I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 617: Su Bai debut

The girl who was called the Sofuh was called Xiao Jiru, which is the big sister in these girls. These girls have always heard the words of Xiao Port.

And everyone heard the sentence of Sofisher, and said: "Yeah, Sofi, you must persuade the ice, if you are going to college, play with this poor boy. Even if you don't really come together. If you really get together, they are not a world of people, and finally, it is really getting married, and it will not get happiness ... "

Xiao Jirou looked at the nodded, squinted to Chen Mo's position, and didn't know what to think.

Xiaojiro has graduated from university. I went to work in my father's company. When she was attending college, she also met a boys. The family's family conditions were not very good. Xiaojun was able to be with this boys. It took a long time in the home, and finally, I gave it helpless to marry this boat.

But two people are still married, and they break up because of some problems.

Xiao You finally learned that this boys just want to swindle the trick, and boys have always try to go to bed, but Xiao Jiro has always insisted on waiting until marriage.

After the boy saw Xiao Jirou, he didn't choose to give up, then followed another girl.

Xiao You also was laughed for a long time because of this.

Xiao Jun felt that men were like this, so she is now very hate men.

Of course, Chen Mo at this time still doesn't know that he has been stared by others, and there is still a tend to eat something with white .

On the other hand, the door of Hongrui Hotel.

A black Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle stopped at the door of the hotel, a black jacket, a long-hunting, a burly youth jumped out of the Mercedes-Benz, and then turned to the companions around him: "You determine white peony Is there any ice today? "

"White brother, you are trying with me, I have already called the phone, now there is no problem in the hall, there will be no problem ..."

"Well, let's go in ..."

The youth is lightly nod, then walking directly into the hotel.

Today, the auction will come to someone still, but in fact, it is divided into two circles.

Those people standing in the middle of the lobby are some major people in Nanyang City. These people come over today, they are to expand their own lanchers and find opportunities for cooperation.

Sometimes a big business worth 10 million is even more than a hundred million business, may be finalized in such a banquet.

At the edge of the hall, there is a large group of young people. Most of these young people have followed their parents to participate in the auction, and the purpose is only to see the world.

In the circle of young people, Bai Yiben will naturally be concerned about the attention of Jiang Feifei's two long phases.

The pursuit of so many girls in the scene may not have a pursuit of the pursuit of Baiye Bing and Jiang Feifei.

So when those young people saw that Bai Yingqi and Jiang Feifei were around Chen Mo's side, all revealed the doubt of expression, because they really don't understand what kind of this thing, I can't let two big women can simultaneously Are turning around him.

"What is the kid?"

"I don't know, I have never seen it, it should be not a local city of Nanyang!"

"It is definitely not our Nanyang native. If you are a native of Nanyang, I am absolutely seen, but I see this kid and white seems to be close, can you be a boyfriend of white ?"

Everyone started to discuss it again.

But there is also a part of the person who can recognize Chen Mo. After all, Chen Mo's college students in Nanyang University. Today, Nanyang University, Nanyang University, is also very much.

"That kid is a student of our Nanyang University, I heard that the conditions in the family are very difficult ..."

One of the boys said whispered.

"Big Brother, you just have a joke, if you really have difficulty, how can white ?"

The people around the boys quickly refuted a sentence.

"I don't know why Bai Yibing will look at him, but in the past few days, in our school's welcome party, Bai Yibing actually held him in the face of everyone ..."

At this time, a young man wearing glasses seems to be a little envious.

"What are you talking about, is it true or false?"

"This kind of joke can not say anything ..."

"Of course I said is true. How can I open this joke? If you don't believe, go to our school to inquire, but all people who participate in the new party know this thing ..."

"My God, white won't be crazy?"

"How can she like this kind of person? Although the boy is still OK, but it seems not to have money, the clothes wearing clothes are just some ordinary clothes ..."

"I didn't expect that our white gods goddess were turned away by this kid, this kid is not small ..."

At this time, many white peak pursuits were very angry after I knew that Bai Ying and Chen Mo were together.

After all, they pursue white pears for so long, but they have never been successful, but at this time, they have been taken by a poor child who doesn't know where to come out, then they are definitely very unwilling!

"Oh, you don't have to worry, if you let Su Bai know how white

One of the young people laughed.

"Yeah, but unfortunately today, Su Bai is not here. If Su Bai is here, then this is interesting ..."

Others seem to have a little unfortunately.

Su Bai said in the premium is actually the Su Bai, which is Meng Liang, reminded Chen Mo, and this Su Bai is also the relationship between Sujia, Su Bai, and the relationship between Sujia, and doing things very arrogant.

It is said that Su Bai interrupted a boys who often wrapped in white , and this kid did not appear from then, and even some people said that Su Bai has killed the kid.

After this thing is open in this circle, it is necessary to have a lot of people like white penetration, and there is no courage to compete with Su Bai.

Because their hearts are clear, they have sinned Su Bai, which is simply a dead road!

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