If Li Taibai is really a martial artist, then Li Taibai is very powerful, and he has already played for so long, but he felt that he still got a little, if it would let Li Taibai teach him One trip is half-style, he should have no problem with the ordinary person.

After Li Taibai heard Chen Mo's words, he turned his eyes and looked at Chen Mo. He said that he said: "I said, when did you defeat great, when can I receive you ..."

"Old man, why are you so small, I can't learn anything now, with a silly monkey fight every day, and that monkey's strength is still so big, how can I get to defeat? You want to give me a trick , Can I defeat? "

Chen Miman shouted with Li Taibai helplessly.

"So I said you are quite bad ..."

Li Taibai faintly returned to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo suffered a breath, said that the tone said: "What is the one, you will teach me two tricks now, I promise to defeat vigorously ..."

"Before I received you, I won't give you anything!"

Li Taibai said calm.

"Don't I teach me if I don't charge?"

Chen Mo has some excited asked.

"Yes, I have always had a very principle ..."

Li Taibai nodded.

"I have 20 million, can you teach me two strokes?"

Chen Mer asked to teeth.

"I have just told you very clearly. I have principled this person ..."

Li Taibai said faintly.

"30 million, can you give up your principles?"

Chen Mo shouted very distressed.

"No ..."

Li Taibai looked at Chen Mail shook his head again.

"Okay, I don't talk nonsense with you, 50 million yuan price, if you still don't agree, I will go!"

Chen Miman is very excited.


Li Taibai saw Chen Mozhen to go, smiled and shouted.


Chen Mo looked at the expression of the expression on the face of Li Taibai, he didn't expect this old man even being extortion.

And Li Taihu slowly stood up, then went to the front of the bookshelf, just took a book and threw it into Chen Mo's hand, then smiled and said: "This is a boxing, you will follow the boxing method above. As long as you can learn a one-two tricks, it is not a problem with the ordinary people. If you can learn the three tricks, the ordinary junior warrior is not your opponent ... "

"you sure?"

Chen Mo will read the letter of his hand, and the expression on his face is very confused.

Because this book just now placed on the bookshelf, it is not like a martial arts cheat, as for those words that Li Taibai said, Chen Mo did not believe it.

Just practicing a one-two tricks can be dealing with the martial arts, you must know that Zhao Lei's hand Chen Mo is still very clear, Chen Mo feels that he is twelve thousands of miles with Zhao Lei, which is definitely not a boxing method to make up.

"This boxing method is the boxing method I practice when I just exposed to the martial art. The power is very amazing. I don't know how much you can understand. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me ..."

Li Taibai rushed to Chen Mo.

"The old man, I will tell you first, I will practice this boxing method but there is nothing to grow, I don't give you money!"

Chen Miman shouted in Li Taibai.

"You will practice first ..."

Li Taibai seems to have a little impatient.

"Do you have any space?"

Chen Mo looked at Li Shi Bai asked.

"What do you want to do?"

Li Dai Bai stunned.

"I spent so much in you, what happened to I found a place to live? And if I encounter anything I don't understand, I also make you convenient to ask you!"

Chen Mo said helplessly.

Li Taibai looked at Chen Mo, and the eyes flashed a surprise, because he did not think that Chen Mo was so hard, this is indeed that Li Taibai did not expect.

And Chen Mo actually really wants to learn something from Li Tai Bai, not to be a martial artist, the minimum is that the ability to escape when you want to kill yourself.

"The East House should be empty, if you don't discard it, you can live in Dongwang ..."

Li Taibai hesitated, and said softly to Chen Mo.


Chen Mer is light and nod, then turned directly to the position of the East House.

After pushing the door of Dongwa, Chen Mo is dumbfounded, because the environment in the East House is really a bit too scary, it is unattractive to describe that it is not too much.

"This old man is scams so much money from my hands, I can't find a nanny to pack the home. Does he want to do so much?"

Chen Mo looked at the dusty room, and Chen Mo was very helpless, then launched a category with a category, and smashed the room simple.

Fortunately, Chen Mo lived in the room environment is not very good. This is a normal rich second generation, and there is no way to endure the environment here.

After packing up the room, Chen Mo took out the boxing of Li Taibai to give him a boxing, lying on the bed.

"Xuan Tian Zhenwu?"

After Chen Mo saw the name of the boxing, Chen Mo couldn't help but stunned, and the eyes flapped.

"The name is quite domineering, I don't know if it is bad ..."

Chen Mo sighed and then started to study.


A blink of work, a week of time passed.

During this week, Chen Mimo went to school to school. After school, he will come to Li Tai Bai's home with strong fight. Although Chen Mo is still in the same way, Chen Mo can feel his strength and reflect the speed. It's a lot, this should be a strong sense of credit.

After he was finished, Chen Mai fell in the room in the room to study the boxing method of Li Taibai gave him.

Chen Mo's qualifications are indeed a bit worse. After all, he did not have exposed to Wu Dao. Now he suddenly learned that these things are inevitable.

For a whole week, Chen Mo also only learned the first three strokes of the boxing.

This is still under Li Taibai's point to learn, if you really have the trick to study, it is estimated that even the first trick does not understand.

But let Chen Mo feel desperate, this set of boxing has a total of thirty-six strokes!

Chen Mo felt that he would be able to fully learn ten years.

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