Before Ma Chi and Chen Mo were gambling. If Sun Tao won, the Ma Chi needs to lose two million Chen Mo.

Ma Chi thought that Wang Qikuan couldn't lose to Sun Tao at all, but he didn't think of it, Sun Tao's strength is so horrible.

"Wang Ge, what is this going?"

Ma Chi glared at the beads and asked Wang Hongli.

Wang Hongli's eyes were flashing, whispered: "I may be that I have seen it ..."

"Look at it?"

After listening to this sentence of Wang Hongli, the face of the expression is unusually crashed, and it is really not to know what to say.

To know, Wang Hongli's sentence is looking at it, and Ma Chi loses two million!

At this time, everyone saw Chen Mo's eyes changed. They suddenly felt that Chen Mo said that Sun Tao can win seems to be joking, nor is it casually talking, and Chen Mo is really able to see some doorways.

Otherwise, Chen Mo has just gambling two million.

"Chen Gongzi, how do you know that the person will win?"

Zhou Yue is very surprised to look at Chen Mail asked.

"Yeah, how did Chen Mo look out?"

Xu Wei is also a curiosity, and he asked Chen Mail.

"It's just that it is a feeling!"

Chen Mo's faint explanation.

The method of the observation is still very mysterious. When Chen Mo heard Li Taibai, his first reaction did not believe that Li Taibai is in Hu.

Moreover, plus Chen Mo is not particularly skilled in the law of the observation, but it is a little touched. Now let him explain these things to others, and he also explains unclear.

"What I feel, I don't feel, I think he is a kitty, and it is!"

Ma Chi was very uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, just you lose ..."

Zhou Yuehong is a small face, and the tone is very excited to rush to Ma Chi.

In fact, Zhou Yuexin has always been seen from Ma Chi and others to laugh Chen Mo. At this time, I saw it won two million in the hands of Ma Chi. She was very happy in her heart.

"I know I lose!"

Ma Chi bite the teeth and low, I lost so much money in a breath, and now the mood of Ma Chi is bubble.

"Chen Mo, you give me your account, I am not a person who can't lose, and it is just two million, I can't make big money for me ..."

But the Ma Chi is very faceful, even if you can't bear this money, but it is whispered to Chen Mo shouted.

Chen Mo is naturally welcome, and tells Madi directly to Madi.

Two million are so easy, Chen Mo's mood is definitely very good.

Of course, this is not the happiest thing for Chen Mo, which makes Chen Mo feel happy to have a very effective way Lee Taibai will give Chen Mo's observation.

Chen Mo is now able to judge the strength of this person through a person's breath. This is also convenient for Chen Mo to determine who will cause himself to himself, and no one is dangerous.


Wang Bo was very good after seeing Sun Tao won, and directly lost his previous to Du Tianhao to come back in the no night city.

Sun Tao is standing on the platform, and the tone is very arrogant: "Does anyone want to challenge me?"

At this time, the big thoughts have been frightened, no one dares to talk.

After all, Wang Qichuan is very powerful in their eyes, but now I have come to Sun Tao than Wang Qichuan, now I will give them ten courage, they are absolutely afraid!

Isn't this time to play?

"How? No people dare to come up? If no one dares to come up, then I can choose it!"

Sun Tao shouted.

Bai Zhennan hesitated, directly twisted his head to the old people around him.

The old man was originally known as Xu Hu, he was with Bai Zhennan for many years. It was a hand, and Bai Zhennan took Xu Hu's more than to help Du Tianhao.

Once there is a special situation, Bai Zhennan will choose to let Xu Hu Shizhi, or there is a king Qichuan absolutely enough.

But now is the special situation.

Du Tianhao's person has lost, and only people who can make Bai Zhennan can move back to a place.

"Xu Shu, is there a grasp?"

Bai Zhennan turned his head and looked at the old people around himself and asked softly.

"It's not big, but I am willing to try it!"

Xu Shu faintly returned to a sentence, and then there was no one hesitated directly to the position of the ring.

At this time, this Xu Hu, which is around Bai Zhennan is now sixty-five years old, but it is not like a sixty-year-old person, the opposite is very spirit.

After seeing Xu Hu picking up, the audience came to the stage, and even some people directly started calling Xu's name.

Because many people know Xu Hu, I also know that Xu is a very powerful master. It is said that it is said that the 18th consecutive game is also the highest consecutive record of this competition.

But with the appearance of Wang Qikuan later, Xu Hu has never been handed.

At this time, Xu Hu is on, and everyone naturally felt very excited.

In Bai Zhennan, the eyes were also worried, after all, Sun Tao showed the strength of Sun Tao, but in order to Jiangnan's face, in order not to let the company's interests, Bai Zhennan can only let Xuli Tiger shot.

After Xu Hu came to the stage, I was slightly hugged in Sun Tao, and then smiled: "Master Sun!"

"I didn't expect it to be Xu Premie. If you have a big year, I want to tell me, I don't want to toss, I see it on my elder, I don't do it with you, do you see how?"

Sun Tao said with Xuhu.

"I have a big age, but I can actually active activities ..."

Xu Tiger said calmly.

"Since Xu's presence is true, don't blame me, you are welcome ..."

Sun Tao took the smile on his face and then rushed to Xu Hu's position directly.

At this time, Xu Hu is not fighting for his reputation, but in the sake of Jiangnan Province, there is also white vital south. When he saw Sun Tao, his face was obviously serious.

Xu Ti's skill is much more powerful than Wang Qichuan, so soon with Sun Tao together.

The battle between the two directly entered the stage of white heat.

The audiences in the field have begun to cheer, as if the popularity of Xu Hu is obviously much higher than Sun Tao.

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