I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 338: Requesting Wei Jiaqi!

"Don't you open this low-level joke?"

After hearing Chen Mo's sentence, Zhao An An After hearing Chen Mo's words, it flashed in her eyes, because Chen Mo said in her eyes, it is impossible to buy the remaining houses. It is impossible!

Even if there is anyone who has money, I will buy so many houses in a breath?

Zhao An An Zhang said with Chen Mo, and he saw Wang Yao Yao to take information to Chen Mo's side, then he said in Chen Mo: "Chen Gongzi, the people I have followed, and we are now There are no 560 families, there is a total of 550 million, if you buy it, I can discuss the chairman of our company, and 550 million can take it down! "


The cattle manager stood around Wang Yao, nodded.

After all, the cattle manager is the person in charge of this sales office. If you can empty all properties so quickly, then this manager is also a great advantage, so the cow manager now looks like Chen Mo's eyes.

"OK, you will prepare the contract, all of these houses I have to be!"

Chen Miman did not hesitate, and looked at Wang Yaoyao and nodded gently.

"Chen Gongzi, you are a little, I am going to prepare now, you will be a little!"

When the cow manager heard this sentence, he was excited to squat down, and his bead shouted, and then turned to run in the office.

"Chen Gongzi, I also help prepare the contract!"

Wang Yaoyao hesitated and left.

And Zhao Anan standing on the side, with the big eyes of the water, and his face was full of incredibility. She felt that these things they saw now were like dreaming as unreal.

She considers why Wang Yaoyao is saying that Chen Mo is said to have said that Chen Mo's saying is that Wang Yaoyao said.

Don't say that Chen Mo is a student. Even if it is a boss, it will not be able to take it out so much?

But at this time, Wang Yaoyao's reaction seems to be really helping Chen Mo's preparation contract!

"Chen Mo, do you really have money to buy all the houses?"

Zhao Anan took a deep breath and turned his head asked Chen Mail.

"of course!"

Chen Mo is now there is no counseling, directly in Zhao An, nodded.

"Then where are you coming so much?"

Zhao Anan looked at Chen Mo's unbelievable asked.

She still feels that all this is just a prank of Chen Mo.

"You don't have to worry about the money, I will still trouble yourself for a while."

Chen Mer is sitting on the sofa. It is very casual.

"What ... What is it? You won't plan to borrow money? I don't have so much money ..."

Zhao An'an whispered to Chen Mo.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo smiled and then said softly: "The squad leader, you don't have to worry, my money is absolutely enough to buy these houses, but because of some reasons, I can't write these houses, so I need it. You will help me sign these contracts. Of course, I will not let you be busy. I am going to take out ten houses as a remuneration. When I need these houses, you will pass the house to me! "

"Chen Mo, every time, you don't have a joke with me, really not laugh at all!"

Zhao An An expression was excited to rush through Chen Mo.

"I didn't joke with you, I am really true, if I don't have money to buy so many houses, why do these people in the sales office believe me?"

Chen Mai helpless explained.

"But even if you really have money to buy these houses, then you have never thought of these houses from my name to your name, need to pay high, why don't you write your name directly? "

Zhao An An said he said with Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo couldn't help but smile after hearing this sentence, then said that there was no expression: "Since I have money to buy so many houses, I still care about that point of charge?"


Zhao Anan heard Chen Mo's sentence in the original place.


On the other hand, because the contract that needs to be prepared is a bit a bit, the employees in the sales office basically have passed the past, and those who are originally prepared to see the house will naturally receive it.

Therefore, the cattle manager directly went to the middle of the hall, shouted: "VIP, it is too embarrassing, our real estate house is now sold out, now there is no listing for everyone to choose, so I still have trouble or go to other real estates to see the house! "

"What? Sale?"

"How can I sell it so quickly?"

"Yeah, don't you say a lot? Now, how can I sell it now?"

Everyone listened to the cow manager, all of them were stunned, and the tone was very unexpected.

"Do we have just finished deposit?"

At this time, a very fashionable middle-aged middle-aged woman stood came out and shouted with the cattle manager.

"Ding Jin, we will arrange the staff immediately to return it. Now it is a house that has not finished the down payment. It is all sold out!" The cow manager now does not think about these customers just paying the deposit, so simply directly Selling all the houses to Chen Mo, which can save a lot of things.

"What? Our deposit is over, you now tell me that the house is gone, how is this?"

Middle-aged women heard this in the previous step in the previous step.

"Yeah, don't we say there is a house when we pay for money? How is the house?"

Middle-aged people around the middle-aged woman also shouted.

"I said, the deposit we refunded you, but the house did have already been bought, but if you can now make the rest of all the houses, we can also consider putting this house. Sell ​​to you! "

Cattle managers said unhappy.

"Don't you say that you will pay for your down payment? How can you become a full amount now? Do you have a little too much in your sales office!"

At this time, a little girl with Chen Mo is rushing out from the crowd, and the expression excited and shouts.

After Chen Mo heard this voice, I felt some familiar and couldn't help but twice.

"Wei Jiaqi?"

Chen Mo saw a clear look at the girl's appearance.

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