I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 559: Are you coming to the party?

This beautiful woman who came down from Mercedes-Benz had a lot of bodyguards around him, so basically blocked Most of Chen Mo's vision, Chen Mo did not have a way to see the beautiful face.

Moreover, the speed of the beauty is also very fast, and almost a blink of an eye has already entered the hotel.

Chen Mo is standing at the hotel at the hotel, and the heart is sure that he has seen this back in the heart, but he can't help but feel a little bit.

"Maybe I have a mistake ..."

After Chen Mo sighed, I walked directly into the Jin Shengda Hotel.

It is the only five-star hotel in Su and the city, and the renovation is really a very luxurious style.

After Chen Mo entered the hotel, it was a hall that was built by marble, and the most inspiration in the hall is the service desk, standing in the service desk with four beautiful women wearing the cheongsam. Sexy beauty.

"Mr. Hello, is it?" Is it a birthday party that came to participate in Sushan? "

One of the beautiful women looked at Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"Yes, I came to participate in party ..."

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Trouble you, please, the first hall of the left hand is the hall of the Su lady birthday party!" The beauty said with Chen Mo's laugh.

"Thank you……"

When Chen Mo was very polite, he turned and turned directly to the beautiful girl just said.

After a few steps, Chen Mo stopped in front of a very luxurious door. At this time, the door is closed, but Chen Miman can also hear the sound of the music, but On both sides of the gate stood two servants wearing black swing clothes, these waiters should be professional training and look very professional.

Chen Mimei walked to the door, and then rushed to the waiter: "Is this a place for Su Miss Birthday Party?"


When the waiter talked about Chen Mo's eye, but when they saw Chen Mo's dressing, he immediately reached out, stopping the arrivals that I am going to go to the hall.

After all, I can come over and participate in the birthday party today. That is all the people who have their faces in Suhe City, and the ordinary people like Chen Mo have not, the waiter must have some doubt that Chen Mo's identity.

And more important, that is, it is said that there will be a big figure from Nanyang City today, security work must be done, or if there is any killer to mix, what harm to this guest, even if Su How is Hongxiao's ability, it is absolutely impossible to flatten this.

So this birthday party must present an invitation letter, otherwise it will not be able to go in.

But the waiter may not know, this time that Chen Mo, who is stopped by him is the legendary guest Chen Gongzi.

"what does it mean?"

After Chen Mo was stopped by the waiter, I couldn't help it, and I couldn't understand the waiter.

"Mr., please show your invitation ..."

The waiter said faintly.

"Invitation card?"

Chen Mo listened to the waiter directly, and the expression on his face was helpless.

Because Su Hongxiao invited him to only play a phone, he did not mention the invitation letter, so Chen Mo did not have an invitation.

"If there is no invitation, you can't go in!"

After the waiter saw Chen Mo's face, he said faintly.

"I am Su Hongxiao personally called, I can't go in."

Chen Mo said helplessly said that the waiter.

"If you really call Su total, you can now give Su total to call your identity, if you can't prove your identity, then we are definitely not allowed to let you go in! "The waiter rushed to Chen Mo's faceless face.

Chen Mima invited the holiday, if it was just because there was no invitation letter, it was a bit embarrassed, so after Chen Mail, I took out my mobile phone directly, then looked at the waiter. Said: "OK, I will call Su Hongxiao now ..."

After the words were finished, Chen Mo found the call number of Su Hongxiao to dial.

But let Chen Mo are awkward, the phone can have a minute, Su Hongxiao has not turned on the phone.

"How can I not answer this time?"

Chen Mo looked at his mobile phone expression very speechless.

The two waiters saw that this scene gave Chen Mo's disdain. They all felt that Chen Mo was at the time of acting. How could Su Hongxiao's level of the big boss may know people like Chen Mo?

"Mr., if you don't temporarily contact Summer, you can wait, don't affect other guests!"

Although I can't look down on Chen Mo, these waiters are very polite to talk to Chen Mo.


Chen Mai nodded helpless, and then took his mobile phone to the side, and started to call Su Hongxiao.

At this time, Su Hongxiao was receiving guests in the lobby, and he did not bring your phone on his body.

Chen Mai has waited for nearly more than ten minutes at the door. Finally, Chen Mo is so impatient, whispered: "You invite me, I will come over, I will call you, you will not pick up. Individuals don't let me go, then I can't blame me, I still go back, the province's delay is going to class tomorrow ... "

Chen Mo felt that he was now righteous, giving Su Hongxiao called so many calls, but Su Hongxiao did not pick up, it is not its own problem.

Therefore, Chen Mo turned directly to the left.

But at the moment, when Chen Mo has turned around, suddenly a familiar figure appeared in front of Chen Mo.

When Chen Mo saw this in black evening gown, after the sexy woman in the face, I was directly in the original place, and the expression on my face was very incredible, because Chen Mo did not think that he had encountered her here!

"Chen Mo, how come you come here?"

Pretty woman blinks the big eyes of Wink, and I urge Chen Mail that is very incredible.

"I ... what is my one, I am here to participate in the birthday party ..."

After Chen Mo stunned, the stuttering of Baba returned.

"Are you coming to join the birthday party?"

After the beauty heard Chen Mo's sentence, the expression on the face seems to be more shocked.

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