I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 689: No Tickets?

Female producer?

After listening to Zhang Gu, Luoqiu was flashing in a surprise.

In fact, if it is not selling his own body, Luoqiu still hopes to know more about the so-called entertainment circle, after all, the more people you know, the more you have a chance.

But helpless now, those manufacturers are all rushing to the body of the female star. You want to get some chances, you must lose something.

So Luoqiu will be very contacted with those people.

"You can rest assured, this producer I will introduce you is the kind of student who is very serious, that is, because she is very high for actors, waiting until you have to express it, do you know? ? "

Zhang Dynasty said hello to Luoqiu.

"Zhang Gui, it is really much thanking you!"

Luoqiu is very excited to punch the Zhang.

"You don't have to thank me, I am also for myself!"

Zhang Guarded back and then continued: "This producer promised me. If I can find the right women's first, her drama let me be directed, this drama is an international block, investment Near three billions, once you can become your protagonist, I guarantee that you can red and purple, so you have to grab this opportunity, know? "

"Know know!"

Luo was busy nodded.

"Oh, okay, you are ready to prepare here, I am going to say hello to a few friends, after the product is coming over, I will take you to meet with the producer ..." Zhang Guoke Say it in Luqiu.

"Ok ... Ok, thank you Zhang Guide!"

At this time, Luoqiu is excited, I don't know what to say, I can only nod.

And Zhang Guide looked at Luoqiu smiled and then turned directly to leave.

Luoqiu stands in the same place, and the pretty face is full of tension, and the opportunity in her heart can be unknown.


On the other hand, Chen Mo Liu Rui Mengliang and others also sit and have a taxi to the terminal.

When everyone saw the Alice cruise, all were in the original place, the expression on the face was incredible, because they did not have seen such a luxurious cruise.

"This cruise ship is estimated to have a lot of money?"

Meng Liang said with a bead.

"This cruise ship is more than $ 100 billion or more ..."

Yao Beiyu has brought back to Meng Liang's words, and the expression on his face is very proud.

"My God, it is so expensive!"

Wei Jiaqi shouted with his little mouth, surprised, I don't know what to say.

"Okay, I will take you!"

Yao Beiyu shouted, and then walked directly to the position of the cruise.

After the cruise ship, everyone found a lot of beauty on the cruise ship, these beautiful women were sexy, the legs were very beautiful, and the long-term parents were very beautiful. When these beautiful women saw Chen Mo Long and others, they have started The lungs shouted, and the expression on the face was very excited.

Meng Liang Liu Rui two people have been jumped by these beautiful women, and I asked Yao Beiyu: "Yao Gongzi, what is these women going?"

"These women are not qualified to enter the dancer model. In the second generation here, if you are interested, you can bring them in, and you can go directly to open in the evening ..."

Yao Bei Yu is very casual explanation.

These beautiful women are not qualified to participate in the ball, so they can only buy the Boats of the Alice cruise in advance, and then at the beginning of the dance, after the guests of the ball, they entered the dance through the way. among.

Although these beautiful figure is good, but as long as they understand a little rich second generation, because these models do not have any difference with senior prostitutes, those rich second generations will not look at this woman. .

Liu Rui and Meng Liang have heard Yao Beiyu, almost at the same time, then two people shook their heads, they are not a fool, and naturally know what these women are not good.

Once you meet such a woman, you may want to get it.

Yao Beiyu found that Chen Mo was very calm, as if not interested in these women, and even didn't turn his eyes.

This makes Yao Beiyu feel a little incredible, because he thinks that Mo's villages like these women should be like Meng Liang Liu Rui, but Chen Mo can be so calm.

After a few minutes, Yao Beiyu took Chen Mo's poetry and others to the location of the banquet hall.

At this point, the position of the entrance to the banquet hall stood two security, but all those who entered the lobby need to show their own invitation, and Liu Rui also quickly took his invitation letter.

Because Yao Beiyu's relationship with Wang Tian is very good, it does not need to show an invitation letter at this time, and the speed of the security guard will walk into the hall.

After seeing Yao North Yu, Liu Rui also quickly took out the invitation letter to the security of the security.

After the security of the invitation in Liu Rui, the eyes flashed a context, and then said: "Sorry, your ticket is just the ticket of the Alice cruise, is not a ball ticket. If you want to go to the dance, you need to take the invitation to take the dance! "

After heard the security, Liu Rui immediately in the original place, his face was abnormal.

He Shi Shi Li Yusi and others seem to feel very embarrassed.

Obviously, Liu Rui is a deceived, and the ticket he bought is not a ticket for the ball, but a ticket for the cruise ship.

But the tickets of the cruise ship are not worth the money, five hundred dollars, can you buy, but the tickets of the dance will be different, you can't buy it.

Liu Rui face is red, I don't know how it should be good.

After all, everyone bought clothes in order to participate in the ball, and I also tossed for so long, and finally, I made a happiness. At this time, the two women still looked at it.

"Liu Rui, have you made a mistake? You got all of us to let us see this cruise ship?"

Wei Jiaqi shouted with the big eyes of Waterwell.


Liu Rui's expression is embarrassed, I don't know how to explain it.

"If you can't get the ticket, you will say it directly. You said that you will give me a fooler? I really serve ..."

Wei Jiaqi is not polite at this time, very scornful, and does not give Liu Rui any face.


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