I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 664: Tap 100,000!

I have to say that Wang Quan's strength is still very powerful, only half an hour, Wang Qichuan won four more than four games.

And Du Tianhao also got the site of the you want.

This time, the biggest winner of the competition is Du Tianhao, and the biggest loser is Wang Bo.

Du Tianhao has taken behind these sites who want to get it, that is, it is closed, and did not let Wang Quan continue to be tried.

At this time, Du Tianhao only needs quiet wait for the end of the competition.

At this time, Wang Bo is very ugly, I asked with the body of myself, I asked: "When can I come over?" If I am not coming, I can't miss it today.. "

"I just made a call with Sun Gao people, Sun Gao people said it is here!"

The bodyguard has been busy back.

"Is what you said true?"

Wang Bo heard the sentence of the bodyguard, and the eyes flashed a shilly, suddenly stood up and rushed to the bodyguard: "What are you talking about?"

"It's true, it is true!"

The bodyguard nodded very certainly.

"Too good, what the Sun is able to come over, I must have a good revenge!"

Wang Bo's eyes flashed a lot of excitement.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked into the square in a middle-aged man walked in the square.

When Wang Bo saw this middle-aged person, the expression on his face was unusually excited, and quickly rushed to the middle-aged position, and then shouted in the middle-aged man: "Sun Gao, you can Come over! I am waiting for you to help me save the field now ... "

"The two demon refiners you have gave me is somewhat too sticky. I have three tossing last night, I have a little late for the night ..."

The middle-aged man laughed back to a sentence.

"It's too powerful, you are too powerful, and people don't want to ..."

The beautiful woman in the middle-aged woman returned to a drop.

"Hahaha ..."

The middle-aged people smiled, and then pinched it on the beautiful buttocks.

Wang Bo has heard the middle-aged and the beauty of the eyes flashed, and then rushed to the middle-aged man: "Sun Gao people, will not affect the trial this evening?"

"No, nothing more than a group of stinky fish, it is still very easy to pack them!"

Sun is faint to return, and then he jumps directly to the top of the platform, and his face is in the face, and the expression on his face is very calm.

Wang Bo came to the Sun Tao, which is a very famous warrior in Xizhou Province. It is said that Wang Bo has spent a lot of strength, and finally takes 500 million prices. come.

At this time, Wang Bo saw Sun Tao, and the mood was very excited, because he knew that Sun Tao will definitely win what he just lost.

"I want to challenge Du Tianhao's total ..."

Wang Bo shouted his voice.

At this time, Wangbo's voice is obviously confident, and it has a bottom gas.

Du Tianhao heard Wang Bo's words, turned his head and looked at Wang Qichuan, and asked softly in Wang Qichuan: "Master Wang, Is there a problem?"

"This Sun Tao is not simple. I have heard of his business, but it is until you can't play, then you have to try it!"

Wang Qikuan's calmly returned to a sentence.

"Well, try your best, if you don't think, don't hurt!"

Du Tianhao knows that he is also helped here, so there is no significant impact even if Wang Qichuan lost.

"I know!"

Wang Qikuan nodded gently, and then took the steps directly to the platform.

Chen Mer sat in the auditor's seat, and he looked at Sun Tao on the ring. Chen Mo can feel that this Sun Tao's breath is very strong, indicating that Sun Tao's combat power should be small.

"Wang Ge, who do you think can win?"

At this time, Ma Chi twisted his head and looked at Wang Hongli and asked softly from Wang Hongli.

"Is this asking? What kind of Sun Tao is definitely not Wang Qichuan's opponent, just Wang Qichuan shot, I saw a clear two Chu, Master Wang's strength is really horrible ..."

Wang Hongli is very self-confident.

And Chen Mo heard the sentence of Wang Hongli, can't help but see Wang Hongli at a glance.

Wang Hongli seems to have noticed Chen Mo's eyes, so I asked Chen Mail: "How, Xia Chen brothers have different opinions?"

"Can he have some opinions, he does not understand these things at all ..." said Ma Chi.

Others have heard that all the disdainful smiles have been exposed after this sentence.

After Chen Mo saw the smile on the face, Chen Shu said: "Wang Qiichuan is not the opponent of Sun Tao!"


Chen Mimo watched the horse and looked at Ma Chi, and then said: "I just asked him, I just said that my heart is talking, you don't have to be so excited ..."


Ma Chi was so good to say something well, and he took a breath and then waited for the beads and shouted: "Well, Chen Mo, since you think Sun Tao can win, and we all think that Wang Qichuan will win, That's now, two gambling, do you dare? "

"How to bet?"

Chen Mo asked Macai asked.

"If Wang Quan wins, then you lose, you will lose 100,000 yuan, I will win, I will lose, I will lose, I will give you 100,000 yuan, how do you think?"

Ma Chi joked in Chen Mail.

In fact, Ma Chi said that this sentence is nothing more than wanting to humiliate Chen Mo.

"Ma Chi, what are you doing?"

Xu Wei frowned softly and shouted in Ma Chi.

Xu Wei knows that Ma Chi is deliberately martedium Chen Mo.

"Xu Wei, I am playing with him, nothing ..."

Ma Chi has returned to a sentence, then rushed to Chen Mail in the tone: "Do you dare not?"

Chen Mo looked at Ma Chi smiled and said: "Since you have money, is there a little too little?"

"You are too small, how much do you want to gamble?"

The Ma Chi stunned, and the tone was a little asked by Chen Mail.

Chen Mo slowly extended two fingers.

"Twenty million?"

Ma Chi frowned asked.

"two millions!"

Chen Miman said calmly.


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