I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter VIII: Desperate!

"Yes, you should search!"

"All the clothes of this woman are light, I don't believe in the ring ..."

"I see that she can't see the coffin, she doesn't fall tears!"

At this time, everyone seems to have been a diamond ring that Luoqiu burned away, so I shouted with excitement.

After listening to these people, Luoqiu was directly desperate to appear directly.

"Rain, you go now to search, look at the ring is not in Luoqiu!"

Liu Yuxi, the engagement ring is now not in Luoqiu, but in the hands of Sun Yuqing, so she is deliberately letting Sun Yuqing to give Luoqiu, because the Sun Yuqing can plant a disaster to give Luoliu .

"You two help me control her ..."

Sun Yuqing shouted with two bodyguards around him.

After the bodyguards heard this sentence, he ran to Luoqiu, and then controlled Luoqiu one left.

Luoqiu is just a weak woman. Naturally there is no way to compare with two people with high-tech bodyguards.

Wang Jing stood around Luoqiu, the expression on his face was very helpless, because this matter has exceeded the range that he can control.

Sun Yuqing reached out from his own clothes, and the motion of Liu Yuqing gave her, and Sun Yuqing's movements were very hidden. No one noted at all.

However, Luoqiu noticed this movement of Sun Yuqing, but Luoqiu didn't know what Sun Yuqing was doing.

At this time, Luoqiu is not very scared, because she knows that the ring is definitely not on her body.

Sun Yuqing was simply explored on the clothes of Luoqiu, and immediately reached into the pocket of Luoqiu clothes and then revealed a proud smile.

"Luoqiu, what is this?"

Sun Yuqing took his little hand from Luoqiu's clothes.

At this time, Sun Yuqing's hands just had a diamond ring, and this diamond ring is just the king of the king to give Liu Wei's rings.

"this is……"

Luoqiu looked at the diamond ring in Sun Yuqing. The expression on his face was very incredible, because she didn't know why this ring would appear in her body, and Luoqiu did not see this ring, not to say Steam.

However, Luoqiu's reaction speed is still very fast, she suddenly learns the movement of Sun Yunqing, very obvious Sun Yuxiang and Liu Yusu teamed up with Liu.

"This ring is not right on me?"

Luoqiu took a sigh of relief and asked her whisper.

"Luoqiu, Luoqiu, are you confused? Why do I put this ring on your body? What is the benefit of me on your body?"

Sun Yuqing took a little bit.

"I didn't expect this ring to be really in this woman!"

"This woman is really too embarrassing, but also steals the engagement diamond ring of Liu Miss ..."

"Yeah, what is the woman wants to do?"

"First, I have a contradiction with the guests who participate in the ball. Now I steal Wang Gongzi and Miss Liu's engagement diamond ring. It is too bad. I think this kind of person should be killed by living ..."

"Yes, you should kill this woman directly, it is too disgusting ..."

In an instant, everyone in the scene was in the boiling, all the faces on the face were very angry, giving people a feeling like a person who lost the ring is not Wang Tian, ​​but they are the same.

"I have never been near Liu Yan, I can't steal her ring at all ..."

After listening to these words that everyone said, Luoqiu shouted very excited.

"Do you have it close to me, how do I know?"

Liu Yan shouted with a small mouth.


Luoqiu mouth also wants to explain.

But at this time, Wang Tianshi first stepped forward, raised his right hand and slap in the face of Luoqiu's face.

After two steps in Luoqiu, fell to the ground, then shouted: "The ring is really not what I stole ..."

"Du fucking this time, you still don't admit that your woman is too bad, even Laozi's engagement ring dare to steal ..."

Wang Tian shouted.

"Yeah, this woman is too late, I didn't expect her to steal my ring, really mad at me ..."

Liu Yujiao shouted with the king of the king.

Wang Tianshi turned his eyes and then loudly said: "Dear, don't be angry, I will definitely help you with this stinky scorpion today."


Liusu has been todped, then continue to say: "I am now thinking about it now, and I can't make such a big courage to take advantage of Sun Yuqing. She is deliberate, because her heart is clear, it is clear I will be very angry, I will definitely be very angry. I will definitely take her out. At that time, she can take this ring. The big light is leaving. Fortunately, I found it in time, if she really When you left, then her plan was awkward ... "

Everyone heard the phrase of Liu Yan, all of them took a breath, and the expression on his face was very incredible.

No one thought that Luoqiu's heart is so heavy!

Wang Jing Eye gaven a helpless look at Luoqiu, whispered: "I am just aware of Wang Tian, ​​I don't have, this ring is not what you stolen today, I am now powerful now, the rest Do you look at yourself! "

Wang Jing has done things you can do, so I will refund two steps and go to the crowd.

Luoqiu originally thought that this thing is over, but I didn't expect that I turned into the trap of Liu Yuxi and Sun Yuqing.

"This woman is really too heart ..."

"It's the most poisonous woman!"

"If Wang Gongzi really rushes this person, she can safely leave here. I think it is not allowed to be waiting for her now!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that all this is a woman plan, she is just playing!"

Everyone looked at Luoqiu's position discussion.

At this time, when Wang Tian, ​​the expression on his face was anger. She felt that she was played at this time, biting his teeth, rushed to Luoqiu: "I didn't expect you to play it here, if not Yan found that the ring did not see, I just threw you out, isn't it to be your? "

"The ring is really not my stealing ..."

Luoqiu sat on the ground, and the tone was very helpless.

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