Bai Zhennheng and Li Jincheng took out one of the existence of Wei Zhen, Li Jincheng only handed over in Nanyang City, even in Jiangnan Province, there are no few people can compile with Li Jincheng, and even some people say that Li Juncheng is already Jiangnan. The rush of the province, the energy is definitely not the average person to be imagined.

And Bai Zhennan is not more to say, is the old year of Malaysia's largest trading company, the value has already exceeded billion!

These two people are all working for others, then they have two bodies behind them!

"I am with Li Jincheng, in fact, in order to work for the old chairman, if there is no old chairman, there is no today's today, in the eyes of many people, I am with Li Jun Cheng's enemy, but in fact, I am indeed, I am indeed with Li Jun. There are some competitive relationships. After all, we have two people around the old chairman, plus the character of our two characters, it is inevitable that there will be some contradictions and friction ... "

Bai Zhennan smiled and said.

After listening to this sentence of Bai Zhennan, everyone fell into the shock, everyone looked at Bai Zhennan, which is obvious that they are very interested in these Bai Zhennan and Li Jincheng.

"At that time, the old chairman naturally saw that I was in a state of water and fire, so he thought of a discounted approach, that is, two of our own business, half a year, who is the company's benefits Ok, who will continue to stay in Nanyang City, whoever is lost, leaving other places ... "

Bai Zhennan stopped, then smiled and said: "You should also know it. I lost to Li Jincheng, then left Nanyang City, after leaving Nanyang City, the old chairman gave me a lot of money. , Then introduced some people, I have a little business trading company in Malaysia, so I have today ... "

"But how can I not listen to this thing before my father?"

White peony asked in Bai Zhennan.

"I have always felt that I have been lost to Li Jincheng, so I have never mentioned this thing with others, but now I am very old with Li Jincheng, and some things I have also seen, the old Director It is also for us to do it. I will definitely get more and more, and the contradictions will definitely be more and more, after all, we have two words, then we have two It may have a good development, I am now understanding the hard work of the old chairman ... "

"So this is ah!"

Everyone suddenly realized that after listening to Bai Zhennan, I suddenly realized that I realized what happened.

"Uncle Bai, who is the boss behind you? It is so powerful ..."

Su Bai is also very interested in people after Bai Zhen, and asked softly.

"I have a boss of Li Jincheng is Wang Cheng. Now the old chairman has passed, and the new chairman should be a person named Chen Gongzi, but about Chen Gongzi's specific news, I am not very clear, after all, I just returned to China ... "

Bai Zhennan suddenly said.

"Chen Gongzi?"

Everyone couldn't help but kneel it after hearing this sentence in Bai Zhennan. It seems that no one knows this Chen Gongzi.

Yang Manqi turned his head to see Chen Mo, said with a small mouth: "Chen Mo's surname Chen, the Chen Gongzi will not be Chen Mo?"

"Hahaha ..."

After hearing this sentence, all of the words of Yang Manqi, all laughed.

Obviously, these people know that Yang Manqi is joking with Chen Mo!

There are so many people present, only white .

White Zhennan also looked at Chen Mo and then continued: "What do you have you heard of this person?"

"I heard that it is a hand of the underground world in Nanyang City, the strength is very horrible ..."

Wei Chen quickly said.

"Du Tianhao has Li Juncheng like me, all of this Chen Gongzi ..."

Bai Zhennan suddenly said.

"My God, what is this Chen Gongzi ..." Everyone turned into a breath.

It is possible to let Bai Zhennan Li Juncheng Du Tianhao's three people give him work, indicating that the strength of Chen Gongzi is terrible?

These people are now just thinking about it!

"I don't know how big this Chen Gongzi. If you are not much more than I am more than me, if I can marry this Chen Gongzi, I have such a big matter, so there is such a big life, I don't have to worry about the money ... ... "Yang Man Qi said with a flower.

"If this is not allowed here, Chen Gongzi is an old man, and isn't you already have a boyfriend now?" Jiang Feifei said slightly helplessly.

"My boyfriend, if someone can have half of Chen Gongzi, I am dead, but unfortunately, he is just an ordinary rich second generation. It is a day in the sky than people Chen Gongzi ..."

Yang Manqi said faint.

Jiang Feifei heard the words after hearing this sentence, there is no more saying.

Everyone has begun to discuss Chen Gongzi's things. Only Xiao Jiro has always been soft to Chen Mo, and the heart is secretly lamented: "You are a fool, people Chen Gongzi sits around you, you don't actually know……"

At this time, Xiao Siro has made up his mind, that is, no matter how it is not enough to put Chen Mo's identity, the more people know, it will be unfavorable for yourself.

Now who don't know what Chen Mo is, it is a good opportunity for Xiao Jirui.

Thinking of this, Xiao Jun said that Chen Mo's eyes were more eager to take the initiative, and even took the initiative to give Chen Mo's two dishes.

If he is the previous Chen Mo, he faced Xiaojun's attentive may not know what it was, but now Chen Mo is also a few women. It is also very familiar with the woman's mind. He understands what Xiao Jiro means, but Chen Mo. There is no idea for Xiao Port.

Don't say that Xiao Yilou, it is also the same.

After more than an hour, everyone had finished eating, and then started playing games in the living room.

The mother of Bai Yibing tried a look at Bai Zhennan, and then two people went to the building.

"what's happenin?"

After the upper floor, Bai Zhennan asked Wang Xia asked Wang Xia.

"Old white, have you seen the kid called Chen Mo?"

Wang Xia frowned and asked.

"See it, what happened?"

Bai Zhennan asked softly.

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