I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 383: Li Juncheng's Measures

After seeing Chen Mer, a person came out from Shangri-La Hotel, the eyes were shocked, and then quickly returned to the door, and then hurriedly rushed to Chen Mo's position.

"Chen Gongzi, what is the situation on the side?"

Li Juncheng is very clear, Chen Mo should not be made to the prince, otherwise, Chen Mo can't be so fast.

"The prince is still in the room now, this woman is handed over to you!"

Chen Sile did not express a sentence of Li Juncheng.

"Chen Gongzi, are you sure?"

Li Jincheng asked whisper.

"This woman's mind is very vicious. She wants to use me, I don't want this kind of person to catch the handle, or it is very trouble!"

Chen Mo looked at Li Juncheng.

"She wants to use you?"

Li Juncheng heard the words of Chen Mo's eyes flashed.

"Well, I think she should be active in seduce me. If I really do anything, she will definitely take this thing!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"It turned out to be ..."

Li Jincheng took a nod to Chen Miman, because Li Juncheng did not think that Chen Mo was in front of the prince.

If the same situation is changed to another man, it is estimated that he can't control it.

"The rest is handed over to you!"

Chen Mo looked at Li Juncheng, then moved directly to the street.

Li Juncheng hesitated for two seconds in place, sighed, and then hook his hand in the driver inside the Mercedes.

After understanding Li Juncheng, the driver has directly pushed the door and walked down.

"Let's prepare for something ready?"

Li Juncheng rushed to the driver.

"Li, you can rest assured, I am ready!"

The driver is busy nod.


Li Juncheng returned to a sentence, then walked into Shangri-La Hotel with steps.

After entering the hotel, Li Juncheng is simple to communicate with the waiter in the hotel, asked the prince to respect the room, and then took the driver.

A few minutes later, Li Juncheng pushed the door of the prince to serve the room.

At this time, the prince has been worn in the bed, she didn't think Chen Mo suddenly reacted, she didn't understand why she would lose her hand.

And Wang Zijing also knows that Li Juncheng is waiting downstairs, so she didn't choose to escape, because Nanyang City is Li Jincheng's site. If there is no help of Wang Liang, Wang Zijing does not go out of Nanyang City.

"Miss Wang, I didn't expect you to lose hands!"

Li Juncheng entered the room and loudly rushed to the prince.

"I didn't expect that I will lose!"

Wang Ziqi looked up and looked at Li Juncheng and calmly returned to a calm.

Li Jincheng walked to the front of the prince, and then loudly got a look at the prince, whispered: "I originally planned to let you give Chen Gongzi to have a child, then help Chen Gongzi deal with the king family, but I didn't expect You have intended to use Chen Gongzi, but I don't think that Chen Gongzi actually reacts ... "

"You have underestimated Chen Mo with me, Chen Mo is not as simple as it!"

The prince went back to a sentence, then looked up and looked at Li Jincheng and asked Li Jincheng: "Since your plan has failed, how do you plan to deal with me now? Is it? I still put me?"

"Kill you, I think it is a pity, if you put you, I feel that it is too cheap, since I didn't cherish my last opportunity to give you, then don't blame me!"

Li Juncheng said directly to the driver after he finished this sentence.

The driver understood that Li Juncheng did so after Li Jun came to the front of the prince, and then whispered to the prince and said: "Miss Wang, I am sorry!"

"You ... what do you want to do?"

The prince said that the driver's words were flashing in the eyes, and he shouted in the driver when he was busy.

The driver did not answer this sentence of the prince, but reached out from his clothes and took a black pill.

"What is this? What do you want to do for me? Li Juncheng, I tell you that I am a Wang family, if you dare to kill me, Wang Jia people will not let you!" At this time, the prince is like it is crazy. Like, the expression is very excited to shout Li Jincheng.

"Miss Wang, I have just said it, if I kill you, it is so unfortunately!"

Li Juncheng's eyes flashed in a yin, then shouted with the driver without expression: "Do it!"

The driver heard the sentence of Li Jincheng without any hesitation, and he held the squid of the prince, then threw the black pill in his hand into the mouth of the prince.

"Hey ..."

The driver put the mouth of the prince, and then crazy swayed his head.

The pills slowly swallowed with the throat of the prince, and finally entered the stomach of the prince.

Li Juncheng looked calmly at Wang Zi Jing, there is no expression on his face.

After the driver saw the prince, after the pill was eaten, she also released the prince and then returned two steps to Li Jincheng.

"You ... what do you just give me? What do you have to eat?"

The prince is seated on the ground, and the expression is extremely desperate to shout.

"It is actually your best choice for Chen Gongzi, but you didn't cherish this opportunity. I have different people like Chen Gongzi. I will never be soft ..."

Li Juncheng looked with his eyes and said.

"Li Juncheng, what do you just give me? What did you do to me?"

The prince has been very excited and shouted in Li Jincheng.

"What you will know in a while!"

Li Juncheng returned to a sentence, then stepped away from the step to the sofa, sit down quietly.


The prince looked at Li Jun, who was sitting on the sofa, biting his teeth, and then got up and prepared to run around the room.


But the prince went away, less than two steps, an unprecedented painful feelings quickly swept the body of Wang Zi Jing.

After the prince won the way, the prince went straight to the ground.

Li Jincheng looked at the prince lying on the ground, the expression on his face was still very calm.

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