I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 371: Give me a child?

"Chen Gongzi, I just said that these things that I have told you should be waiting for you to say that after you have inherited the heritage, but I didn't expect Wang Liang, one thing in the middle, so I will tell you in advance. As for how you choose, then you have to see your own meaning, no matter what you promise or you don't agree, I will support your choice! "

Li Juncheng saw Chen Mo's half-day without speaking, loudly rushed to Chen Mo.

"If I marry Su Mu Bai, how much is you thinking of all the people who control our company?"

Chen Mo hesitated and asked softly to Li Jincheng.

"This one……"

Li Juncheng flashed in his eyes, it seems that I don't know how to answer Chen Mo's problem.

"You don't have the truth ..." Chen Mo looked at Li Juncheng.

"According to Chen Gongzi, you should not be 5%!"

Li Jun Cheng said helplessly.


Chen Mai helplessly smiled, but in fact, he also clear his own a few two two. If Li Juncheng is helpful, he may even succumbers, and now those people in the company are all the level of Li Jincheng, thinking It is necessary to make these old people who are very young to believe that Chen Mo, 5% of this probability is not low.

"Chen Gongzi, this probability will also change, I think as long as you really want to do this, then you can make it!"

Li Juncheng quickly comforted Chen Mo.

"I understand what you mean!"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, then get up and prepare, he now feels very messy, he doesn't know how you should choose.

"Yes, Chen Gongzi, what is your relationship with Lei Zhen?"

Li Juncheng saw Chen Sail asked again.

"I don't know this Lei Zhenyuan, I don't know why he will help me, I have been curious about this ..."

Chen Mo fell back.

"Lei Zhenyuan is the commander of our provincial military regions. The energy is not average person. Chen Gongzi you can really use this relationship with Lei Zhenyuan. I think it is very helpful for you to control the company ... ... "Li Juncheng said slowly.

"I will contact him in the future, but I think he should have an anxiety with me!"

Chen Mo said.

"Well, the prince is to deal with the woman?" Li Juncheng continued to ask.

"Wang Zi Jing?"

Chen Mo listened to this name, and the eyes flashed a different.

At the beginning, Chen Sail left the woman, in fact, in order to ensure that he lost the right to inherit the heritage, Wang Liang did not dare to hurt himself, and I left my last card.

But now Chen Mo has resumed the identity of the heir, and the prince is naturally used for her!

"I will call Lei Zhenyuan tomorrow, let Lei Zhenyuan put people, anyway, now the prince has been used for me!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

"Chen Gongzi, I think you should not put the prince to put the prince ..." Li Juncheng thought, whispered.

"What can I do? She is a woman, I don't have any grievances with her, I don't want to put her ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"I didn't let you treat her, but I have investigated the situation on the side of the king. The prince is respectful to Wang Liang's one is very important, and she is a sister of Wang Liang, my father, I think if I can Tearing the prince into our people, I definitely have a very good help to our dreams, although Wang Liang failed, but I think Wang Liangyi people will never give up, he will definitely I want to deal with Chen Gongzi you! "

Li Juncheng looked very seriously and said that Chen Mo said.

"Triendal the prince into our people?"

Chen Mail heard that he helplessly smiled, then shook his head and said: "I think the prince is not so good, she will definitely not stand in our side ..."

"Yes, if we use normal ways, there is no way to buy the prince, after all, Wang Zijing and Wang family have blood relationship, but if we use some other ways, then maybe the effect is not the same ..." Li Juncheng smiled. Say.

Chen Mo saw that the smile on Li Juncheng seems to be a bit strange, and asked slightly: "What other way?"

"Chen Gongzi, if the prince has become your woman, and give you a child, things may be different!"

Li Juncheng said with a smile.

"Let the prince have become my woman?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence directly to the original place, the expression on the face was shocked, and the mind couldn't help but appeared in the exquisite face and sexy sterling figure.

Wang Zijing knows so many women, whether it is the body or the face, it should be a best, only a shortcoming is that the woman's character is not very good, the heart is somewhat vicious, but if you can conquer a thing The thorn rose is really a very exciting thing.

However, Chen Mo is now there is nothing mood to have something to do with other women. His shackles think how to solve the things on Su Mong Bai.

"Chen Gongzi, if the prince has become your woman, and gives you a child, you will become the father of her child, and you have a child with the child with her, she will never make betrayal. Your business! "

Li Jincheng looked at Chen Mo.

"You are not serious, what do you think in your head?"

Chen Mimi was abnormal, and then he continued: "That simply let the prince have given you a child. In this case, Wang Zi will not betray you, she naturally will not betray me!"


Li Jincheng heard this, then said that the expression was embarrassed: "Chen Gongzi, you don't have a joke with me, I have been most old, I am not interested in women now!"

"Then, how do you know that I am respectful to the prince, and there is a contract not to say, I must marry Su Mu Bai as a wife?"

Chen Miman said with a brow.

"The contract is that you have to marry Su Mu Bai as a wife, but this is nothing to do with the prince to become your woman, as long as Su Miss does not know this!"

Li Jincheng returned to a sentence, then he said seriously: "Chen Gongzi, Wang Zi also, is also a big beautiful woman, you are really unhappy, do you really am not interested in such a big beauty?"

Chen Mo listened to Li Jincheng's sentence!

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