I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 555: Looking for me!

Li Zi is still very familiar with Xu Weiwei, which is still very familiar with this Sunbei Yang, which is said to be said, and Li Zi knows Sunbei Yang, and there is still a phone call in Sunbei Yang.

But don't say that it is trapped in this time, Chen Mo is with Zhao Lei. Even if Li Zi has encountered any danger, she can't call this Sunbei Yang.

"Do you know Sun Gongzi?"

Zhang Wei asked some provocative rushing down the plum.

Xu Weiwei stunned, and I was ready to speak.

However, Li Zi did directly stretched Xu Weiwei, and then whispered: "I will not ask that person in my life!"

Xu Weiwei looked up and looked at Li, and then he sighed, and then swallowed himself.

"I don't know this person ..."

Li Zi whispered to Zhang Wei.

"Since I don't know, I will lose money, if I have no money, these two people are waiting to beat ..."

Zhang Wei said faint.

"I didn't bring so much money at all, you first put my friends, I will give you money after I go back. How do you see?"

Li Zi said softly.

"Are you joking here? I am now putting you now. I have to go to you. I have to give me money now, and I must be cash, otherwise I will interrupt the legs now. ...... "Zhang Wei shouted with his eyes.

In fact, Zhang Wei at this time is about money, nothing more than finding an excuse for yourself.

Here is a highway, who will take 100,000 yuan in cash?

Therefore, his real purpose is to want to give Wang Liang to Wang Liang.

At this point, even if the plum is really able to take up 100,000 yuan, Zhang Wei will definitely find other excuses!

The passengers on the bus were also lively, they originally thought that Zhang Bailun came, this should be able to end, but no one thought that the last thing was one result.

Li Zi stood in the same place, the expression on his face was very helpless, and she didn't know how it should be good.

"Chen Gongzi, can you do it?"

Zhao Lei asked Chen Mail.

"No need to……"

Chen Mo fell back, and then he asked Zhang Wei in front: "I don't know this Sun Gongzi, but I know another person in Suhe City. If I call this person, you can't say it?"

"In addition to Sun Gongzi, we will not give it!"

Wang Liang glared at the eye of the beads and shouted.

"Are you sure?"

Chen Mo asked.


Wang Liang is ready to speak.

However, Zhang Wei, who Wang Liang, reached out and stopped him, then smiled from Chen Mail: "What person knows in Suhe City? You said that let me listen ..."

Zhang Wei, this person has been very cautious. He saw that Chen Mo's face was very calm. It seems that it is not afraid of it. This shows that Chen Mo may be really a bit background, so he is going to give Chen Mo's background. Yes, then you can guarantee that there is no loss.

Everyone presenting all the hopes of Chen Mo did not hold any hope. In their eyes, Li Zi had already moved Zhang Ba Ling, but there was no use, and this Chen Mo looks forward, how can I know? What big figures?

Li Zi turned his head and looked at Chen Mo, and the heart was very uncomfortable. She did not believe that Chen Mo can meet a person who is more powerful than Zhang Ba Ling!

If there is such a thing if Chen Mo really has such a thing, what did Chen Mo didn't say?

"Su Hongxiao knows?"

Chen Mo felt that since Su Hongxiao can put his granddaughter's birthday party in Suhe City, it is some status of Su Hongxiao in Su and the city.

"Who is Su Hongxiao?"

Wang Liang said very disdainful.

"Yeah, who is your child? Still Su Hongxiao, how did I have never heard of this name?"

Others also shouted.

It seems that there are people who have all people present to know this Su Hongxiao.

Only Zhang Weiyi has a face change, and then he lowered Chen Mail in front of him: "What are you talking about Su Hongxiao, the boss of Jin Sheng Casino, Su?"

Su Hongxiao's casino, not only opened a golden saint in Nanyang City, but also opened a lot of Suhe City, but the scale of the casino in Suhe City was much smaller than Nanyang City, but Jin Sheng Casino in Suhe The city is still very famous.

Zhang Wei itself is a gambler, often go to the casino, naturally I have heard of the Golden Sacred Boss.

"Yes, it is the boss of Jin Sheng Casino Su Hongxiao!"

Chen Mo looked at the noddion.

The people present in the scene were all stunned after hearing Chen Mo's sentence, and the smile on Wang Liang faced directly.

If you will mention the name of Su Hongxiao, there is certain that many people can have heard, after all, these people are the most underlying mixer, naturally with Su Hongxiao no contact, but if you make a golden holy Casino boss, then they I know who is!

Zhang Wei's upside down, Chen Mo's eyes, then the expression was confused, and asked Chen Union: "You don't know the boss of the Golden Casino?"

"Weich, this kid is definitely lying, how can he know that big person?"

"Yeah, what is the boss of the Golden San Casino? How can he know? I think this kid is definitely heard of the name of the golden holy cambodian boss, now ready to scare, you can't be frightened. Live! "

The younger brother of Zhang Wei seems to have this thing, and rushing to Zhang Wei.

At this time, Zhang Wei is also very doubts in his heart. What kind of big people are Su Hongxiao?

How can Chen Mo know this kind of person?

Even if Li Zi is also very doubtful, I can't help but turn my eyes, then I asked Chen Mail: "You don't know Su Hongxiao?"

"Who is Su Hongxiao?"

Xu Weiwei did not heard of Su Hongxiao's name, and asked with a brow.

Li Zi quickly explained Xu Hongxiao's identity, and Xu Weiwei looked at Chen Mo with a big eyes of Water Water, and it seems that Xu Weiwei did not think that Chen Mo actually learned such a great person!

"Kid, you know, don't know what to lie to me?"

Zhang Wei picked his eyebrows and asked Chen Mail.

Chen Miman did not take care of Zhang Wei, but took out the mobile phone from his trousers, and found Su Hongxiao's call to dial.

Xu Weiwei looked forward to Chen Mo, she knows that if Chen Mo knows Su Hongxiao, then this is good today.

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