I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 343: The Lawyer Group is here!

Inside the sales office.

Everyone in Wei Jiaqi's incitement, I feel that I may be played by Chen Mo, so I want to send Chen Mo to the police station.

However, when these people were just ready to do it, a figure rushed to Chen Mo, and then shouted: "Who is going to touch Chen Jizi today!"


Everyone heard this, all stunned, and then waiting for the bead to watch Wang Yao Yao, who opened his double arm, in front of Chen Mo's face.

Wang Yaoyao is beautiful and fascinating, and the body is also very good.

In an instant, the lobby was in a silent.

Chen Mo looked at Wang Yao Yao, who was in front of him, and the eyes flashed a doubt.

It seems that Chen Mile himself did not think that Wang Yaoyao was still able to stand up and help himself!

Originally in Chen Mo's eyes, Wang Yao Yao has always been because of the money, it will take the initiative to get the mind, so Chen Mo is not very like Zhong Yao.

However, Chen Mo has already said very clearly with Wang Yaoyao. It has a problem with his own funds. It is basically impossible to have money to buy a house here, but let Chen Mo have not thought that Wang Yaoyao is still standing.

"Chen Gongzi is the VIPs in our sales office. Even if Chen Gongzi has a problem now, I can't buy the house, but Chen Gongzi is still the VIP in our sales office. It is not the liar in your mouth, so you are trouble now give me now. Open, otherwise don't blame me! "

Wang Yaoyao stunned with the big eyes of Water, shouted with those people in front of Chen Mo's face.

"What are you doing? You will not be Chen Mo, please lie to everyone?"

Wei Jiaqi knew that Chen Mo was brought by Wang Yaoyao, and I went wrong with Wang Yao.

"I am the deputy general manager of this real estate company, what do you say?"

Wang Yaoyao said that he was welcome to squandered with Wei Jiaqi at the big eyes.


Wei Jiaqi heard Wang Yaoyao's sentence in an instant.

"What do you stand here? I haven't heard it clearly. If you continue to stop Chen Gongzi, be careful, let the security guard all of you!"

Wang Yaoyao saw Wei Jiaqi did not speak and continued to shout.

"We are customers, how do you drive us out?"

At this time, a middle-aged man shouted.

"Our houses in the sales office have been sold to Chen Gongzi. What kind of customer do you have?"

Wang Yaoyao shouted.

"Sold this kid?"

The middle-aged person heard this later, and then said with his mouth: "You just want to sell it to this person, is this person rich?"

"Chen Gongzi has no money to buy it, and even if Chen Gongzi has no money to buy it, how can I do it? I don't have any relationship with you?"

Wang Yaoyao shouted very much.

After listening to Wang Yaoyao, everyone was in the original place. The expression on the face was extremely shocked. No one thought that Wang Yaoyao said in this way for Chen Mo.

Zhao An'an stood in the same place, and his eyes were full of confusion.

She didn't understand what Chen Mo did something relationship with Wang Yaoyao. Wang Yaoyao actually maintained Chen Mo.

"Chen Gongzi, let's go!"

Wang Yao Yao said with the arm of Chen Mo's arms around the soldier.

Everyone's eyes looked at Wang Yao Yao with Chen Mo's hand to leave, no one dared to stand up and stopped. After all, the deputy generals of the real estate spoke, they naturally have no eligibility to continue to block Chen Mo.


After the sale of Wang Yaoyao, Chen Mimei watched Wang Yaoyao, whispered: "Yaoyao, today's things thank you, but you should not talk to those people, because I may not buy your house ! "

"If you can't buy it, even if you can't help me, you have helped me, I have helped me, even if you don't buy these houses!"

Wang Yaoyao said.

"You may not understand what I mean, I want to tell you, I may really be a poor-eyed egg in the future. When I arrived at that time, would you talk to me so?"

Chen Mo said.


Wang Yaoyao heard Chen Mo's sentence, turned to the top and down, and then said with a smile: "Yes, Wang Yaoyao really likes money, I am really very substance, I will plan to find a rich man in the future!" "

"And Chen Gongzi, you are my best choice, but I also know that Chen Gongzi has no feelings at all, you will not like the woman like me, so I don't really want to marry Chen Gongzi. ! "

"As for you to say that you will become a poor light egg, then there is no relationship, anyway, I will not marry you, your help to me is already big, I will not be able to enjoy what, when you have money My eyes are Chen Gongzi. When you have no money, you still have Chen Gongzi in my eyes, you can't make my customers, but are we still friends? "

Chen Mo looked at Wang Yao Yao in front of him and couldn't help but fall into a meditation.

In fact, when there is, Chen Mo feels that there is some misunderstanding for these girls from Wang Yao, although some girls are indeed very realistic, they are more important, but in fact, they just want to make them feel relaxed in the future, they also It's not true once you feel.

They will also have a kind side.

"Chen Gongzi, is your problem you encounter very serious?"

At this time, Wang Yaoyao is still a little curious. Chen Mo has encountered anything, let Chen Mo have become the rich second generation of the militant, such as the day.

"OK, if I can solve this problem, I can't go to you, but I will help you live on the kind of life you want, at least you can't rely on other men, you can also Have the right to choose your own feelings! "

Chen Mo lost back, and then moved directly to the position of the parking.

After a while, Chen Mo disappeared in the sight of Wang Yao Yao in a roar of a very arrogant sports car.

Wang Yaoyao looked at the back of the sports car smiled, and then turned back to the sales office.

And Chen Mo just left not to receive the SMS of Li Juncheng, the content of the SMS is very simple, that is, the lawyer team responsible for managing Wangcheng Heritage has arrived.

Chen Mo also finally faces the most important meeting in his life.

This meeting will affect Chen Mo's life.

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