I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 378: The decision of the prince!

"Give you a child?"

Wang Zi respects it directly in the original place after hearing this requirement, and the face is very incredible.

She did not think that Chen Mo's second choice was more than the first choice. Prince said that although the woman looked very open, the dress was also very mature, but in fact, she is still very cleaned, never I didn't have a relationship with any man, and I have never talked about love.

Wang Zijing is very clear, a woman's most powerful weapon is her body, so I don't have to have a lot of cases, Wang Zijing will never easily sell his body as a chip.

"As long as you become my woman, and help me have a child, I can trust you completely. If you don't have to kill Wang Liang!"

Chen Miman looked at the prince.

"It's impossible, I am absolutely impossible to be your woman, you canceled this idea!"

The prince looked at Chen Mo and shook his head, and the tone of speaking was very resolute.

"Miss Wang, do you think you have a bargaining?" Chen Mo looked at the prince and smiled and then continued: "Now there are only two roads in front of you, the first road is you to kill Wang Liang The second road is to give me a child, or you will always want to leave this place! "


The prince said that Chen Mo was shouted at Chen Mo, and then glanced at the big eyes of Water Wang: "Is there any connection between two things? Why do you have to give you a child?"

"The reason is very simple, you are the Wang family, you are the sister of Wang Liang, your body flowing in your body is the blood of the Wang family. I can't believe you completely, in case you suddenly be behind I may not know how to die, so you have to show your faithfulness! "

Chen Mo looked at the prince to explain, then continue: "Either you go to kill Wang Liang, this, you won't betray me, because Wang Jia people know this, they will definitely not put it. After me, either you give me a child, this way, I am your child's father, you should not shoot for me for the child, and Wang Jia people know that you give me a child, they should also Will you trust you again! "


The prince looked at Chen Mo's position, silenced for two seconds, whispered: "Do you want to cut off me in the back of the Wang family?"

"Yes, you can also understand this, after all, as long as I cut off you in the post of Wang Jia, you can only follow me, I don't have to worry about your betrayal!" Chen Mo looked at the prince. nod.

The prince is respectful to bite his own lips, whispered: "If these two choices I don't choose?"

"Then don't blame me, you are welcome!"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a piece of cold.

Although Chen Mo did not really want to kill the prince's intention, he can only say this now, because only such a prince will feel fear.

The prince looked at Chen Mo, at this time, she saw Chen Mo's eyes and gods in Sujia Town. Chen Mo's eyes had already changed very much, because she thought that Chen Mo is just a poor silk, because of luck So inherit the heritage of Wangcheng, but at this time, she feels that Chen Mo will seem to have changed a person, and the mind is delicate, and the means is very cruel.

These two options for Prince, whether it is fatal.

Wang Ziqiu thought that he can pretend first to promise Chen Mo, but will not only be able to leave this ghost, but also use yourself with Chen Mo's relationship to copy some fake news, helping Wang Liang from Chen Mo's hands to take the heritage.

But now, the prince, the prince, the idea is too simple to be too naive.

To put it bluntly, the prince won the low.

"Miss Wang, I know that these two choices should be very hard, so I will give you ten minutes now, I will ask you again after ten minutes!"

Chen Mo said that after this, he slowly got out of the room, leaving the prince to sit on the ground.

Li Jincheng saw that Chen Mo walked out of the room and walked to Chen Mile and asked Chen Mail whispered: "Chen Gongzi, Wang Zi, how is the situation?"

"I gave her ten minutes, I believe she will promise me!"

Chen Sile did not have an expression.

"That's just good!"

Li Jincheng heard Chen Mo's long-lasting tone, now as long as the prince is able to stand on this side, it is equivalent to the Wang family arranged an eyeliner. This kind of words can be said to be inert to Chen Mo's threat. .

"Tick Tick ..."

Time is a second in the past, the living room is very quiet, Chen Mer sits on the sofa to keep thinking about these things you do today, and the expression on the face is abnormal.

If it is the previous Chen Mo, even if he gives him a hundred courage, he is absolutely impossible to make such a thing!

But after these things experienced Wang Liangyi, Chen Mo was very clear about how terrible in these so-called upper people, Chen Mo did not want to do this, he must force himself to adapt to these things.

Because if he does not adapt to these things, then he will be eliminated in the morning and evening.

Ten minutes quickly passed, Li Juncheng turned his head and looked at Chen Mo and said with Chen Mo: "Chen Gongzi, now time!"


Chen Mo took a breath and then slowed down to the room where the prince is located.

Li Juncheng hesitated for two seconds in place, and finally I didn't have to follow Chen Mima, because he believed that Chen Miman can handle today's things.


When the prince was heard, he suddenly looked up at Chen Mo who came in.

"Miss Wang, ten minutes have arrived, how are you thinking now?"

Chen Mai stood in the door of the prince.

The prince was sitting on the ground, he hesitated two seconds, then suddenly looked up to Chen Mo, whispered: "I agree to be your woman, did not give you a child!"


Chen Mo listened to the sentence of the prince, it was very incredible with the expression on the face of the original place.


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