I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 624: Who let him go out?

Anyway, Wei Chen is also very identical background in Nanyang City. Many people have known Wei Chen, so they all think that Wei Chen will not lying because of these small things.

In the eyes of these people, Chen Mo is not worth lying on Wei Chen.

The expression on Jiang Feifei is very doubt. She really can't understand Chen Mo's place to be guilty. Wei Chen, why is Wei Chen standing at this time.

Of course, Jiang Feifei does not blame the idea of ​​Wei Chen, after all, is also the truth, and if Chen Mo wants to be lying, don't there are so many things?

Jiang Feifei looked at Chen Mo's eyes. Jiang Feifei at this time is also love. I can't help but lame in my heart: "Today, this matter is given to you, let you know that you can know The gap, you just don't match her, even if you have ambition, but that kind of thing can't eat, it is not as simple as it is ... "

At this time, Jiang Feifei's heart is also disappointed with Chen Mo, she or even some regrets should not help Chen Mo's talk. I know that Mo's thief is too shameful.

"Since Wei Gongzi has said this, then don't ask ..."

The supervisor shouted, and then shouted directly to the security guard after his own: "What do you still do here? Not soon, this kid gave me?"


More than a dozen security guards rushed to Chen Mo's side by hearing this sentence.

"Even our Hongrui Hotel dared to steal it in. This is absolutely can't be so much, grab this kid to the security room, then the police let the police handle this kid, see why this child is sneaked Run in ... "

The supervisor shouted with his head and shouted.

Everyone used this sentence to heard the director of the king to look at Chen Mo, they knew that Mo will definitely be very poor today.

And there is no one dare to stand out to help Chen Mo's feelings!

No way, the lineup opposite Chen Mo is a bit too horrible.

Su Bai na did not have to say it. At this time, he added a Wei Chen, and there is also Hongrui Hotel. Who dares to provoke this background?

Is this not looking for death?

Yang Manqi looked at Chen Mo and his face was very proud.

Jiang Feifei looked at Chen Mo in the eyes of the eyes of the eyes, at this time, it was a look at the lively.

White is a hurry, the expression is very helpless, I don't know what to do.

Su Bai saw his own purpose has reached, reached out and fell the glass of wine, and the expression was very excited to drink red wine.

Just because of his words, it is easy to put Chen Mai in his own feet. This kind of person is not qualified to compete with him, so the expression on Su Bai is very disdain.

As for those friends of Bai Yiben, Xiao Port is very helpless, but there is no way to stand up, because they feel that this matter is a good thing for Bai Yiben, which can make white peony. Ice clearly knows that Chen Mo's gap between her, in their eyes, Chen Mo is inappropriate with white itself, even if there is no good result.

"Just through today, I will fight the ice thoughts ..."

Xiao Lu couldn't help but sigh.

After the white hesitated, quickly ran to the front of the Wang Director, and then pleaded the king's supervisor to let Mo.

But in the face of so many evidence, the Director of the Wang will not let Mo, and he doesn't know white peaks, and it will never give Baiyin.

"Ok, don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

The supervisor of the king shouted.


At this time, Su Bai was shouting.

The director of the king turned his head and saw Su Bai, smiled and asked: "Su Geong, what else do you have?"

"I have a few words to say to this kid ..."

Su Bai has no expression.

"Line, Su Geong, what do you have, even if you say ..."

The supervisor has nodded gently.

And Bai Yiben saw that the king of the king was so hesitated, he hesitated, and quickly ran to Su Bai, and his expression was very excited to rush to Su Bai: "Su Bai, ask you, let Mo OK?"

"Ice, this is my relationship with Chen Mo, there is no relationship with you, you don't have a lot of you, you are lie to me by this kid, I don't have your gas ..."

Su Bai said.


White ....

"Nothing, I have to have this kid, and I will definitely fight!"

Su Bai side had a flashback, and then walked directly to Chen Mo, and bowed to Chen Mo's eyes, and the expression on his face was very disdain.

"Kid, I just told you, you are not a world of people, now you know the gap between our two?"

Su Bai looked at Chen Mail.


Chen Mo looked at Su Bai and did not speak.

"I will let you go out any sentence now, and what do you have? How can you tell me!"

Su Bai saw Chen Mo did not speak, continue to shout.

"Let's go out soon!"

"Yeah, hurry to let him go out, let's stay here?"

"Roll out!"

"Roll out!"

After all the people heard Su Bai, she started yelling.

These people are going to joith in the morning.

Chen Mima is standing in the same place, and the expression on his face is very calm. I don't know what I think in my heart.

In the eyes of other people, Chen Mo's reaction is obviously that it has already been recognized, and I don't dare to talk.

Wei Chen Xu Feng and others have exposed a smile, they did not think that Chen Mo would be so easy.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry to take this kid away!"

The supervisor is impatient in impatient.

After heard these words, all the positions of Chen Mo were rushed over.

"Who just let Chen Mo go out!"

But at this time, a cold voice rang in the crowd.

After heard this sentence, everyone was in the original place, and the expression on his face was very puzzled.

"Da da da!"

A crisp high heels tap the sound of the ground, and the crowd is like a tide.

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