I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 598: Zhao Ziyi intended (22nd)

Zhao Ziyi heard the words of Wang Xiaochuan in an instant, hesitated for two seconds, and quickly opened his own hands and looked at Wang Xiaochuan to go outside the villa.

After a while, Wang Xiaochuan disappeared in the sight of everyone.

Zhao Ziyi was in the ground, his eyes did not have God, where he could want to get it, and finally, this thing will make this look.

Li Baiqiang became a member of the emperor's diamond level, and he still had his own father and was inexplicably canceled. Zhao Ziyi really can't understand what is going on!

After all, Zhao's relationship is still very good, and Zhao's contribution to the emperor will be very big. At this time, this is to be canceled, and it is really unknown. Zhao Ziyi may not It would be thought that, an shareholder of the emperor will stand in front of them, all this is just because he has to sin the shareholders of the Emperor Club.

Chen Mai did not look at Zhao Ziyi, who was squatting on the ground, and his face was very helpless. In fact, Chen Mo didn't think about it so unhappy. Just scare Zhao Ziyi.

But Wang Xiaochuan is so happy.

However, Chen Mo felt that it was actually good. If Zhao Ziyi definitely never dare to come over and harass the plum, and it will not come to find yourself.

Li Zi looked at Zhao Ziyi, and then stepped directly to Zhao Ziyi, said: "Zhao Ziyi, don't you want to marry me? Are you not ready to deal with our Li family? Now I fall To see how you plan to deal with Li's! "

At this time, Li Zi is very angry. After all, Zhao Ziyi is a member of the emperor's club, and their Li Jia is nothing, but now I have changed, and Li Baixiang suddenly became a diamond level member of the emperor club, and Zhao Ziyi Then become an ordinary person, so Li Zi no longer has to worry about Zhao Ziyi's retaliation.

Zhao Ziyi heard the sentence of Li Zi, helplessly looked at Li Zi, and he finally understood the truth of stealing chicken and did not erode rice. He not only can't grab the plum from Chen Mo's hands, but also lost it. The identity of your own members, his intestines are soone to repent, if you give Zhao Ziyi's chance, then he said nothing will come back again.

Li Baiqiang also walked into the face of Zhao Ziyi, said that there was no expression: "Zhao Gongzi, you still get rid of it, don't be here, you will not be too angry!"

Even if Li Baqiang, now there is a courage to learn from Zhao Ziyi. Li Baiqiang has changed the change in the attitude towards Zhao Ziyou.

Zhao Ziyi looked up and looked at Li Baixiang, Li Zi, Zhang Wei wants to refute, but he suddenly thought that he was not a member of the emperor's club, and his father is not, Li Baixiang is a member of the emperor's diamond level, if Li Baise If you want to deal with Zhao's family, then Zhao family does not have any strength, so he knows that he can't sin.

"Uncle Li, before I did something too much, I hope you can give me a chance to forgive me ..."

Zhao Ziyi said with a low teeth and said with Li Baixiang.

And Li Baishiang said very disdainful laughs after listening to Zhao Ziyi, I said: "I Li Baqiang is different from you Zhao's family. I don't have you solemn, as long as you are, you will not come to our Lijia. Trouble, our Li Jia will not deal with you Zhaojia ... "

Although Li Baiqiang said so, in fact, Li Baiqiang had already done a plan to deal with Zhao's family. After all, if they now, if they want to deal with Zhao's house, it is still very relaxed, there is a very easy thing. This qualification, he does not have any reasons.

Zhao Ziyi heard the sentence of Li Baqiang. Silly thought that Li Baiqiang was really not going to deal with Zhao family, so quickly shouted: "Thank you Li Uncle Li, thank you, Li Uncle ..."

"Okay, let's go, don't come again, we will harass it, our Li family doesn't welcome you ..."

Li Baiqiang rushed to Zhao Ziyi in his face.

After hearing this sentence, Zhao Ziyi suddenly looked up with Li Baqiang, then biting his teeth: "Li Uncle, I still have something to talk to you ..."

"Do you want to tell me?"

Li Baiqiang heard this sentence, I couldn't help it, then I asked in the tone: "What is it?"

"Uncle Li, I really like it, I also want to be ignorant, I hope I can continue to pursue ..." Zhao Ziyi said whispered.

After Li Baixiang heard this sentence, I couldn't help but laugh, but didn't directly answer this sentence of Zhao Ziyi, but said a little: "This is what your young people, if you don't mind I will not say more ... "

In fact, no matter what people can see that Zhao Ziyi is not really true to plums, he said that there must be other purposes.

Li Zi went to the front of Li Baqiang, Zhao Ziyi, and then glared at Zhao Ziyi, and then squatted: "Zhao Ziyi, I found out why you are so shameless, I have already told How many times have you, I don't like you at all, I will not marry you in my life, I will never want to see you again, do you understand what I mean? "

"Hey, I really like you, I beg you, give me a chance to give me a chance?"

Zhao Ziyi said that he rushed through Li Zi.

In fact, Zhao Ziyi also has his own intentions. He is not to get Li Zi, he is just that today's things are all because of Chen Mo, he is not willing to let Mo.

But he worried that Chen Mo is a boyfriend, if you deal with Chen Mo, Li Jia people may insert this matter, so he will speak this, the purpose is only one, that is, find a reasonable excuse to deal with Chen Mo.

At this time, Zhao Ziyi may not figure out what happened. He also took Chen Mo as an ordinary rich second generation. He felt that he couldn't deal with Li's family, but dealing with Chen Mo is still very simple.

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