I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 396: You can make ghosts

When everyone heard the sentence, he turned his head to see the position of the door of the sales office.

When Wang Yao Yao saw this middle-aged person, the eyes flashed a desperate, because this middle-aged person is not someone else, Zhang Quanzhu, who is Zhang Guangzhi, is the deposit of this real estate company.

Chen Mo's awareness of his consciousness looked at Zhang Quande.

"It's over, this kid is dead today, Zhang Quande has come over ..."

"I heard that Zhang is always a big blend of Nanyang City, Chen Mo is now making Zhang Guangzhi to make this, and Zhang will definitely not let Mo's ..."

"Oh, I see how this Chen Mo is returned, and the hero will save the beauty is not so easy!"

Everyone saw Zhang Quande, she got a whisper.

And Zhang Guangzhi seems to be crazy, reached out, push Chen Mo directly, and then run to Zhang Quande, and shouted: "Uncle, you see this kid, today you can be Do the owner for me! "

Zhang Quande turned his head and saw Zhang Guangzhi's unliked unliked, and his eyes flashed a trace of anger.

You must know that Zhang Quande has no son. It usually likes Zhang Guangzhi. At this time, Zhang Guangzhi was placed in this way, and his heart was naturally very angry.

Zhang Guangzhi took a sigh of relief, then went directly to Chen Mo directly, biting his teeth, and asked Chen Mail: "My nephew is not right for you?"


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Quande saw that Chen Mo had promised it so quickly, smiled and smiled, then said that I didn't like it: "I don't like to see you with this kind of child, so, you now give your home, let your parents come over. talk to me!"

"I don't have a family, how do you want to rushing me!"

Chen Mo did not fear the Zhang Quande in front of him and said calmly.

"The young man is quite character!"

Zhang Quande didn't smile, then turned his head and said: "That line, take this kid away, I want to find a place to talk to him without anyone ..."

Everyone heard Zhang Quan's sentence couldn't help but suck a cold, and Zhang Quande's sentence is obvious.

Wang Yaoyao flashed a desperate, because she is very clear if Zhang Quan's words will take Chen Mile to take Chen Mile, will definitely be very miserable, so Wang Yaoyao quickly ran to Zhang Quande, expressive and excited. " Total, can you give me a face, this Chen Mo is my friend, he doesn't know what is sinful, you give me a face, let him go this time? "

Zhang Quande heard Wang Yao Yao, looked at Wang Yao, and then directly put his eyes on the towering double peak of Wang Yao Yao, and licked his lips and said: "It turned out to be Yao Yao!"

"Total, you look at the two of our friends, just put me this friend?"

Wang Yaoyao at this time, there is no mood to pay attention to Zhang Quan's wretched eyes, and the expression is very serious.

Zhang Quande hesitated, and then smiled: "Since Yaoyao said so, then I must give you this face ..."


Zhang Guangzhi saw that Zhang Quande seems to be really intended to let Chen Mo's expression excitement shouted.

"shut up!"

Zhang Quan's twisted, Zhang Guangzhi, then rushing to Wang Yaoyao: "Yaoyao, if you want me to let me let me let me, but I have two requirements ..."

"any request?"

Wang Yao, I asked Zhang Quande.

"Very simple, the first requirement is to let this kid to give me a scorpion."

Zhang Quande got up to Wang Yaoyao, and then continued: "There is also the second request, that is, you accompany me this evening, how do you think?"

Wang Yaoyao heard Zhang Quande, after he was directly in the same place, she did not think that Zhang Guangzhi Zhang Quande, the uncle, the uncle is actually a virtue.

"Yaoyao, how is it, I can do it?"

Zhang Quande smiled and asked Wang Yao Yao.

"Total, can you not be a joke ..."

Wang Yaoyao bite his lips and helplessly returned.

"Do you look like this is like kidding you?"

Zhang Quanzhi returned to a sentence, and then reached out and wanted Wang Yaoyao into his arms.

"Go to your mother, you are not very faster!"

But at this time, Chen Mo directly rushed to Zhang Quande, and lifted his legs, it was a big feet directly to fly.

Zhang Quande is now almost 50 years old. How can he have received this big feet of Chen Mo, his body is smashed on the wall, so that he is not killed by Chen Mo's feet.

"You fuck actually dared to play my uncle, you are not alive!" Zhang Guangzhi saw that Zhang Quande was flying by Chen Mo, and the eyes of the bead expression were unusually excited, and then turned his head and turned on Zhang Quande. The bodyguard shouted: "What are you doing? Didn't you see my uncle is hit? I will catch this boy!"

Two bodyguards heard this sentence to react, and quickly rushed to Chen Mo's position.

If Chen Mo is now in the face of two ordinary people, maybe there is a battle force, but if it is facing two professional training bodyguards, Chen Milegen is impossible to be two opponents.

So Chen Mo hesitated, and took it directly to the laniboni's car key and shouted it on the table, and then twisted his security guards inside the sales office: "Who can I give me two people today?" Who is this car? "

After the security of Chen Mo, he was in an instant.

"Kid, what are you talking about, is it true?"

One of the security expressions can not be asked by Chen Mail.

"My car will stop outside the sales office now, don't believe you go to see ..."

Chen Mo is busy back.

The security guard looked at the door, and found that there was a black sports car parked at the door.

"How do you determine that the car is you?"

The security guard is still confused, and asked Chen Mail.


Chen Sail didn't want to press the car key directly, and Lamborghini rang.

Several security guards saw that the car was really Chen Mo's future, there were some hesitants. After all, the other party is Zhang Quande.

"This car spent more than 20 million to buy, you can get five million if you have a piece of hand, everyone can get it for a lifetime!"

Chen Mo saw that the security guard was still hesitant, and he shouted with an expression.

And the security of Chen Mo's sentence, there is no hesitant in the heart, but it is 5 million!

It is enough to be the security guard in ten days. After doing this ticket, you will not eat it in this life, so no matter what the other party is, it will go straight.

Four security guards were directly twisted together with Zhang Quande.

Chen Mo saw this faint smile, then softly sighed: "It's really money to make ghosts!"

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