I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 515: Do you want to continue?

"Two million?"

After listening to Fan Liang, the expression on the face seems to be more incredible, watching the Water's big eyes looks in Fan Liang, and the stuttive said: "Fan Liang, are you crazy? ? "

"How can I be crazy? I didn't have a good rule? I won it, so I plan to note about two million this time. Do you have any opinions?"

Fan Liang has returned to Luoqiu.

Obviously, Fan Liang is on force Luoqiu and Chen defaults.

"OK, you plan to gamble two million, then I will accompany you!"

Luoqiu shouted and shouted directly to the place to exchange the chip, and took out his bank card. He said: "Trouble now give me two million chips!"


After listening to Luoqiu, I quickly agreed, and then took two million from the bank card of Luoqiu, and took two million chips to Luoqiu.

Su Hongxiao seemed to be a bit wrong. When Luo Qiu did not pay attention, he went directly to Chen Mo's side, whispered Chen Mo: "Chen Gongzi, do you need me to help?"

After all, Su Hongxiao is the boss of the casino. If Su Hongxians want to help Chen Mo's words, it is still very easy.

"I still don't need to have a thousand!"

Chen Mo took the picture directly.

Su Hongxiao understood that Chen Mo did not say much in the future, directly turned to leave.

Soon, Luoqiu took himself to redeem the good chips back to Chen Mo's side, and then said softly to Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, you don't have to be nervous, there are more than 500 million, there are two hundred thousand people in my card, you will lose today. After I can earn it back, I can't let this fan! "

"Don't worry, this time I will not lose!"

Chen Mo said calmly back.

"I believe you!"

Luoqiu did not have any hesitibly, and nodded directly from Chen Mo.

Chen Merlo Autumn Van Liang returned to the front of the gambling table.

Fan Liang directly pushed all the two million chips to the middle of the table, then smiled and said with Chen Mo: "I bet it this time!"

"I also note two million!"

This time, Chen Maigen did not hesitate, and pushed out the chips in front of himself.

"Oh, you are going to break the boat!"

Fan Liang looked at Chen Mo smiled, then turned his head to see the beauty manager, and it can be licensed.

The beauty of the woman quickly sent a card.

Fan Liang picked up the three cards in front of him very seriously, and then showed a smile smile.

"A seven one one eleven one one A, I am sorry, eight points!"

Fan Liang said with Chen Mo.

You know, eight points are only a sign of 9 o'clock in Baccarat. Unless Chen Mile can get 9 o'clock, Mo will lose undoubtedly.

This is why the expression on Fan Liang face is so confident.

Chen Mo started from the licensing to Fan Liang to watch the formation, and it has been sitting in the same place, so no one knows that Chen Mo is on the end.

Chen Mo took a breath, and then slowly opened his first card, it was a j!

J represents zero in baccarat, so this card does not use any.

Following Chen Mo's second card, it is a six!

At this time, Chen Mo's bit is six o'clock. That is to say that if Mo's last card is two, two people are flat, if they are three, Chen Mo will win.

A time atmosphere began to become tense.

Luoqiu glared at the last card of Chen Mo's hand, after all, this card can be related to two million losses, and there is no relationship with Chen Mo, can't help but Signing a sweat for Chen Mo.


Chen Mo opened his last card, then threw it on the table.

A black black peach three appeared in everyone's sight.

Some people in the field are in the original place!

No one thought that Chen Mo actually was really nine.

Fan Liangnie looked at Chen Mo, the expression on his face was very incredible, and he didn't even have a way to believe that everything you saw is true.

"Wow, it is really nine, Chen Mo is too handsome!"

Luoqiu was very happy after the reaction, did not control his emotions at a time, directly holding Chen Mo's head with his own sexy and sleepled little mouth in Chen Mo's face.

After Chen Mo, after Lok Qi, the expression on his face seems to be a bit embarrassed.

But Luoqiu didn't think so much, pointed to Fan Liang shouted: "Fan Liang, did you just be very arrogant? Why don't you talk now?"

"Isn't it won? What is gone, let's continue!"

Fan Liang bite his teeth and low.

"These should be my?"

Chen Mer fingers finger the chip on the table.

"Yes, we are all!"

Luoqiu is very happy to collect the chips, but Chen Mo stopped Luoqiu, and then said: "There is no need to collect it!"


Luoqiu blinked the big eyes, and I asked Chen Mail.

"According to our two provisions, the next game is what I said, so I am going to be 4 million!"

Chen Mo said faint.

"four million?"

Luoqiu glanced at the waters of Water, looked at Chen Mo, and the expression on his face was very incredible.

Because she didn't think that Chen Mo did so crazy, I was ready to put all the money.

"Chen Mo, you won't be a joke? If we lose, then it is lighted!"

Luoqiu is hesitant to rushing to Chen Mo.

"Don't worry, we can't lose ..."

Chen Miman returned to a sentence, then looked at Fan Liang asked: "How? Do you dare to continue play?"

Obviously, Chen Mai used the routine with the routine with the flats, and Chen Mo felt that I didn't mean this with Fan Liang. It's not as good as the bet. .

"Your kid is not small!"

Fan Liang took a sigh of breath, then took out a bank card directly from his wallet to the waiter around him, whispered: "Take me 4 million chips!"


The waiter quickly agreed, and then took a Fan Liang's bank card to leave.

A few minutes later, the waiter ran back to Fan Liang with chips, Fan Liang did not hesitate, directly push all the chips to the table, and said that Chen Mo said in the face: "4 million, I am playing with you! "

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