I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 592: If you have a kind (fifteenth)

If Zhao Lei does not say this sentence, Mo may have not thought about this.

However, after Zhao Lei said, Chen Mo felt that if he really took Zhao Lei to go in, it could only make things big, so quickly said: "Today, this matter does not have you, you are waiting outside. I will do it ... "


Zhao Lei did not hesitate, directly agreed, and then quietly stood at the door of the villa and did not follow Chen Mo's entry.

Chen Mo's locomotive came into the villa.

"Chen Mo ..."

After Li Zi saw Chen Mo, the expression on his face was very excited, and he quickly walked to Chen Mo's hands and then pushed Chen Mo's hand.

"Sorry, it's late ..."

Chen Mo smiled, rushed to Li Zi.

"It's okay, I can come over ..." Li Xiao smiled very happy, then reached out to Zhao Ziyou: "Dear, hurry to give me this bauo from my home!"

Li Zi is deliberately thinking about Chen Mo, so that everyone thinks her relationship with Chen Mo is a couple.

However, Zhao Ziyi saw that Li Zi took the initiative to pull Chen Mo's hand, and the whole person didn't seem to have electric shock. A unprecedented angry swept his heart.

Zhao Ziyi pursued plums for so many years, but never met Li Zi's hand, but at this time, his beloved woman actually followed another man, and Zhao Ziyi may not be angry.

"Your kid will give me a quick hand ..."

Zhao Ziyi glared at the big eyes, and the tone was very angry. Chen Mo shouted.

And Chen Mo's eyes disdainfully lit Zhao Ziyi, twisted his head, and asked Li Zi: "Who is he?"

"He is the Zhao Ziyi, which I told you, I have been entangled me, I am bothering me ..."

Li Zi was busy back to Chen Mo.

"It turned out to be him?" Chen Mo smiled, and then rushed directly to Zhao Ziyou: "Li Zi is my girlfriend, we don't have anything to do with you!"

After that, after this sentence, Chen Mer was directly reached directly into his own arms.

After the words of Chen Mo were so domineering, the smile flashed a shy meaning, and the posture of the two people was very embarrassing. Li Zi snuggled in Chen Mo's arms, which can clearly felt that Chen Siles. temperature.

Chen Mo won the fragrance on the body, and he felt very comfortable.

This is the first time by a man in his arms, a unprecedented feeling swept her heart.

Li Zi's gently looked at Chen Mo's eye, no matter what, she is also a woman, sometimes she also hopes that she can get a man's protection.

At this time, Chen Mo's practice can bring a very safe sense to plums, let Li Zi feel very safe.

"I let you open your hand, your fuck didn't hear it?"

Zhao Ziyi saw that Chen Mo actually took the plum into his arms, the expression on his face seems to be more angry.

"Zhao Ziyi, is my boyfriend? What do we do with you? Don't say it is handle, even if you can't do it in bed!"

Li Zi didn't care so much, and after the words, he passed directly on Chen Mo's face, and then looked very proud to look at Zhao Ziyi.

Obviously, Li Zi's current practice is to intentionally stimulate Zhao Ziyi.

And Li Baishong's expression is helpless, he knows that this thing is that Zhao Ziyi is between Chen Mo, and there is nothing to do with himself. If he participates in this matter, it can not solve it. The two people continue to make up,

And Li Zi's words were completely irritated. Zhao Ziyi. Zhao Ziyi suddenly got his step to go to Chen Mo, bite his teeth and rushed to Chen Mo: "Kid, I don't care what you are, you are best to break up with plums now. Otherwise, you will definitely regret it. If you are sin, I will have any good things in Zhao Ziyi. "

"Don't there be a good end?" Chen Mo smiled very disdainful laugh after listening to this sentence, and it seems that he did not think about Zhao Ziyi.

After listening to Zhao Ziyi, the eyes flashed a worry, his heart was very clear, Chen Mo could not be afraid of Zhao Ziyi, but Li Jia can't be afraid of Zhao Ziyi.

Because even if they have passed the difficulties, Zhao Ziyi has Zhao's family will definitely be difficult for them.

If Zhao Jiazhen Jie Su and other other family of the city deal with them Li Jia, even if Chen Mai helped them solve this problem, then there will be endless problems.

Li Baiqiang took a sigh of relief. He felt that this thing must be treated well. Although he didn't want Li Zi to marry Zhao Ziyi, it was absolutely unable to completely sinful Zhao Zi.

However, Li Baishiang did not know what he could do, this is the most helpless place in Li Baidong.

"Hey, Zhao Ziyi is already very angry, but Chen Mo is still equipped with Li Zi, and it is still a close look. It is not to find it." Li Baqiang couldn't help but sigh, then Smell:

"If I can become a member of the Emperor Club, I don't have to be threatened by Zhao Zi!"

Zhao Jia is so unscrupulous to deal with Lijia, in fact, because Zhao Ziyi is a member of the Emperor Club, he can use the emperor's resource to deal with Lijia.

If Li Baise is also a member of the Emperor Club, it will be simple and large.

Previously, Li Baqiang also applied for many times to join the emperor, but helpless Zhao's family has been striking, so he also plus Li Baishong's qualifications and some are somewhat not enough, so there has not been added to the emperor.

"Kid, do you sure that you don't make your hand?"

Zhao Ziyi asked Chen Mail.

"What can I don't release?"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"I have a kind of child ..."

Zhao Ziyi returned to Chen Mo, then turned to Li Baixiang: "Li, I only give you two options now, the first is to make these two people to break up, I can guarantee that you start today in Suihe City People dare to sin, you, Lijia, and the second choice, let Li Zi will continue to be with this boy, but what happens in the future, I may not be guaranteed ... "

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