I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 567: Take you to see individual

Su Yiqing is actually very well understood for the private life of Su Mi. He is very clear whether it is Nanyang City or Sui and Su Hai, and most of them are rich, whether it is a family background. Cheng, but Si Mi has never talked to anyone, and he never likes anyone.

This is why Su Yizhen wants to match Chen Mo and Su Mi.

Your own granddaughter has not said that the circle is very clean, and the Chen Mo's background is low-key, and the two people are also very suitable.

However, Su Yizhen did not think that Su M hucto said that she already had a boyfriend, which made Su Ya Xiao feel very surprised. When I quickly walked to Su Mi's face, I shouted: "Xiaomi, you follow me What? Do you make a joke? "

"I didn't joke, I am very serious, I really already have a boyfriend, I am absolutely impossible to talk to that Chen Gongzi ..." Sushan is very affirmative.

"It's impossible, I am looking for friends around you, you have no boyfriend, you just lie to me!" Su Wei shouted.

"Grandpa, you actually investigate me?" Su Hai heard the phrase of Su Yi Xiao, and he was very incredible.

After all, if Su Zhenzhen has really investigated Sue Mo, it has long been premeditated.

"I just want to know your situation ..." Su Wei-Xiaoyao fell back, then continue: "You just have justified what you said, you don't have a boyfriend. ? "

"I have a boyfriend, and this thing doesn't know anyone else than I!" Su M huh did not want to go back directly.

"Well, since you said so, then you tell me who your boyfriend is? Where is he?" Su Yulin got up to Su Mai up and down, whispered to Su M huh.

"This ..." Si Mi suddenly was stupid after heard this sentence, after all, these words she said, but she did not think that Su Wei was so true.

"Can't you say?" Su Wei was smirked, then he continued: "Xiaomi, you can't lie to me, hurry to change clothes, let us go to Nanyang City!"

"I really already have a boyfriend!" Su Mi shouted.

"Then your boyfriend is who tells me!" Su Wei asked coldly.

"I ... my boyfriend is now above my birthday party, if you don't believe it, I will bring him over now ..." Susle excitedly shouted this sentence. words.

"Your boyfriend is on the banquet? What is your true or false?" Su Yugi heard this sentence, the face changed, and the look was excited.

"Of course I said is true ..." Su Mi had a small voice that had a deficiency.

"..." Su Yi Xiao got up and down, Su Mi, whispered: "That line, since you have said this, you will bring people to me now .... .. "

Su Mi stood in the same place, and the face seems to be a little difficult.

After all, these words have been compiled. Where is she boyfriend!

At this time, Sue Mi is clearly aware of it.

"What is it doing there? You don't say that your boyfriend is here? You bring me a look!" Su Yuzhen shouted in Sue Hai.

"Belt, you are waiting!" Si Mi returned to a sentence, then turned out of the office.


Su Yi Xiao looked at the back of Sue Mai, and the eyes flashed a different. At this time, the idea of ​​Su Wei is very simple. If Su Mi does not have a boyfriend, it is natural, but if Su Hai is really My boyfriend, then he can only use some special means to handle this matter. After all, he has already intended to make Sog Mai's intention with Chen Mo.

"You go with Xiaomi, see why he saw it, is there really a boyfriend!" Su Yugui hesitated and said to his bodyguard.

"Okay!" The bodyguard agreed to leave again.


On the other hand, Chen Mo stands in the lobby to watch the guests who come and go, ready to find a chance to say hello to Sue Money.

But helplessness has not come back late.

And Sue Mi directly returned to the hall after leaving Su Zhenxiao, the expression was helplessly looked at the people in the living room.

"Where do I go to a boyfriend!" Sus honey said helplessly.

At this time, Si Mi suddenly found out that there was anyone behind him, and Su Hai was busy looking back and found that Su Yi's bodyguard.

"My grandfather let you come out and follow me?" Su Mi asked back to the bodyguard.

"Yes!" The bodyguard promised.


Su Hai snorted, then stepped directly to the high-heeled shoes, Ting Ting, walking in the lobby.

When Chen Mo, the not far, after returning, I walked directly to Su Mai directly, I want to talk to Sue Hai.

And Si Mi went out of the beauty after seeing Chen Mo, and then walked directly to Chen Mo, and then made an incredible move for everyone.

Su Mi reached out and took directly Chen Mail arm and took the initiative to hold Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was shocked by this movement of Su Mi, and I was busy and prepared to speak, and I would like to do what she wants to do.

"Do not talk!"

Su Hai's soft voice reminded Chen Mo, and then as if it was deliberate, the dripping of Chen Mo shouted: "Dear, how are you here!"

Su Mi said this sentence, and the twist looks faintly at Su Yi's bodyguard.

The bodyguards will run around the office to run.

Si Mai saw a very proud smile after the bodyguard left.

All the people in the lobby look at Su Mi Chen Mo in a different look.

"Miss Su actually really with this kid?"

"Who is this little child?"

"Why do he be with Su Miss?"

Various discussion sounds in the hall.

Chen Mo looked at Su Mi, whispered: "Big sister, what are you doing?"

"Walk, you will meet with me!" Su Mai said in Chen Mo's great grit.

"See someone?" Chen Mo stunned, then asked in the tone: "Who?"

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