may never have a chance to be revenge, so now, if it is the police, Chen Mo did not let go.

Su Mu-white and others stood behind Chen Mile, and looked at Chen Mo, and now they didn't know what Chen Mo's heart was thinking.

"Chen Gongzi, I am still a little with the police station of Sujia Town, I can try it for a while."

At this time, Du Tianhao suddenly opened his mouth.


Chen Mo listened to this, quickly returned to a sentence.

"The people in front have given me, now immediately put down the weapons in your hands right away, otherwise don't blame we welcome!"

At this time, a middle-aged policeman who took a big speaker in the hands of the uniform came out of the police car and shouted with the scorpion.

Those people under the hand of Du Tianhao have heard the position of Du Tianhao after heard this.

"Let things go down, give the police comrades!"

Du Tianhao shouted.

Everyone saw that Du Tianhao had already said this, and naturally did not continue to discharge, and quickly gave the police to open a position.


In a moment, more than 10 police officers rushed to Chen Mo and others.

"Zhang Director, what is going on?"

Du Tianhao saw that after the police were ready to do, they shouted around the previous step in the previous step.

After listening to Du Tianhao, the middle-aged policeman was obviously stunned, and then touched Du Tianhao: "Du, you are here,"? "

It is very polite to see that this Zhang said with Du Tianhao is still very polite.

"Zhang Director, this is my boss Chen Gongzi, what do you mean?"

Du Tianhao instructions have explained Chen Mo's identity.

Zhang Guangyao, director of Sujia Town Police Station, who knew Chen Mo's identity, and his eyes clearly became different, because he did not think of standing in front of him at this time, it seems that ordinary youth will be Du Tianhao's boss!

Du Tianhao's boss represents anything, Zhang Guangyao is still very clear.

"Du, the situation is like this, I just received alarm, saying that someone shot this place, so I deliberately take someone to see what is going on!"

Zhang Guangyao smiled and rushed to Du Tianhao, and then continued: "Du always, when you shoot, you should be here?"

"Yes, I am here!"

Du Tianhao nodded gently, then looked down at the strats lying on the ground, whispered: "Zhang Director, just the gun opened, but you can rest assured, my bodyguard has given this person to uniform ! "

"So this is ah!"

Zhang Guangyao also bowed his head to lying on the ground and dying Qi Li, and then continued: "That is too thankful to Du, the people will be removed, your bodyguards are not injured?"


Du Tianhao shook his head gently.

"That's good ..."

Zhang Guangyao smiled and smiled. He immediately called the police behind him shouted: "What do you do here? Don't you take this person to take this person ..."


Zhang Guang Yao's policeman took a nodded, and then walked in the position of his steps.

"Right, then the woman also took me away, this person is together with the suspect!"

Zhang Guangyao stretched his finger referred to the prince, and shouted.

After hearing Zhang Guangyao's sentence, Du Tianhao is directly in the original place, and the eyes flashed a different.

Just now, Du Tianhao did not say that Wang Guang Yao said the relationship between the prince and respects the prince. How does Zhang Guangyao know these two people?

Another is that once now let the police take these two people away, how to handle these two people, it is not that Chen Mo said, but the person there is said that the police said!

"Zhang Director, you can't take away these two people!"

Du Tianhao said directly in front of Zhang Guang Yao.

"I can't take it?"

Zhang Guangyao heard this, then suddenly his face changed to Du Tianhao asked: "Du always, what is your sentence? These two people are the suspects of the shooting case, I am a policeman I can't take these two people? "

"Director Zhang, you don't misunderstand me, the situation is like this, now these two people have some private grudges with my boss Chen Gongzi, so you can wait until we solve these things, then Take people away? "Du Tianhao said with Zhang Guang Yao.

"Du, here Sujia Town is not Nanyang City. How do you communicate with the police in Nanyang City, I don't know, but in Sujia Town, arresting prisoners is our police duty, so these two people must immediately immediately immediately Take away, do you understand what I mean? "

Zhang Guangyao rushed to the Du Tianhai.

"If I don't let you take away?"

At this time, Chen Mo suddenly opened Zhang Guang Yao shouted.


Zhang Guangyao turned his head to see Chen Mo, then shouted: "Whoever wants to stop us to take these two people today, then it will hinder official treatment!"

Chen Mo Du Tiandao Li Juncheng and others heard Zhang Guangyao's sentence, while stunned in the same place!


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