I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 638: Explanation is not clear

The people in the hall took their attention to Xiao Yun's body, because this Xiaoyun home is itself a jade business, his grandfather is relying on gambling, so this Xiaoyun is also very The study, Xiaoyun is jade identification in college.

White was originally not to give Yu Pei to Xiaoyun, because she worried that Xiaoli really saw anything, Chen Mo will definitely be very embarrassed.

At this time, the white peaks have never thought about this jade is true. After all, Bai Yibing is still very understandable for Chen Mo's situation. She feels that Chen Mo should have money to buy a real jade to give himself.

After a few minutes, Xiao Yun slowly put down the jade in his hand, then twisted his eyes and looked at Wei Chen, rushing to Wei Chen, showing a smile.

The reason why Xiao Yun is actively helped to help white identified this jade, in fact, all Wei Chen means.

Because Wei Chen wants to see what level is this potential enemy, if this jade price does not expect, then Chen Mo is not only to know Su M hu, Chen Mo has other identity, but if this jade If it is fake, then the outside world should be all true for Chen Mo's rumors. After all, Chen Mo wants to have money, naturally, it will not send cheap things to white .

"Xiao Yun, is this jade?"

At this time, Jiang Feifei looked at Xiao Yun asked.

Xiao Yun smiled and smiled. He said that Jiang Feifei said: "This kind of thing is no true and false ..."

"What does it mean by doing true and false?"

The white peony ice god flashed a doubt, and I asked very much.

"There is nothing to say, it is very simple, because this thing is not Yu Pei at all, just some imitation jade ..." The small cloud did not express his expression.

Everyone was in the original place after hearing this sentence, and the expression on his face was very shocked.

"What does imitation jade mean?"

Bai Yu ice was asked with a big eyes.

"Imitation jade is a human jade, usually uses glass or ceramics, it is imitation of jade. If the foreman is visible, it should not see the difference, but if it is our professional look, look at it I can see what is going on, it is like an antique fake ... "

Xiao Yun looked at everyone whispered.


Yang Manqi heard this sentence, showing a very proud smile, this is the result of Yang Manqi wants to see.

"That is said that this jade is a false right?"

"Well, you can also understand this, after all, this kind of jade is not true jade, but a copy of the imitation, it is used to make people who don't understand jade ..." The small cloud did not express the expression.

After listening to this sentence of Xiaoyun, everyone was in the original place, and the expression on his face was very incredible, because they didn't think that Chen Mo sent to Baiyanzi's jade is actually a high imitation.

"How much is this imitation jade?"

Yang Mangqi asked with a smile.

"Imitation jade This thing is basically no value if you are on the street, you can buy a one or two hundred dollars to buy more times more ..."

Xiaoyu took the white .

"Is it a fake?"

Everyone in understanding the words of Xiaoyun, all revealed the eyes of the shocked expression on the face.

Chen Mo also stunned in the original place, and the eyes flashed in the eyes. After all, Chen Mo didn't know how this jade is.

At this time, Xiao Yun said that there is something that I don't know what to argue.

"Chen Mo is really shameless, actually gives something to others ..."

"I didn't expect Chen Mile, you are actually this kind of person, just bought a false jade to send people, are you too damaged?"

"Yeah, if you don't have money, you can don't have money. Buy a fake jade to send it to others. What is going on, your kind of person is really disgusting, I have never seen any disgusting people than you!"

Everyone knows that Chen Mo sent to Bai Yiben is fake, and after the future, they will start to stand out to accuse Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's expression is helpless, and the tone is a little pale explanation: "This jade is also given to me, I don't know if it is fake ..."

"What others give you, I see you is here to install the big tail wolf, I spent a few hundred dollars in the roadside casually bought a fake jade, then I want to make us ..."

Yang Manqi naturally won't let such a good opportunity, staring at the big eyes of Water, shouting.

"Since there is no money, don't be installed. Now I am unveiled, don't you feel lost?"

Jiang Feifei rushed to Chen Mima with his shoulders.

In an instant, it seems that everyone stands out to accuse Chen Mo.

In the eyes of these people, Chen Mo is just a big liar!

"Oh, what are you doing? This is a gift for me, I don't say anything, what are you doing here?"

Bai Yanbi is really a bit can't see it, and the brow shouted.

"Ice, you are now still talking to this Chen Mo, this Chen Mo is doing what is!" Yang Manqi shouted his mouth.

"What happened? Even if this jade is fake, how can I do, I just didn't say that Chen Mile brother said that this jade is really, this is just that he gave me a birthday gift, no matter what birthday gift It's all my mind, you don't have this look ... "

Bai Yan ice glared at the big eyes of Water, shouted.

After listening to this sentence, everyone turned his head to look at white , they didn't think of this time, Bai Yibing actually helped Chen Mo's speech.

Only Xiao Fu is a person, and it is a whisper because she has now known Chen Mo's identity.

She felt that according to Chen Mo's price, even if it is a Qiyu to him, what should be counted, Chen Mo is completely unnecessary to buy a fake jade to send it to Baiyi Bing!

"Xiaoyun, are you looking at it?"

After Xiao Yun hesitated, he asked softly.

And Xiao Yun turned his eyes and looked at Xiaojun, whispered: "Soft sister, you also know that I have always been learning to identify jade jade with my grandfather, how can I see it? Yu Pei is unclear with imitation jade, then I am not white to learn so many years ... "


Xiao Yun said that she had to talk, but she had no way to say Chen Mo's identity in the face of so many people.

If you don't talk about Chen Mo's identity, then this matter is unclear.

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