I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 688: Yan Xiaoke

"Chen Gongzi, is there anything?"

After Zhao Lei entered the room, he lowered Chen Mail.

"Lei Zhen knows my mobile phone number, and he also knows my voice. If I want to call him, then he must know that it is me, my identity will expose, so you now give Lei Zhenyuan I told him that you kidnapped Yanme, see what he is ... "Chen Mo said in Zhao Lei.

Zhao Lei listened to Chen Mile to nodded directly, and then took out the phone to dialed the phone.

I took out my mobile phone again and dialed the phone of Lei Zhenyuan.


After the phone rang a few times, Lei Zhen went to the phone and asked whispers: "Which one?"

"You don't need to know who I am, Yan Xia is in my hand, if you want him to live, I will prepare 5 million cash soon, wait for you to prepare for money, I will tell you two of our two transaction……"

Zhao Lei whispered.

"How is Yanmei in your hands?"

After Lei Zhenyuan heard the words of Yanme, the tone was obviously excited.

"Yes, now Yanme is in my hand, if you don't believe, I can take a few photos to you!"

Zhao Lei repeatedly.

"Young man, are you crazy? Do you know why Yanme is, you have dare to kidnapped, I see you is not tired!"

Lei Zhenyuan is very angry.

Zhao Lei and Chen Mo have heard the words of Lei Zhenyuan, all of them were in the same place.

If it doesn't, if Chen Mo guess, Lei Zhen far really knows that he knows Yanme, and the tone of Lei Zhenyuan can feel that he seems very angry to this matter, this is enough to prove that Yanme is very important in his heart. .

After heard the words of Lei Zhenyuan, Chen Wei looked at Yanmei and his face was very incredible.

He didn't think that the person who helped himself behind him was really Yanme, and he didn't expect Yanme's strength. It was just a call to Mad. Lei Zhenyuan's big people helped him. .

Although Chen Mo has already known that Yanme is the person who helped him, this will make Chen Mo more curious, what is the color of Yanme? Why have such a big energy?

However, when Chen Mo is still surprisingly in the heart, he suddenly felt that his brain was cold.

Chen Mo stunned, and then quickly turned his head and looked at his body.

Then, I didn't think that Chen Mai didn't think of it. When the Yan Mu was already awake, and at this time, the color of Yanme was holding a pistol, and the cold muzzle was aligned with Chen Mo's head. At this time As long as the Yanmei gently open the trigger, the bullet will pierce Chen Mo's head.

Chen Merdow looked at Yanme, one moment, I didn't know what it should be said, the expression on my face began to become nervous.

And Zhao Lei also stunned in the original place, and said the Baba rushing: "You put the gun down!"

"Put the gun?"

Yan Mei heard Zhao Lei's sentence couldn't help but smile, then rushed to Zhao Lei: "I know your skills, but I advise you not to do it, if you dare to do it, I will directly Kill him! "

Zhao Lei can see that the hands of Yanme's gun is very proficiency, this shows that Yanme is very likely to shoot Chen Mo.

So, he said, he said: "You don't impulse, I won't do it ..."

"That's good……"

Yan Xia smiled, then said softly, said: "Xiao Chen Mo's sister gangs you, you now actually get the enemy to kidnap your sister, you really make me feel good ..."

"When did the teacher wake up?"

Chen Mo's knot is rushing to Yanme.

"I have not coma, I just pretend to be coma, I just want to see who I kidnapped me, I want to do what I do ..."

The Yanmei faintly returned.

Chen Mo listened to the words of Yanme, because he did not think that the original Yanmei did not think that the original Yanmei came to the end, and he had always pretended to be coma. He actually made Yanme me.

After the other end of the phone, after hearing the sound of Yanme, the tone shouted: "Miss Yan, what do you have?"

Because the sound of Lei Zhen is relatively large, Chen Mohan can hear this sentence of Lei Zhenyuan.

Yan Mu lenged his right hand, whispered: "Give me the phone ..."

Zhao Lei hesitated, and then quickly handed his mobile phone to Yanme.

Yan Xia said softly: "Ray, you don't have to worry, kidnapped me is Chen Mo, I have no danger now ..."

The Yanme is very clear. If you don't explain what you do with Lei Zhenyuan, Lei Zhen is very likely to use the military zone to find yourself in the city. At that time, there is no benefit to anything.

"Miss Zhao, do you really have anything?"

Lei Zhenyuan asked tense.

"Don't worry, I am nothing to do ..."

The Yanmei faintly returned.

"It's okay, why do Chen Mima kids you?" Lei Zhenyuan asked some unconnected.

"Can you still because something, just want to know my identity background, just he called you, just try to explore you ..." Yanme whispered.

"So, is I just say anything wrong?"

Lei Zhenyuan seems to have a bit helpless.

"It's not counted, after all, you don't know how this is something ... Ok, I don't tell you, hang it first!"

The color is faint, and then hangs it directly.

After hanging up the phone, Yanme did directly threw the mobile phone in his hand to Zhao Lei, Zhao Lei quickly picked up the phone.

"You go out first, I have some things to talk to Chen Mo ..."

The color of Yanzhao is said to Zhao Lei.

Zhao Lei hesitated this sentence, and his eyes flashed, he worried that Chen Mimer would be dangerous, so he didn't want to leave.

"You can rest assured, I will not hurt Chen Mo's ..."

The Yanme should talk, while reaching your own pistol.

And Zhao Lei looked at Chen Mo at a somewhat, Chen Mo shook his hands in Zhao Lei, in fact, he complicated with this relationship with this Yanme, but it is absolutely not an enemy. If Yanme wants to deal with him, That will not save yourself, so Chen Mo also believes that Yanme will not hurt himself.

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