I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 388: Poor chasing

Hunts Ding Building's parking lot.

Chen Mo explained Xu Wei to explain his relationship between his owners of the car owner. If the fee is expected, it is estimated that it is not too difficult to say in a friend.

So Xu Wei hesitated and launched the car and was ready to listen to Chen Mo's words left here.

But no one thought that when Xu Wei immediately left, the security guard in the parking lot rushed out.

You know, this is the parking lot of Hui Ding Group, there is countless luxury car, and all security work is still very strict.

Previous security has already seen Xu Wei to hit the sports car, but they saw Xu Wei to wait for the car to come over the ground, and did not have this thing.

But the security guard did not expect that I didn't know where to take a poor boy, I just gave Xu Wei left here. If these security guards really let go, then they don't have to do it.

"President, where are you still doing? John!"

Chen Mo saw that the security of the security has rushed to rush over, and the tone shouted.

"Chen Mo, I ... I think I am still staying here. When I ran, what should I do?"

Xu Wei is just a girl. When did this matter, when she saw the security guards, she rushed over her position, the expression on her face seems to be more nervous.

"If you don't run now, there is really no chance!"

Chen Moyi is speechless, Xu Wei shouted.

And Xu Wei looked at Chen Mo and his expression was very entangled. Some people didn't know how it should be good.

"Little girl, there is a camera in this parking lot. I have been hit by people who have hit people's car. Do you think you can run now? How can you run? Will definitely catch you in the first time! "

At this time, a middle-aged uncle was shouting in Xu Wei.

"Yeah, little girl, don't listen to this young man, if you run now, then you will escape, the consequence is more serious!"

Others have stood out to persuade Xu.

After listening to these words of these stupid say, Chen Mo has collapsed the expression on his face. He couldn't help but wanted to rush to these people a slap.

This car must, Chen Mo, I just don't want to expose the identity in front of Xu Wei, so I will want Xu Wei to leave, the rest, when Chen Mo once again saw Xu Wei to find an excuse to explain. .

But Chen Mo didn't expect that these onlookers still stopped Xu Wei to leave, this is not to set up a lot of idle?

And Xu Wei seems to be frightened by these people, and said to Chen Mo, "Chen Mo, I know ..." You are helping me today, but I am still waiting for the owner ... "

After saying this, Xu Wei directly turned off the car directly, then reached out and pushed the door from the car.

When Chen Mo saw Xu Wei got off the bus, the whole person collapsed, I don't know what to say.

"Since you want to stay here waiting for the owner, then you are waiting here ..."

Chen Mo helidly returned to Xu Yu, and then turned and prepared to leave.

Chen Mo feels that since Xu is not intended, then he can only leave here.

Xu Wei can't wait here, so when Chen Mo is going to be quiet, Xu Wei has left the people, and he has been driving away the car, so as long as you don't care about Xu Wei. Responsibility, Xu Wei should not pay for money.

"That kid, you stand!"

At that time, the security guard inside the parking lot saw Chen Mima and went to the scorpion.

In the eyes of these security guards, Chen Mo is obviously a group of people, so they can't let Chen Mo.

After hearing the security, Chen Mo couldn't help but looked at the position of the security guard, and then whispered a stupid and continued to go in front.

"That kid, I let you stand, didn't you hear?"

The security guard saw that Chen Mo did not stop, but after going to the front, the expression was very excited.

"Security big brother, that person is my friend, he has no relationship with this matter ..."

Xu Wei was sentenced to the security and explained a sentence.

"Just now, we have already seen above, this is this kid to run, so this kid can't go, you must stay here and wait for the owner!"

The police righteous words shouted.

The sound of this sentence just said is very large, and Chen Mo, who has four or five hundred meters away, is very clear.

After listening to the security of the security, Chen Mo passed a helpless, then I couldn't help but whispered in my heart: "Li Juncheng is from where the stupid, even the boss of his mother Don't know ... "

Although this is said so, Chen Mo is still aware of the steps of his feet, because he knows if he is really a few security guards, it is troublesome.

The security guards saw that Chen Mo gave it faster, and the position directly rushed to Chen Mo's position.

After Chen Mo hesitated, he couldn't manage so much, and he ran directly to the parking lot.

"These stupids, tomorrow, let Li Juncheng will be opened out ..."

Chen Mo's launched security guard whispered behind him.

I have to say that Chen Mo's physical quality is still very good. At the very least, it is not that these security guards can be more than, and a blink of an eye will pull the distance behind him.

And after seeing that they can't catch up with Chen Mo, he hesitated, directly took out the intercom, whispered: "The captain captain, now there is a person hits the car in the parking lot, I want to run, so I will want to run. Run to the exit of the building, ask for support! "

"Roger that!"

There is a quick response in the walkie-talkie.

Chen Mo saw that the security guards after his body did not chase out the parking lot, and the instinct slowed his footsteps, and then walked towards the street.

But at this time, a large group of security suddenly rushed out from the Hui Ding Building.

Chen Mo saw that after these security guards, Chen Mo was stupid!

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