I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 324: Should I not bully?

The original people thought that Zhang Guangyao came over with the police, this matter was an end.

After all, even if Chen Mo Du Tianhao Li Juncheng and others are absolutely no courage to dry with the police, but people have never been thought that there will be people in the military district directly open the helicopter.

Everyone presenting now does not know where the people in the military are standing, even if Chen Mo is, I don't know.

Du Tianhao and Li Jincheng looked at the middle-aged people in front of him, and the expression on his face was very incredible.

Because two of them simply did not think of people will actually be this level of characters.

At this time, the middle-aged people in front of them are not someone else, is the commander of the Jiangnan Provincial Military Region, Lei Zhenyuan!

The name of Lei Zhenyuan is a real, like a real like a real, although knowing that Lei Zhenyuan is not a lot, that is because people who do not have a certain status will not be able to exposure to Lei Zhenyuan at this level of this level.

In less than 50 years old, it has become a general commander of the provincial military area. This is still very rare in the military zone.

And it is said that Lei Zhenyuan is a real white hand, and there is no such thing in the future.

Of course, there are many people say that Lei Zhen is coming to today because it encounters some noble people, but this noble person is no one knows.

Anyway, no matter what, Lei Zhenyuan's status in Jiangnan is not a matter of Li Juncheng Du Tianhao.

After all, the general commander of a military region, but the people who truly master the strength, even if there are people in the political world, they have no courage to provoke this Lei Zhenyuan.

Li Jincheng looked at Lei Zhenyuan with Du Tianhao, the expression on his face was very nervous.

Because both of them are very clear, although the thrower of Wangcheng is very wide, there is also a black road in the commercial political world, but there is no relationship between the military regions.

Therefore, Lei Zhen is in this place. It is obvious that it is not to help Chen Maillai. After all, Chen Mo is now owned by Wang City, and there is no intersession with Wangcheng, how to Maybe there is a collection with Chen Mo!

If Lei Zhen is not rushing to Chen Mail, there is only one possibility.

He is rushing to the prince!

It is a very headache that Zhang Guang Yao has made Li Juncheng Du Tianhao very headache. If you add a military region, it may be more troublesome.

Don't say that it is to keep the prince and respect them, and their own self-motivation may become a problem.

"How do I do now?"

Du Tianhao saw that Lei Zhenyuan walked over Chen Mo, and asked Li Jincheng after the position of Chen Mo.

"I have eaten a meal with Lei Zhenyuan, but it is also a lot of years ago. I am not sure that he doesn't remember me, I can only try it!"

Li Juncheng returned to a word, and then quickly rushed to the position of Lei Zhenyuan, strong squeezing a smile, shouting loudly: "Ray, hello!"

When Li Juncheng shouted, everyone was in the same place.

Although they don't know what Lei Zhen is far, but the two words have been shocked enough. After all, there are several people in Jiangnan to use such calls!

"Thunder ... Ray Order?"

The reaction of Su Lieheng seems to be more fierce than everyone, and look at the position of Lei Zhenyuan, and the expression is very incredible.

"Grandpa, do you know this person?"

Su Mu Bai saw Su Lieheng, after this reaction, even quickly called.

"I don't know this person ..."

Su Lieheng shook his head, then said: "Although I don't know who this person is, but I know that the commander of the military region in Jiangnan Province is also surnamed Rei, and Li Juncheng called this person's Lei commander, so I suspect This person may be ... "

Su Lieheng's sentence has not been finished, everyone is stupid, a stunned look at Lei Zhenyuan, I don't know how to have my own mood.

Who can think of it, today, this will make the commander of a military region, and it is still driving the helicopter!

How big is this!

Su Mu-Bai couldn't help but see Chen Mo's position, and all kinds of emotions were in her heart.

If this command is coming over to help Chen Mo, how bad the sky is that Chen Mo's identity background!

If this command is coming over to help the prince, the Chen Mo should get rid of the dilemma today?

So Su Mu Bai is now complex.

On the other hand, Lei Zhenyuan saw Li Juncheng and said that Li Juncheng was in a glance, and then said: "Li is always here!"

"Yes, my boss has a little thing, so I will come over!"

Li Juncheng was very respectful, and then smiled and rushed to Lei Zhen. "Ray, what are you coming today?"

"I am coming for this person!"

Lei Zhenyuan stretched the position of Chen Mo, and then at all, Li Jun Cheng was talking, directly took the step to Chen Mo, then he lowered Chen Mail: "You are called Chen Mo right?"


Chen Mo looked at Lei Zhen and took a sigh of relief, biting his teeth, nodded, whispered: "Yes, I am Chen Mo!"

Lei Zhenyuan got up and down, then said that said light: "Is there anyone bullied you?"

"Is anyone bullying me?"

Chen Mo listened to this.

"I asked you, is there anyone who is bullied?"

Lei Zhenway is impatient and impatient.

"It should be not bullied?"

Chen Merlit handled his head, and said that he said unexpected.

"Then, no matter what, I just received a message saying that a boy named Chen Mo was bullied. I came over to help, who I bullied you, I will packed who is right!"

Lei Zhenzi shouted.

Chen Mo listened to this place!

Li Juncheng Du Tianhao two people heard this afterwards!

Su Lieheng Su Mu Bai is also stunned!

They didn't think that Lei Zhen far happened to help Chen Mo!

And Wang Ziqi Li Xiao also has Zhang Guang Yao and others, but they were dumbfounded. The eyes were sluggishly looked at Chen Mile-Lei, which was incredible in addition to incredible!

Wang Zi, I feel my own legs, one soft, I will be fainted!

Who can think that Chen Mo can call such a big person to come to help!

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