Bai Yibing and Wang Xia have heard that the words of Bai Zhennan, all are in the original place, the expression on the face is very incredible.

Because two of them just think this kind of jade is just a imitation jade, it should be worthless of money, but at this time, in the mouth of Bai Zhennan, it turned out to be a price of the devil's eyes.

"Old white, what do you mean say this is very valuable?"

After Wang Xia hesitated, he rushed to Bai Zhennan.

"Well, if I don't look at it, the price of this jade is definitely very expensive. After all, the devil's eyes are the unique red jade in the world. This jade is part of the eyes of the devil. Although the price is not as good as the devil's eyes themselves. So horror, but it is definitely not ordinary people to afford it ... "

Bai Zhen southern said there is no expression.

"Old white, you still don't joking here, Chen Mo is a poor child, how can I give ice ice so expensive gift?"

Wang Xia said that there seems to be a little confused.

"Yeah, Chen Mile should not have so much money!"

Bai Yibing also followed.

"I think it is definitely your father 's eyes, this is a piece of imitation jade. It is not a devil's eye. If it is really a devil's eye, then the ice of ice is laughing at Chen Mo, why did Chen Mo did not respond, There is no standing back to refute ... "

Wang Xia saw the things that happened in the living room, and the tone was very affirmative.

"Well, after all, my father has not seen the eyes of the devil, and it is very normal to see the eye!" Bai Yibing nodded very seriously.

However, Bai Zhennan didn't think I didn't think I took the eye, and I said that I didn't say any expression: "I have seen the ring of the devil's eyes, I am absolutely impossible ..."

"But Dad, I clear Chen Mo, he really didn't have so much money to buy such a valuable gift to me ..."

Bai Yiben hesitated, whispered.

"Now Chen Mo's money, no money to buy this jade problem, but we have to figure out how this jade is, is it a true devil's eyes!"

White Zhennan talked together his mobile phone and then continued: "I met a very famous jade appraisal expert in Nanyang City. I now let him come over and identify ..."

"Yes, find someone to identify!"

Wang Xia was busy nod. At this time, she did not believe in Chen Mo's .. .............. . . ... .

How can there be so much money in a Pudong's poor child?

After Bai Zhennan hesitated, pick up the phone directly and dialed a call, and then simply told the purpose of calling his own call.

Because of the relationship between Bai Zhennan identity, the other party naturally dare not refuse.

After almost half an hour, a five or ten old people came to the home of Bai Yibing.

Bai Zhennan went up and went up after seeing the old man, then loudly rushed: "Zhang Lao, so late, let you come over, it is too embarrassing ..."

"Nothing, white boss, I don't have anything at home, just out to stroll ..."

Zhang Lao said back.

"Old, please hurry!"

Bai Zhennan took a pose for Zhang Lao.

Zhang Lao said to the front of the white pears, and then followed by white peony ice.

"Old, I just want you to help you see this jade is not a devil's eyes!"

Bai Zhennan picked up Chen Mo sent to Bai Yiben, very respectful to Zhang Lao's face.

Zhang Lao is a very famous jewelry appraiser in Nanyang City. It is also very studied in the identification of jewelry, so he speaks very credibility. If you even say this, this jade is a true devil. Eyes, there is no problem.

But if Zhang Lao also felt fake, that 100% is definitely fake!

After Zhang Lao took the jade, he was very serious, and then turned directly to Bai Zhennan: "The white is always, this jade is the true devil's eyes ..."

"I will identify it so soon?"

Wang Xia had flashing in the eyes of Zhang Lao's words.

After all, in their eyes, this kind of thing is generally taken for a long time. However, at this time, Zhang Lao actually determined that this jade is the eyes of the devil, which is really a little incredible.


Zhang Lao faced Wang Xia's questioning, turned his eyes and looked at Wang Xia, and then said: "White lady, this is like this, I have already identified it once, so I am very able to determine this jade now. It is the eyes of the devil ... "

"Have you identified once?"

After listening to this sentence, everyone fell into the shock, and the face was very incredible.

"Old, you have just said that you have identified this jade?" Bai Zhennan and asked Zhang Lao.

"Yes, there is a few days ago, there is a Hongrui Hotel, because this Yusi specially came to find me once, let me identify this piece of Jade, I was identified by a lot of gem experts, and determined that this jade is Devil's eyes ... "

Zhang is very confident.

Everyone heard the words of Zhang Lao, and the original Jade Jade who sent Chen Mo's white is indeed worthy of the devil of the city.

But what people think about is that since this jade is Hongrui Hotel, why does it appear in Chen Mo's hands?

Is Chen Mo stolen from Hongrui Hotel?

Bai Zhennan's eyes flashed a different, then loudly rushed to Zhang Lao: "Zhang Lao, then you don't know who is the owner of this jade?"

"I heard that this Jade is auctioned by Miss Su, but she is auced by 50 million prices, but I don't know why there is a white boss, your hand ..."

Zhang was faint.

Bai Zhennan heard this sentence of Zhang Lao, can't help but take a sigh of relief, at this time, he has determined that this jade is stolen from Miss Su.

But he didn't say something too clear at this time, but he opened the top of Zhang Lao Han, and the past should be paid.

After almost half an hour, Bai Zhennan sent Zhang Lao out of the villa, and then her face returned to home.

At this time, whether it is Bai Zhennan or Wang Xia, the expression on the face is unusual, because both of them feel that this jade is definitely stolen from the hands of others.

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