Chen Mo and others have only been less than a few minutes after leaving the hall, and the dance will start.

But before the ball began, the lights in the hall suddenly closed!

In an instant, the whole hall is in a dark!

"what happened?"

"Is there a power outage?"

After seeing the lights, everyone fell into a panic, and some girls who had a little bit small and had even started exclaiming because they didn't know how this is something.

"It should not be power outage, the Alice's cruise ship is there in generators, it is impossible to stop power!"

"Yeah, I still heard that the Alice cruise will be powered down!"

Everyone got a whisper.


At this time, a bunch of very glare light shines in the whole hall.

Everyone seems to have never reacted that this is the light, and he heard the music sounded.

Everyone turned to look at the location of the hall, I saw a few musicians holding a violin walked into the hall.

The eyes of everyone were attracted by these musicians, but the expression on the face was very doubtful. It didn't seem to understand how this is something.

The lights in the lobby also followed these musicians slow moving, and finally, these musicians stopped in front of a woman.

This woman is not someone else, is Liusi.

At this time, Liu has changed a clothes, wearing a pale pink cheongsam, giving people a very tempting, very sexy, a big beauty in the Republic of China, slim, delicate.

When the lights shine on Liu Yan, those people present seem to understand how this is something.

After all, the protagonist of this dance today is the boyfriend of Liu Wei, Wang Tianshi.

And those music that took the violin came to Liu Yan, and he stood directly on both sides of Liu Yan, and then continued to play the violin.

Soothing music is plus lighting, Liu Yan has become the focus of everyone in the eyes, and countless people look at Liu Yan, showing envious eyes.

How many women can enjoy such a treatment in this world?

After a few seconds, Wang Tian went out of a white suit from a crowd, then stopped his footsteps in front of Liu Yan.

Liu Wang's big eyes looked at Wang Tian when he looked at Wang Tian.

At this time, Wang Tian looked very handsome handsome, and when he walked to Liu Yan, the people in the lobby were in the middle of the boiling.

Wang Tianshi is very handsome, plus that it makes people feel shocked and the background of the king, when the Wang Tian is full of charm of the woman's screams.

There is no man who can refuse Wang Tian, ​​and there is a few people in the scene. When you are in love with Wang Tian, ​​you only know that you have something you don't have a way.

Wang Tianshi slowly walked to the front of Liu Yan, then took out a rose from his own clothes, this rose is very ordinary.

The light shines on the king of the king of the two.

Wang Tianshi is in front of Liu Tian, ​​and then the rose in his hand is in front of Liu Yan.

"Wang Gongzi is this to ask for marriage with Liu Yan?"

"It's so touching. If there is a man who can give me like this, I will definitely promise ..."

"Yeah, this is too touching?"

"I have to be crying, in fact, our woman wants to be very simple, we don't care if we don't care, nor are things in diamond ring, as long as you can sincerely, you can do it. Unfortunately, I can't touch such a man. If I can encounter such a man, I will definitely marry him ... "

All women in a moment have revealed the eyes, even some girls are crying directly, giving people the feeling seem to be the same as Wang Tianshi.

And the words of those girls have also felt very disgusting.

At this time, Wang Tian took a rose in his hand. They said that they didn't like money, but if they changed to a poor silk, they got a rose to marry them, they did not give up what to give up!

So the problem is not this rose at all, but everyone is holding roses.

"Hey, are you willing to marry me?"

Wang Tianshi rushed to Liu Yan.

After hearing this sentence in King Tian, ​​Liu Yan suddenly stunned in the original place. The expression on his face was very incredible. Because Liu Wei did not think of Wang Tian, ​​he would choose to marry himself today.

Liu Yusu wizards his mouth, and the pretty face is full of shock, and I don't know what to say, I don't know what to say.

And everyone in the scene seems to have reacted it. This is what is going on. It turns out for so for for such a long time. Wang Tianshi is going to be married to Liu Wei!

In an instant, everyone is very envious of Liu Yan, after all, can be married by the man like Wang Tian, ​​I don't know how many people feel the ultimate dream, some women have already begun to fantasize in my heart. If I show my own confession How good is it.

When Liu Yan, I was naturally very moving. After I took a breath, I slowly took the rose from Wang Tian's hand, and then said: "I am willing ..."

When Wang Tianshi heard this sentence, he exposed a very happy smile.

After seeing Liusi, after seeing the rose, the public broke out a warm applause, and the expression on the face was very excited.

At this time, there are many friends of Liu Yan, who are also excited for Liu Yan. After all, Liu Yan has worked hard for so long, and now I can finally come together with Wang Tian, ​​once Liu Wei is really married to Wang Tian, ​​then Liu Yan is also married. In the giants.

"Yan, you smell this rose incense?"

After Wang Tian got up, he smiled and rushed to Liu.

After hearing this sentence in Wang Tian, ​​Liu Yan, Liu, then slowly raised the rose in his hand, and heard his nose.


Wang Tianshi asked and asked.

"Good news ..."

Liusu is busy nod.

In order to be able to marry Wang Tian, ​​Liu Yan can say that it is exhausted to solve Wang Tian, ​​don't say that it is a flower in front of her, even if she feels fragrant.

After all, as long as she can marry Wang Tiand, the food is worrying.

But when Liu Yan saw the rose in front of him, it was directly in the original place, and the expression on his face was very incredible.


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