I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 565: Horror Chen Gongzi

Just when Chen Mai danced in the hall, the guests present in the scene were all stigted.

After all, Su Mi's identity is more special, and for so many years, Susong has never had a rumor with anyone.

But at this time, Su Mi actually danced with a young man who didn't know where to come out, and two people seem to have a laughter, which makes the people doubt Mo's identity.

After seeing this scene, the lobby saw this scene, and his eyes took a trace of embarrassment.

After a few minutes, the music inside the hall slowly listened, Chen Mo is also a long out of breath, and even the right hand put it in the sage of Su Hai.

In the eyes of others, I am very honored to dance with Sue Mai, but for Chen Mo, this is not a good thing, just in less than ten minutes, Su Mi continued to smash Chen Mo's more than ten times, Chen Mo felt his waist It's alttered by this woman.

And Su Mi looked at Chen Mo's faint smile, Zhang Wang just said, suddenly saw a bodyguard hurriedly ran to Sue Honey.

Su Mi turned his body to see the bodyguard, asked without expression: "Xiao Wang, do you have anything?"

Because this bodyguard has been with Su Hongxiao for many years, So Mi is also familiar with this bodyguard.

"Miss, Su Shi shouted you in the past, there is very important thing to tell you ..."

The bodyguard turned his head and looked at Chen Mo and whispered to Sue Honey.

Si Mi can see that the bodyguard is like this. It is definitely what is important. So directly twisting Chen Mo: "What, Chen Mo, I am a bit left, you will play, you will play ..."


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Let's go!"

Su Mi shouted with the bodyguards around him, and then rushed to the office of Su Hongxiao.

Chen Mo looked at the back of Su Mi, and the eyes flashed in the eyes. At this time, Chen Mo still worried that Su Hongxiao has discovered himself.

However, Chen Mo felt that Su Hongxiao found himself, the Su Hongxians will definitely talk to Chen Mo in the first time, so Chen Mo feels that it should be much more.


On the other hand, Su Mai came to Su Hongxiao's office.

"Grandpa, what do you call me?"

After Susong entered the office, he sat on the sofa and smiled at Su Hongxiao.

"Xiaomi, you can go to the clothes now, I want to take you to Nanyang City to see personal!"

Su Hongxiao said anxiously.

"Do you go to see your own clothes?"

Si Mai heard the sentence of Su Hongxiao directly in the original place, the expression on his face is very convinced, got up: "Grandpa, today is my birthday party, the party has not ended yet, what is so anxious? ? "

"Oh, I can't explain so much now, you still have to change your clothes ..."

Su Hongxiao returned to a sentence.

"But there are so many guests in the lobby. If I leave now, what will you think?"

Su Mai frowned, the expression on his face is very reluctant.

After all, there are many friends from Sommented today, and people have just sent birthday gifts, their birthday cakes have not been cut, and now they are so uncomfortable.

"I want to take you very important. I will let the banquet things will be handled, you don't have so much, hurry to change your clothes to me ..."

Su Hongxiao said happily.

"That person is what is important, can you still have this house?"

Su Mi rarely saw Su Hongxiao so anxious, and he screamed after it was a little thupering.

"Of course, this person I have seen is important than people in this house!"

Su Hongxiao didn't want to reply directly.

Si Mi was directly stunned in the original place in listening to Su Hongxiao. The expression on his face was very confused. He hesitated and whispered: "Grandpa, what is it? Can you pay so much? ...... "

Su Hongxiao looked up at Su Mai. In fact, Su Hongxia himself was very well understood by Su Mi's character. He clearly didn't say this. So Mi will not leave himself, so we only whispered : "Xiaomi, I have said to you to introduce a very important guest to know, do you have any impression?"

"What is Chen Gongzi in Nanyang City?"

Su M hura thought that he lowered.

"Yes, Chen Gongzi!"

Su Hongxiao nodded and then continued: "Today, Chen Gongzi should have been, but because I neglect, put the phone inside the office, did not pick up Chen Gongzi's phone, we have today's birthday Party security work is more strict, I have not given Chen Gongzi's invitation, so Chen Gongzi must not come, and have not contacted me, I suspect that Chen Gongzi is directly back to Nanyang City, so I am preparing it now. Take you to Nanyang City personally give Chen Gongzi ... "

"Oh, isn't it a Chen Gongzi? If you leave, you will go, what is big in daughter!"

Su Hai said very impatiently with a small mouth.

"Xiaomi, you don't know this Chen Gongzi, Chen Gongzi's identity is not we can imagine. Basically, as long as we are the industry of Jiangnan Province, it is this Chen Gongzi's industry, and this is just Chen In the industrial industry in Jiangnan Province, Chen Gongzi's industries in other provinces or even in the world, then more, this big person is not the case of Su Jia's ability, so I have to personally He apologizes ... "

Su Hongxiao said with a concern.

"This Chen Gongzi is so powerful?"

Su Mai heard the sentence of Su Hongxiao, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Do you know in Nanyang City?"

Su Hongxiao asked whispers asked.

"heard about it……"

Su Hai nodded lightly.

"What about Du Tianhao?"

Su Hongxiao continued to ask Su M huh.

"I have heard ..."

Sue Mi nodded again.

"These two people are Chen Gongzi's hand, you can understand this Chen Gongzi is a very powerful figure?" Su Hongxiao said with Sushan whisper.

After hearing this sentence, Susong is directly in the original place. The face is very incredible.

Because Su Mi is very well understood by Li Jincheng and Du Tianhao, these two people will take it out that it is enough to be comparable to the characters of our grandfather!

And these two people are actually the man of Chen Gongzi, how horror is not proneous background!

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