I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 352: Letting Bell and Being

Sujia Town.

Su Mu Bai sat in bed and looked at the mobile phone in his hand. The expression on his face seems very tangled because she just received the text message from Li Juncheng to her.

The content of SMS is very simple.

"Miss Su, there is still half an hour left at the end of the arbitral meeting. If you have not appeared after half an hour, Chen Gongzi will completely lose the qualification of the inheritance heritage!"

Su Mu Bai looked at this text message, I don't know how I should choose it.

Although the persuasion of Tang Qingqing last night, Su Mu Yinxin had a bit of hate, but this does not mean that she has forgave Chen Mo, she now doesn't want to see Chen Mo now, and there is also the most important One point, that is, Su Mu-Bai can't completely accept methods of helping Chen Mo.

Su Mu Bai felt that this method is really a bit too shameful.

"It's really bored, why do I encounter such a thing! I am dead, I am bothering ..."

Su Mu-white expression was irritated to throw the phone aside, and then a person squatted in the bed, hiding his own mind in the quilt, she now don't know how they should choose.

" !"

Just came out of this time, there was a sound of knocking on the door.


Su Mu Bai shouted with a small mouth.

"Mu Bai, I am!"

Tang Qingqing's voice sounded outside the room.

"Qing Qing sister is you, the door is not locked, you come in directly!"

Su Mu Bai stunned and loudly returned.


Tang Qingqing reached out opened the door, then looked at Su Mu, who smiled in bed, whispered: "How come you still have to help Chen Mo's thing?"

"I now think that Chen Mo is lie former, I want to kill him, now I still let me save him, he is dead, what is the relationship between me!"

Su Mu Bai took a mist to the baby's cheap back.

"If you really want to think about it, what else do you have now?"

Tang Qingqing asked with a smile.


Su Mu Bai heard the sentence of Tang Qingqing directly, and then word into the eyes: "Qing Qing sister, you said that I don't want to help this?"

"I don't want to help Chen Mima is your own thing, you think about it, I can't do the master!"

Tang Qingqing faintly returned.

"Since you are not coming to help me, what are you doing?"

Su Mu, asked the little mouth and asked Tang Qingqing.

"I'm going to tell you, Du Tianhao has always come to our home, now waiting outside the villa, do you use it without going to see?"

Tang Qingqing said softly.

"What are you see, I haven't thought about it, I don't want to help Chen Mo, wait for me to say it later!"

Su Mu-white expression is irritating, she is very clear in her heart. As long as she goes out now, the Du Tianhao will certainly try to persuade himself, so it is better not to see!


Tang Qingqing saw Su Mu Bai, this attitude couldn't help but sigh, then said that there was no expression: "Mu Bai, I don't think that you are still in this now, not because you don't want to help Chen Mo ..."

"Is that because what?"

Su Mu Bai heard this, then shouted with a small mouth.

"You just don't want to forgive Chen M.

Tang Qingqing is very understanding to Su Mu, and laughs back.


Su Mu Bai Zhang wants to refute.

"You don't have to refute me, I will not intervene between you with Chen Mo, I just want to tell you that when you are angry with Chen Mai, the other party has such a big bureau, in fact, just want to Chen Mo's hands take away those heritage. If you come to Chen Mo now, Chen Mo may still take back these herits, but if you don't come out, the Chen Mo may really have a chance! "

Tang Qingqing said seriously, rushing to Su Mu.

"Oh, Qing Qing sister, do you think I don't understand the person? I also know what is the situation there, I just think that I have to use this way to help Chen Mo, I think I feel Sharp, lost people ... "

Su Mu Bai shouted at Tang Qingqing.

"What method?"

Tang Qingqing heard this, and asked in the tone.

"What method I don't want to tell you now, you still have to go out, let me be a good calm!"

Su Mu, the small voice shouted.


Tang Qingqing looked at Su Mu Bai shook his head, and then said: "Now there is still 25 minutes left, I suggest you have a clear consideration, otherwise you may have a chance to regret it. "

"I know, I know……"

Su Mu Bai is very impatient.

After Tang Qingqing hesitated, he took out the room directly, leaving Su Mu Bai sitting in bed.


On the other hand, the 27th floor of Huiding Building, the Li Juncheng office.

Chen Mo and Li Juncheng have a lifting of Su Mu Bai, and Wang Liang's face is very relaxed.

Because Wang Liang, since Southern Southern, since there is no appearance now, this shows that Su Mu Bai will not come over, and it is coming, Su Mu, who is itself, how can it come?

The lawyers of the Lawyer Group took advantage of this time to organize Chen Mo's consumption.

A blink of an eye, twenty minutes of time.

Li Juncheng's face is a bit anxious, and the eyes are deadly lock the location of the elevator exit, and will still look at their own mobile phone from time to time.

And Chen Mo's mood is equally very nervous. He doesn't care about himself, he cares that Su Mu Bai can forgive himself, if Su Mu Bai is coming, then represents Su Mu White may have forgave yourself from the heart, but if Su Mu Bai has not come, then Su Mu Bai still can't forgive himself.

"Chen Gongzi, or you still have a phone call to Miss Su!"

Li Juncheng feels that if you continue to wait for it, there is no meaning, and you must be a bell. At this time, if Chen Mo will persuade Su Mu, maybe it can play an effect.


Chen Mo hesitated, then he lowered: "OK, I will try it!"

After that, after I finished this, Chen Mo was preparing to leave.

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