I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 579: Two of you? Second more

After the end of this, Li Beijiang said back to the villa.

His heart is very clear, this matter is not he can manage.

Chen Mo and Li Ziwei stood in the back of Li Beijiang.

After Chen Mo hesitated, he said softly to Li Zi: "Do you think this is really right?"

"There is nothing appropriate, when they let me marry Zhao Ziyi, didn't I think about my feelings? Why do I have to consider their feelings, anyway, I will never follow the flower bonus. ! "

Li Zi returned to the face, and then made a move that made Chen Mo didn't think of it, plums directly holding Chen Mo's arm, proud double peaks were slightly deformed by extrusion.

"Is this not a bit bad?"

Chen Mo helidly rushed to Li Zi.

"How much this person is nonsense? I haven't said anything, you are still not happy to take advantage of it?"

Li Zi returned to Chen Mail with a small mouth.

After listening to the sentence of Li Zi, Chen Mo flashed a helpless, shook his head, and did not say much.

And plums stepped on the high-heeled shoes and tedting.

Chen Mile originally planned to loosen the plums, but helpless plums are refused to do, Chen Mo can't draw your own hand, and finally I can only default this posture.

A few seconds later.

Chen Mo took into the living room of the villa, just sitting on the sofa of the hall, the old man of the old man was very ordinary, but the momentum of the body was not angry, and the eyes were also With a silky's top person!

Li Beijiang, Li Beijiang, is standing around the old man, whispered to the old man!

Li Zi hesitated, then twisted his head and said with Chen Mo: "This person is my grandfather, Li Baishi!"

"Li Baise?"

When I heard this name, he couldn't help but he didn't seem to have heard this name. However, Chen Mo suddenly thought of this, and he couldn't afford this.

"I just said with you, you should remember it?" Li Ziyu asked Chen Mail.


Chen Mo didn't want to nod.

"Remember it!" Li Zi went back to a whisper, then reached out and slammed Chen Mo's position in Li Baqiang.


Li Zijun said that Li Baixiang suddenly lifted his head, and bowed to Chen Mo's eye, then shouted: "Okay, don't play in front of me, hurry to give hands. I am released? "

Li Zi is in the original place after hearing this sentence, and the expression on his face is very surprised!

"Grandpa, what actuates?" Li Zi was pretending to look out, and he asked Li Baqiang.

"What kind of play is not clear?" Li Baixiang said coldly.

"Grandpa, are you misunderstood? This is my boyfriend, Chen Mo ..."

Li Zi's mouth seems to explain what it is, and the expression on Li Baishi is more disdainful. It is not to take care of Li, but said that the cold voice said: "Okay, you will hurry, this thing Not you can be blended, I know that you are a actor who is pleased, you will not be together, if you can't help you, you will have a little disappearance! "

After listening to Li Baqiang's sentence, I couldn't help but stunned. He didn't think that Li Baqiang did so soon, I saw my relationship with Li Zi. Chen Mo is indeed a plum, please come to Li Li. This is not wrong, but let Chen Mo are very uncomfortable is the attitude of Li Baqiang, so that Chen Mo did not leave directly, but the steps went to Li Baqiang, and then did not follow Li Baqiang's consent, sitting directly The sofa opposite Li Baixiang.

Everyone saw Chen Mo sitting on the sofa, all are in the original place, the expression on the face is very incredible, no one thinks that Chen Mo's courage is so big.

And Chen Mo's face hangs a faint smile, and it seems that there is no fear of fear because Li Baqiang's identity.

Li Zi looked at Chen Mo, and he didn't think that Chen Mo's courage would be so big. Even if Li Jia people didn't dare to be so arrogant!

"I just let you roll, don't you hear it? What do you still do? Do you have to throw you out, is you happy?"

Li Baishi turned his head and looked at Chen Mo and shouted with Chen Mo.

"Do you have Li's family to treat guests like this?" Chen Mo's face was asked in Li Baqiang.

"The guests?"

After listening to Chen Mo's words, Li Baixiang couldn't help but smile, and then faintly said: "Do you think we have this qualification?"

"The people are all passengers, how can I not qualify?"

Chen Miman returned to a sentence, then continue to say: "I know that you are a grandfather, but I am really love, I hope that the two between us will not interceach any more, and there is If you don't like Zhao Zi, I don't want you to continue to force you to marry Zhao Ziyi! "

When I was in the face of Li Baqiang, I didn't show a milesty timidity, and the expression on the opposite face is very calm!

Even if Li Beijiang saw this scene, I couldn't help but somewhat, he would think about this kid who brought back her daughter. Although it seems that last year is not big, but the courage is not small. To know that the whole Su and the city have courageous Talking to Li Baqiang, it is estimated that it will not exceed ten.

Just now Li Wei is still surprised, but she is not so surprised. After all, Li Zi is now clear that Chen Mo's identity. Chen Mo is the driver around Li Jun. It is certainly very much in contact with the big person, so Chen Mo is on the face. This is so calm that when Li Baqiang is.

When Li Zi was heard when he heard Chen Mo, he quickly added: "Yes, Grandpa, my grandfather, I am sincere, I will not like anyone in my life, I hope you can fulfill our two ! "

"It's two of you?"

Li Baiqiang heard this sentence.

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