I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 661: The speed is too slow!

At this time, the four provinces have persuaded Li Juncheng to referee this competition, and in fact, these people are all selfish.

In any case, Li Jincheng is a Jiangnan province with Du Tianhao. Although Li Juncheng has promised those who will not intervene in the competition, it is just a lively.

But these big still worried that Li Juncheng suddenly changed, it could be troublesome.

Among the four major provinces, Du Tianhao's power is the greatest, affecting the interests of many people, but if they are usually, these people don't have a biliary with Du Tianhao, because they are not as good as Du Tianhao.

And this competition is the best opportunity.

Because all the hatred today can solve it through competition, the winners can make a request, and the person who is lost will not regret after the personnel lost, nor can it be retalled.

Today is the ultra-chance to find Du Tianhao to revenge, if it is blended because of a Li Juncheng, then they will wait until next year.

But more than one year, there will be more money for a year, so these big have already thought, that is, no matter how Li Juncheng will participate in the competition.

The best way to participate in Li Juncheng participated in the competition is to let Li Juncheng as a referee.

Li Jincheng naturally clears the meaning of these people, and finally helpless can only agree, and then stepped into the ring.

After the four largest provinces, Li Jincheng went to the ring, and suddenly broke out an applause. The expression on his face was very excited.

"Today, the brothers in our four major provinces gathered here. Only one purpose is to solve those contradictions in the weekdays through competition, so today, we will decide on the victory of the competition. As for the rule of the competition, I believe that you should be more clear than me, so I will not talk nonsense with you ... "

Li Juncheng paused, then he continued: "Since you give me the face of Li, let me be the referee of this competition, then I will show my attitude, what is the matter today, all in the platform, But after the end of the ring, whoever causing disputes or regrets, don't give me the face of Li, don't blame me for a businessman to participate in the top of your paradise! "

Although Li Juncheng talking is very gentle, everyone is silent, no one dares to speak.

"Okay, I don't have much to say nonsense, and start!"

After Li Jincheng saw that everyone didn't speak, there was no expression, and then turned directly to the top of his seat.

The provinces of Xizhou and Jiangnan Province have been squatting, so Wangbo, Xining Province, often has friction with Du Tianhao in Jiangnan Province.

But because Wang Bo's forces are not as good as Du Tianhao, he can only look at his own forces, and it is waiting for the opportunity to wait for the competition, and I want to solve myself with Du Tianhao. Contradiction.

"Du always, otherwise we have two experts first play ahead of a head, how do you see?"

After Wang Bo hesitated, he smiled and asked Du Tianhao.

Du Tianhao has been smirk after hearing Wang Bo, he seems that I have already guess Wang Bohui's initiative to challenge yourself, so I nodded and agreed.

Wang Bo saw Du Tianhao's promise, turned his head after his skin, a slightly thin man.

The man didn't talk nonsense, and the Wang Bo nodded and then jumped directly to the top of the platform, and the eyes were very provocatively looked at Du Tianhao's position.

And Du Tianhao sat on the chair, the expression on his face was very calm, as if it didn't put this man at the eyes.

"Master Wang, what is the problem?"

Du Tianhao is inserted to see Wang Qikuan, and asked softly.

And Wang Qichuan heard this sentence faintly looked at the man above the game, whispered: "Du, this person should be a master of Muay Thai, but the physical quality is very horror, but I think I encountered him should have 80%. ...... "

"That's good!"

Du Tianhao heard the sentence of Wang Qichuan, and instantly worked.

After so many years, Wang Qichuan has always been a representative of Du Tianhao to participate in the competition, although it can't be said that it is not tasted, but it can be considered a ten-game winning, so Du Tianhao is very trustworthy for Wang Quan.

Wang Qichuan jumped, and immediately jumped directly to the top of the ring.

You know, this ring will have a high meter, and Wang Qichuan will jump to the platform, which is enough to prove how much Wang Qikuan's work is.

After the people saw Wang Qichuan to go to the stage, they came out to come out to call out.

After all, Wang Qichuan is the master of Huaxia, and the man who came over Wang Bo is a master of Thai, so the audience present will certainly support the master of Huaxia.

"Start, finally started ..."

After Machica saw Wang Qichuan's stage, the expression was very excited.

Chen Mo looked at Wang Qichuan and there was the black thin man, but I don't know why Chen Mo is always feeling that the atmosphere of these two people seems to be very strong.

Li Taibai once guided the law of Chen Moxia, and it was also known that if it judged a person's combat power, the easiest way was to observe the person's breath.

Chen Mo has also learned some way of observation, but Chen Mo felt that Wang Qichuan's breath is not very strong.

"Is it wrong?"

Chen Mo is faint in his heart.

At this time, Wang Qichuan rushed to the thin and weak man, then smiled and said: "Please!"

The thin and weak man heard the sentence of Wang Qichuan. There is no hesitation at all, and the body is vacated. It quickly rushed to Wang Qichuan, and then raised his fist and rushed to Wang Qichuan's face.

"Good speed!"

"Yeah, this person is so powerful!"

After seeing men, everyone exposed a shock expression, and the eyes were full of incredible.

Because this speed is already very powerful in the eyes of an ordinary person.

Even if Chen Hongli's eyeside, the eyes of Wang Hongli in Chen Mima also envy, whispered: "It's really a master that can participate in this competition, it is too powerful ..."

"This speed is too slow ..."

But Wang Hongli said this sentence just finished, Chen Mo's small voice.



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