I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 630: The last baby

"I don't know how to describe you, anyway, it is very magical. Some treasures can be cured. Some treasures can be born, and some treasures can make people feel dead, and The treasure can make people pass the time and space, anyway is very amazing ... "

Su Hao smiled in Chen Mimi.

"Bao Guan Bai disease, naturality, long life is not dead, cross time and space?"

Chen Mo listened to these words that Su Hai said, in an instant, in the original place, the expression on his face is very speechless, because he thinks that these things say that Sushu said that only things will appear in the TV series.

"How? Do you not believe?"

Su M huyou rushed to Chen Mail with the big eyes of the water.

"No no……"

Chen Mo shook his head and shook his head, then smiled and asked: "Do you have seen this magical treasure you said?"

"never seen it……"

Si Mi shook his head lightly.

Chen Mo looked very speechless on the face of Su Hai, said with his mouth: "You have never seen it, what are you talking about here?"

"What is the magical treasure will there be?"

Su Mi seems to have a little embarrassing.

"That is still, I don't believe these words you said ..."

Chen Mo bowed and continued to play with the mobile phone and chatted with Sup.

A few minutes later, the Qinghua flower bottle in the Tang Dynasty was auctioned by a middle-aged person with a thousand people prices.

Chen Mimei watched the middle-aged person, the expression on his face was very speechless, and the heart was secretly sigh. It was really a silly money. I bought a vase.

A blink of an eye, it will be in the past for more than half a hour.

Almost auction has come out to have nearly more than ten antiques, and these antiques' prices are not cheap, and they will take a hundred million.

Chen Mer is waiting for auction while playing with a mobile phone.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this time, Sommented mobile phone suddenly rang.

Su Mi lowered his mobile phone, and found that Su Hongxiao hit the phone.

Si Mi looked at the words of the grandfather on the mobile phone. After hesitating, the twist said softly, said: "Chen Mo, I will pick up the phone ..."

"go Go……"

Chen Mo is lightly putting a hand.

Su Mi took the phone directly to the auction.

After a moment, Sue Mai walked out of the hall, then pressed the button, whispered: "Grandpa, what is it?"

"Chen Gongzi went to the auction?"

Su Hongxiao asked whisper.


Sus honey said helplessly replied.

"Is there anything else? If Chen Gongzi is interested in something, you have to help Chen Gongzi auctions and then give Chen Gongzi, even for your birthday party to give Chen Gongzi. Did you know? "

Su Hongxiao slowly said.

"Grandpa, Chen Mo seems to be not interested in something!"

Sus honey has no choice but to return.

"Chen Gongzi is not interested, you can't take the initiative? Anyway, Chen Gongzi will spend money. If you give Chen Gongzi, if Chen Gongzi is not interested in something, then find a suitable treasure auction. Give Chen Gongzi, do you understand what I mean? "

Su Hongxiao said whispered.

"Can you be?"

Su Hai stunned and asked softly.

"Yes, you can, the price is best for everyone ..."

Su Hongxians replied.

"OK, then I know!"

Si Money nodded and continued: "Do you have anything else?"

"No, you must entertain Chen Gongzi, know?" Su Hongxiao seems to be a little unsure.

"Oh, Grandpa will be assured, I will definitely take him ..."

Sus honey said helplessly returned, and then hanged the phone directly and turned to the auction hall.

After a moment, Sue Mi returned to Chen Mo.

And Su Mi found that Chen Mo did not play mobile phones at this time, but the expression of the stage was serious.

"Chen Mo, what do you see?"

Su Hai stunned, and he asked Chen Mail.

"You look at things in the host hand ..."

Chen Merlimged his finger and said the position of the stage and smiled.

Su Hai stunned, then looked up at the host, at this time, the host's hand held a red jade.

Si Mai saw this jade, I couldn't help but stunned, and my eyes flashed. Because this jade looks very ordinary, there is nothing special place, she wants to understand why this jade can attract Chen Mo's attention.

"What is this jade?"

Sus honey relieves Chen Mail.

"This jade is nothing special, but I don't know why so many people are competing this Jade, do you know how much this Yur is shouted?"

Chen Mo said with Susong.

"how much is it?"

Su Hai asked softly.

"thirty million!"

Chen Mo replied.


After Si Mai heard this sentence, the eyes flashed in the eyes, she seems to have some people who don't understand why this jade will have so many people!

"Just a common jade is actually able to be so high, this shows that this jade is certainly not simple. Do you say that this jade will be what the magical treasure you said?"

Chen Mo said asked in Su M huh.

"The treasure I said is just that the legend will only appear, how can you get it so easy?"

Sus honey said helplessly returned to Chen Mo, then stunned, and asked Chen Mail: "You are very interested in this jade!"

"It's also not particularly interested, I am curious why this kind of jade will have so many people want!"

Chen Mo said faint.

Just like Chen Mo, this will be a trip, this jade price has been shouted for $ 3,500!

"Dear, this jade is the last baby of our auction. If you are interested in this jade, then you will take your hand, if you miss it, you may have no chance in the future!"

At this time, the host smiled and shouted.

Si Mi couldn't help but kneel it after hearing this sentence.

"The last baby?"

Sus honey flashed in a surprised, suddenly remembered that Su Hongxiao said his words, so I didn't want to reach it directly: "40 million!"

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