After listening to this sentence of Chen Mo, Ma Churi flashed a different, after all, he was kind to borrowing money to Chen Mo, and Chen Mo did so don't know so.

"I am not very rich, but it is definitely more money than you!"

After Ma Chi hesitated, he lowered Chen Mo.

But it can be seen that there is a bit of ugly in the face of Ma Chi.


Chen Mo called his head and looked at Ma Chi and didn't speak.

And Ma Chi saw that Chen Mo did not speak, there was no continuing to take care of Chen Mo, but he said in Zhou Yue: "Beauty, or so, I will lend you 20,000, I will win, I will give it to me. If you lose, I don't want you to see this money? "

Obviously Ma Chi gives Zhou Yue's condition or very attractive, after all, if you lose, you don't have to take risks.

Zhou Yue was obviously a bit amazing, but she saw Chen Mo's not too like a Ma Chi, so he hesitated, or shook his head and looked at Ma Chi. "No ..."

Ma Chi saw that the expression on Yue Yue is faint, and there is no more to say anything.

A few minutes later, the competition finally started, and the two men who were nearly one meter and eight were embarrassed.

These two people, one of which is a professional Taekwondo athlete, and one is an ordinary person, but the body is very healthy.

And Wang Hongli bet is the ordinary person, but most of the audience will choose to bet on the taekwondo drive, after all, in the eyes of those people, the Taekwonding athletes are professionally trained, and they must be more popular than the wilderness. Powerful.

The two people are very exciting. When they have exhausted the whole body, and the taekwondo driven is obviously on the wind, and the audience will have a call from time to time.

Although Ma Chi has always been very late, it is still a bit nervous after seeing the ordinary person to lose.

On the one hand, Ma Chi is worried about his own money, and there is another aspect is worried. If Wang Hongli is wrong this time, then he will not have a face.

"Wang Ge, that person will not lose?"

Ma Chi hesitated and rushed to Wang Hongli.

"will not……"

Wang Hongli didn't want to swite directly, and the expression on his face was very calm, and it was also very confident.

Ma Chi saw that Wang Hongli's face was so confident, there was no more to say more.

After almost a few minutes, the ordinary person who was in a backward behind began to counterattack, and only three punches directly put the professional Taekwondo drive.

Ma Chi saw that he won himself, it was very excited about the expression on his face.

The expression on others is very happy, after all, they have won.

Starting with the second ratio, everyone has begun to bet, and this time they choose to believe in Wang Hongli to bet.

One player debut, the game is getting more exciting, many expression of the expression on the face.

The mood of the winning audience is natural and very happy, and the money is already red, it is poor, and it is poor.

"Wang Ge, you are too powerful? Let's win!"

The Ma Chi expression was very excited to shouting Wang Hongli.

"I am good today ..."

Wang Hongli is obviously more low-key than Ma Chi and others.

Anyway, Wang Hongli is a professional Sanda athlete. At this time, he can still see some doorways, although it can't be said to be a hundred hundred, but the chance of winning is still very big.

This time, only five games, Wang Hongli guess four games.

And Ma Chi and Xu Wei's friends followed this Wang Hongli and won a lot of money. Everyone looked at Wang Hongli also had a very large change.

Even if Zhou Yue is in this time, because she knows that these people have just won the money to seek sick, even enough to go to school.

Zhou Yue itself is the poor family, for such temptations, the heart is also very normal.

And Ma Chi saw that the fire was almost almost, turned to see Chen Mo Yue Yue, and then smiled and asked: "Xiao Chen, Zhou Yue, do you want to play with it?"

"No need ..."

Chen Mo didn't want to swite directly. After all, more than 100 million yuan for Chen Mo's big money.

And Ma Chi saw Chen Mo's refused, smiled and glanced at Zhou Yue, whispered: "Zhou Yue, you just saw the king's brother is so powerful, we have a few people like money, you don't have it. If you have money, I can lend you, wait until you will give me money, if you lose, you don't have to have ... "

Zhou Yue saw Ma Chi, and tangled a moment later, and then turned his head to see Chen Mo.

"If you want to play, you will play, don't look at me!"

Chen Sile did not express his expression.

Zhou Yue thought, rushed to Ma Chi: "That line, you are lending me now ..."

"At least 10,000, I borrowed you directly ..."

Ma Chi has returned to Zhou Yue, and then directly helps Zhou Yue to note 10,000.

Zhou Yue saw Ma Chi after completion, the eyes flashed a nervous, as if there were some worried that he had to lose, it would be trouble.

Ma Chi is the same as Wang Hongli, the expression on both people is very excited, and it is obvious that their two have finally reached.

Chen Miman looked at this everything. He is very clear in his heart. Macarium, the two people want to do, but Chen Mo feels that he is not long with Zhou Yue, and some things are not able to manage.

Original Chen Mo is intended to let Li Jincheng find a job after the end of the competition, and find a hospital to cure her mother's disease. After all, I know a fate.

But if Zhou Yue wants to make his mother's medical expenses in this way, it is a matter of people who are Hyatt, Chen Mo can't manage so much.

Sure enough, the next week won 10,000 yuan with Ma Chi and others, and the expression on Zhou Yue is very happy. Thanks to Ma Chi and Wang Hongli.

"Xiao Chen, have you sure you don't play two?"

After Ma Chi won, the tone was very proud to rush through Chen Mail.

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