I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 346: Wang Liang

"Chen Gongzi, is you already forgotten? Who shouted people from the lawyer group?"

Li Juncheng reminded Chen Mo's sentence.


When I heard this, I later reached it, then I asked Li Jincheng: "Do you mean that Wang Jia's people have to come?"

"Well, Wang Liang took such a big thoughts, and then coupled with the prince and in your hands, they will definitely come over!"

Li Juncheng nodded gently.

"Then you know, do you know who is coming over today?"

Chen Mo hesitated and asked.

"It should be Wang Liang, come over!"

Li Juncheng replied.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo smiled and said, then said that there was no expression: "I think this Wang Liang should be anxious from my hands ..."

Li Juncheng looked at Chen Mo did not speak.

"Ok, since people have arrived, then take a look!"

Chen Mo's mentality has been very peaceful. After all, the worst outcomes is the qualification of the inheritance heritage. Chen Mo has already seen these things, so he does not nervous.

But Li Juncheng's expression is very dignified, I don't know what I want to think.

Chen Mo took the steps into the meeting room next to the office. At this time, more than ten people are sitting in front of the computer, and these materials are all spending records of Chen Mo. If it is really sure Chen Mo did not qualify for the inheritance, then these lawyers were prepared to collect all the money that Chen Mo's time spent.

After he heard Chen Mo's footsteps, he turned his head to look at the position of the door, and then all got up and rushed to Chen Mo. "Chen Gongzi, hello!"


Chen Mo's faceless returned to a sentence, then directly entered the meeting room, just found the chair to sit down.

Now Chen Mo is still a legal heir in Wangcheng, so these lawyers treat Chen Mo's attitude is still very polite.

Li Jincheng went to Chen Mo's side, then quietly stood behind Chen.

"You said that since these people are called Wang Liang, will they have to be tiered with the Wang family?"

Chen Mo hesitated, and he asked in Li Jincheng with his eyes.

"Chen Gongzi, you don't have to worry, these people follow me the time around the old chairman, now they are mainly responsible for the company's legal issues, and the old chairman's heritage inheritance, they do not Will have any people with interests, so for this time you have the qualification of the eligibility of the inheritance, they will also maintain a fair and fair attitude ... "

Li Juncheng said softly at Chen Mo.

"Oh ..."

Chen Mo took the point after heard this.

"These people generally do things according to rules, so you don't have to worry about this!"

Li Juncheng looked at Chen Mai continued.

"Even if I should also lose to Wang Liang, in accordance with the rule." "

Chen Mer sighed.

"This is mainly to see the meaning of the lawyer!"

Li Juncheng added softly.

Chen Mo heard that he couldn't help but turn his head in the conference room, and his eyes were somewhat complicated.

"Chen Gongzi, hello, I am from Mr. Wang's head of lawyers Zhao Zhengbin!"

At this time, a middle-aged man with the Golden Bench glasses rushed to Chen Mo's position, and the tone was calm and said with Chen Mo.

"Zhao Master Hello!"

Chen Mo fell back.

"Chen Gongzi, the current situation is this, our lawyer taught the nephew of the old chairman last night, which is the first time, the first time, the first time, the report of Mr. Wang Liang, said that you have violated the heritage inheritance contract. The above provisions, so we will come to Nanyang City to verify the situation, but before the arbitration result is not coming, we will freeze your property, if you determine that you still have the qualifications of the inheritance, these finance will be thawed! Zhao Zhengbin said softly in Chen Mo.

"I know……"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Now, Mr. Wang Liang, whose reporter is not yet, so I have to trouble yourself!"

Zhao Zhengbin looked at Chen Mai to continue.


Chen Mai nodded again.

"Do you have anything to ask me now?"

Zhao Zhengbin saw that Chen Mo is so calm, and it will be a little curious to surprise.

After all, if it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to encounter such a thing that is not so calm like Chen Mo, but Chen Mo's performance seems to have not happened.

"Nothing to ask, you are busy with you, I will cooperate with your lawyer's investigation!"

Chen Mo said faint.


Zhao Zhengbin nodded gently and turned directly to leave.

After Li Jincheng left the future, the eyes flashed, and then whispered: "Chen Gongzi, you should communicate with Zhao Lawyer, after all, I have exposed it last night, I have a reason, if you want Chat with Zhao Lawyer, I can turn a little with a little way! "

"Do you not say that these lawyers are fair and just?"

Chen Mo slap asked.

Li Jincheng snorted to Chen Mo's sentence, then sighed his expression, and even something I didn't know what to say.

Chen Mo saw Li Juncheng did not talk, and Chen Mo did not talk directly to the chair and started to close his eyes.

A blink of an eye, the time has passed for more than an hour.

"Stepping ..."

There was a slap in the face of the conference room.

After heard the footsteps, he turned his head and saw outside the meeting room.

I saw a young man wearing a white suit slowly went slowly with the bodyguard.

The young people are very handsome, handsome, the light is to see that this youth is definitely not ordinary people, but Chen Mo can feel a whisper from this youth's eyes, such a look is Chen Mo's The same age has never seen it.

"Chen Gongzi, this person is the old chairman of the bureaucrat, Wang Liangyi!"

Li Juncheng whispered to Chen Mo.

"I know!"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, then continue quietly sitting on the chair, and there is no meaning of Wang Liang.


Soon Wang Liang entered the meeting room, when Wang Liang entered the conference room, put his eyes directly on Chen Mo's body.


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