After listening to this sentence of Luoqiu, Zhang Guardi sighed, then said: "Luoqiu, you may not know, Liu Yan has a little boyfriend, it is difficult, not just you. One person, I have not been bullied by him, just like those actors of our crew, but all the characters are the friends of Liu Yan, and I don't dare to sin this Liu Yan, so I can only choose it. Her meaning ... "

"I didn't expect Zhang Guide, you are so difficult!"

Luoqiu looked up and looked at Zhang Gui and whispered.

"Hey, I am nothing, I am in the entertainment circle for so many years, what kind of actor is not seen!"

Zhang said with a light smile and then continued: "But you will unfortunately ..."

"Unfortunately? What does your sentence mean?"

Luoqiu asked quickly.

"Little Queen, in fact, your appearance is very good, and you still have a net red, itself has a fan foundation. If you are lucky, you can become a big star, but you are missing now The star's important condition! "

Zhang Guide said slowly.

"What are the conditions?"

Luoqiu asked with excitement of Zhang Wang.

"You don't have a reliable background, you don't have a mountain, if you can have an alive, you must now get a lot of good resources, and you don't have to be bullied by Liu Yan."

Zhang Guard said in Luoqiu.

Luoqiu's heart is very clear about Zhang Gui, what is the meaning of this sentence, helplessness, no words.

"Little autumn, in fact, I have already told you many times, our player's producer likes you, always want to ask you to have a meal, if you have time, I can help you arrange it. ...... "

Zhang Guaixuan continued to say after Luoqiu did not speak.

"Zhang Guard, I said, I have a boyfriend, I will not go to eat with other men!"

Luoqiu shook his head directly.

"Little autumn, how do you stubborn, you said that you just have a piece of people in one night, you have everything, your future is very good, this producer has a lot. Resources, you can get this relationship, it is your luck, you know that you don't know how much female star wants to contact this product! "

Zhang Guard is very helpless.

"I won't be sorry for my boyfriend ..."

Luoqiu shook his head gently.

"Who is your boyfriend?"

Zhang said with a brow asked.

"He is an ordinary person ..."

Luoqiu smiled.

"Is an ordinary person as this? Are you a star now, can a general person bring to you? What help do he have you? Do you know how good you don't know what you are in front of you? ? "

The guided tone is helpless.

"Although my boyfriend is an ordinary person, he does can't help me, but I love him very much, I will not do anything to do anything, you don't have to persuade me ..."

Luoqiu said faintly.

"Then you plan to go?"

Zhang said with a brow asked.

"Even if I don't play, I can also go back to my boyfriend to do something else, but I will not sell my body in order to be famous!"

Luoqiu looked at Zhang Gui smiled and then turned directly to the distance.

Zhang Guide looked at Luoqiu's back, the expression on his face was very helpless, and it sighed: "For so many years, I still see such a stubborn girl for the first time!"


Nanyang University, in the classroom.

After experiencing the competition, Chen Mo knows that Li Taibai is not a liar, so Chen Mo will only go to Li Tai Bai's home to practice martial arts, always take a break.

During this time, Chen Mo's strength has also been improved, and his Xuan Tian Zhenwu also learned the fifth stroke.

Because Chen Mo has been practicing martial arts in Li Taibai after school after school, it is sleeping at most of the school.

Of course, the class of Yanme is except, because Yanmei's woman Chen Mo is can't afford it.

"Chen Mo, don't sleep, the next class is the teacher's class ..."

Liu Rui reached out gently pushed Chen Mo, whisper reminded.

Chen Mimi was confused, and then gently stretched a lazy waist, got up and prepared to go to the water house to wash a face.

"Chen Mo, wait!"

Liu Rui stretched Chen Miman.

"what's happenin?"

Chen Mimo watched Liu Ruiyi, and asked in tone.

"Do you have anything about you?"

Liu Rui said with Chen Mail.

"Large day?"

Chen Mo listened to Liu Rui's sentence, I couldn't help but I asked softly: "Do you have anything?"

"What, I recently liked a girl, and then I bought a few tickets for the cruise ship from my friends. It is just a big day after the afternoon. If we don't want to go to the cruise dance?"

Liu Rui said.

"What, let's go, I will not go ..."

Chen Mail wants to refuse the way.

Now Chen Mo is not very interested in this thing, and his mind is all the things that is practicing.

"Don't, I bought six tickets, you and me Meng Liang also have Wei Jiaqi and the girl I like, I have already arranged, this ticket is two thousand dollars to buy, you don't If you go, you will waste ... "

Liu Rui is excited to rush through Chen Mo.

"No, two thousand, you bought six, isn't it 10,000? Are you crazy? What is the grand prize?"

Chen Mo said heroic asked Liu Rui.

"This dance will have a lot of stars to participate, and there are still many delicious, two thousand dollars are cheap. If you don't know people, you can't buy two thousand dollars!" Liu Rui looked at Chen Mo explained.

"How much money is there?"

Chen Mail asked.

"Usually put it down ..."

Liu Rui smiled with his teeth.

"You just said five people, then there is a ticket you planned to?"

Chen Mo hesitated and looked at Liu Rui asked.

"What is that, I have a beautiful woman with Meng Liang, I am afraid that you are too lonely, so I deliberately give you a beautiful woman, when you have to catch this opportunity?"

Liu Rui said.

Chen Mo looked at the expression of abnormal expression on Liu Rui, but he also knew that Liu Rui is now a good heart, so after thinking, he nodded: "That, let's go, I will pass by you!"


Liu Rui saw that Chen Mo will pay back, it is very happy to return.

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