I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 537: Determining Back?

"Can you be friends?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Luoqiu, the whole person was in the original place, because Chen Mo did not think that Luoqiu called himself, it was to say this.

This sentence seems to be a routine that pierced Chen Mo's heart.

If there is no Su Mu Bai, Chen Mo will definitely choose to be with Luoqiu, because Chen Mo feels that you can find a girlfriend like Luoqiu, it is already very fortunate.

But now Chen Mo can't work with Luoqiu, he doesn't want to make things sorry for Su Mu Bai.

"Luoqiu, I think you are really excellent, not you can't afford me, I can't help you!"

Chen Mo lost back Luoqiu.

"Are you comfortably?"

Luoqiu heard Chen Mo's words couldn't help but smile.

"I didn't comfort you, really I can't help you!"

Chen Mo repeatedly.

"Okay, I want to listen to these things now, I will ask you, is we still friends after two?"

Luoqiu sound seems to have a little bit of gentle.


Chen Mimer held his mobile phone, and his face was abnormally tangled because he didn't know how to handle himself with Luoqiu.

"You don't dare to answer my question now is because you are worried that you will fall in love with me in a certain day?"

Luoqiu asked and asked.


Chen Mo did not hide this time, directly admitted.

"Do you have anything bad in love?"

Luoqiu asked faint.

"I can't marry you, I can't give you any name, I think this is not fair to you, I don't want to affect your life because I am!"

Chen Mo said.

"But I don't care about these things, I love you, I don't care about other things at all!"

Luoqiu said very calm.

"I don't think so much about your outstanding pursuits, why do you prefer me?"

Chen Miman asked.

"I don't know why I like you, anyway, it is quietly in love. You are different from all the boys who know me. I think you are the most distinct ..." Luoqiu smiled and explained a sentence. , Then continue: "You haven't answered my question yet, can we be friends in two?"


Chen Mo took a breath and then slowly put down his own mobile phone.

"Chen Mo, I ask you, you have a coward, you answer my question!"

Luoqiu, opposite the phone, said that Chen Mo has never speaking, the tone is excited.

And Chen Mo looked at the mobile phone in the seat, and fell into a silence.

The taxi driver turned his eyes and said, smiled, said with Chen Mo: "Little brother, although I don't know what is going on, but I advise you, sometimes you need to face your feelings in your heart, some things are not You have been avoiding it! "

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of the taxi driver, and then biting his teeth: "Master, trouble you, let's go back!"

"OK going back?"

Taxi driver asked.

"Yes, it's okay to go back!"

Chen Mo nodded directly.


The taxi smiled and promised, and then headed directly to the community where Luo Qiujia is located.

Chen Mo knows that his heart loves Su Mu, but after he heard the words that Luo Qiu said, he felt that he was able to encounter a woman such as Luoqiu is his own blessing. He didn't want to live up to Luoqiu.

After the taxi driver, he ran all the way, just in less than ten minutes, stop the car at the entrance of the Luoqiujia Community.

Chen Miman wanted to find his wallet to give money, but at this time he found himself, it was anxious when he came out, and the clothes were wearing the clothes bought, and their wallet was still in Luoqiu's bathroom.

"Birman, this time I ask you, don't give money!"

The taxi driver seems to see that Chen Mo forgot to bring the wallet, and laughed.

"Master, I will let you give you money!"

Chen Mo's fell back, then directly reached out opened the door, then remembered the license plate number of the taxi, turned to the community where Luoqiu's house ran.

" !"

After coming to Luoqiu's door, I didn't have any hesitation, and I was crazy knocked the door door.


The door opened, Luoqiu looked at Chen Mo's eyes that stand outside the door, shocked, and asked Chen Mail, knotted Chen Mail: "You ... how come you?"

Chen Mo did not return to this sentence of Luoqiu. He directly put Luqiu into his own arms, two people kissed together.

Luoqiu hit Chen Mail tightly and feels the man's hegemony.

After a moment, Luoqiu's body was slightly fiddling, and his eyes took a mess and ashamed, and Chen Mail asked: "Do you think it is good?"

"Consider it!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

"love me!"

Luoqiu said like a silk.

This sentence of Luoqiu stimulated Chen Mo's nerves. Chen Miman did not hesitate to hold Luoqiu to come to the sofa in the living room, and then three under the next two clothes.

Luoqiu saw Chen Mo's clothes, and took off his pajamas on his body and then gently grabbed Chen Mo's neck.

Chen Mo looked at Luoqiu under his body. This time he first stayed in the first time, the exquisite, exquisite, the exquisite face, he can clearly smell the faint fragrance on Luoqiu, one is enough to let Chen Mo crazy the taste of.

Luoqiu's beauty is slightly closed, and the long eyelashes are gently shaking, covering the nervousness in the heart, with a red blush, delicate and small Qiong nasal nose, pink soft lips!

Every place in Luoqiu is so delicate, so perfect, Chen Mo only has an idea at this time, that is, it is a good pity.

"Can you?"

Chen Mo asked Luqiu.

"Yes ..."

Luoqiu closed his eyes, the eyelashes were slightly shaking, glamorous.


After a moment, Luoqiu painted a cry.

After Chen Mo saw Luoqiu, I was very distressed. I quickly stopped my own action.

After a few seconds, Luo Qiu gently opened his eyes, then said with Chen Mo: "Well ..."

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, as if I got any command, I started to change my crazy.

Luoqiu looked at Chen Mo on his body, and his eyes were full of love.

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