I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter VII: No one is giving me!


A loud noise.

The bodyguard was shocked by Chen Mo, and his hand, the long knife, and then cut it directly on the floor of the hall.

Luoqiu glanced at the position of the bodyguard, and the expression on his face was very incredible.

"Do I have an illusion? Why did I just ... Why did Chen Mo's voice?"

At this time, Loqiu is found to be considered to have a bodyguard to cut off his arms. She pays attention to someone shouted.

Luoqiu's conscious twist looks at the position sent out, then she saw Chen Mo standing in front of the crowd.

When Luoqiu saw Chen Mo, the moment is in the original place, and the expression on the face is very incredible.

"Chen Mo? Is it really you?"

From the head to the end, Luoqiu did not drop his tears, and he kept the last dignity in his heart.

However, after Luoqiu saw Chen Mo, the tears were out of the moment.

Maybe Luoqiu is only in front of Chen Mo, it will show your most vulnerable side!

Those people present, after listening to Chen Mo, he looked at Chen Mo's position, and his face was very incredible.

"Who is this kid?"

"Yeah, is this kid crazy? At this time, I still dared to stand out to help the thief spoke ..."

"This kid's head must have any problems, see that the little steady is beautiful, wants hero to save the United States ..."

"Heroes have to save the United States, I have to take a time!"

Everyone looked at Chen Mo's position and whispered.

Because these people don't know Chen Mo, they didn't put Chen Mai in the eyes.

And Liu Ruomun, Liu Ruomang, is all stupid at this time, and looks at Chen Mo's position. I don't know how it should be good.

"Chen Mo, are you crazy?"

Liu Rui frowned, rushed to Chen Mo.

"Yeah, Chen Mo, what are you shouting here? You will be tired of us, do you know?"

Wei Jiaqi flashed a fear in the eyes, and whispered to Chen Mo.

And He Shichao may be the most calm person. The next consciousness watched Chen Mo's eye, then wrinkled with Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, you will not know the woman?"

"She is my woman!"

Chen Mo saw Luoqiu now looks like this, and the expression on his face is unusually anger.

After inheriting the heritage of Wangcheng, Chen Mo has always been very low-key, never take the initiative to show your own very much, even if it is now known that Chen Mo's real identity is not a lot.

However, Chen Mo, at this time, has been completely irritated. If you can't protect your woman, what is the use of these legacy.

"She is your woman?"

After hearing Chen Mo, He Shi Shi has flashing in the eyes.

And Meng Liang Liu Rui and others seemed to have never responded.

Chen Miman did not respond to these people, and I walked directly to Luoqiu's position.

Luoqiu looked at Chen Mo's step by step, the expression of his own expression, but this excitement is also a flash, and it is concerned about it.

Although Chen Mai stood in Luoqiu very touched, she worried that Chen Mimech would be implicated by him. If Chen Mo is also implicated by this matter, not only saving Luoqiu, but also to catch Chen Mo, this is obviously a little .

Luoqiu didn't want to watch Chen Mo was implicated by himself.

At this time, Liu Tian, ​​Liu Yan, is also watching Chen Mo's position at this time, and the expression on his face is very calm. They want to see what Chen Mo is now doing.

"Chen Mo, don't come over!"

After the reaction came over, Luoqiu was so busy with the watery's big eyes.

But Chen Mo is like this sentence that he didn't hear Luoqiu, continued to go to Luoqiu position.

"Chen Mo, you have not heard me, these people are not you can get rid, you are now giving me back ..."

Luoqiu is very excited to sit in the ground.

Even before the king's bodyguard wants to do hand in Luoqiu, Luoqiu is not so excited.

"Chen Mo came back!"

Meng Liang Liu Rui and others are also very worried about Chen Mo, and Chen Mo is shouted.

But Chen Milo's words are still indifferent, and they have never been expressive to Luoqiu's body.

"Chen Mo, how are you so stupid? What is you standing at this time? You know that you will be tired of me ..."

Luoqiu said that Chen Mo shouted very desperately.

And Chen Mo looked at this now, as if there is a heart like 10,000 needles, Chen Mo took a breath, and then reached out and slammed Luoqiu from the ground, and then Luoqiu Into.

Luoqiu did not think of it, and he was able to hold with Chen Mile.

This feeling makes Luoqiu feel that it is very unreal.

"Sorry, I am late……"

Chen Mo hugged Luoqiu in his arms, whispered in Luoqiu.

After listening to Chen Mo's sentence, Luoqiu was completely crushed in the heart, and the whole person snuggled in Chen Mo's arms and whispered.

Although Luoqiu felt that Chen Mo did not have any way, but in such cases, she can find a shoulder that can rely on it, she is very contentment.

And Meng Liang Liu Rui's poetry and others looked at Chen Mo and Luoqiu, and the expression on his face was very shocked.

In fact, when Chen Mo said that he had a girlfriend, but Meng Liang and Liu Rui have felt that Chen Mo said it because his face said, but at this time they found that Chen Mo's girl had a girlfriend.

After Liu Mile hugged with Luoqiu, Liu Mile was hugged together, and the eyes flashed, and then he said softly: "This boys should be the waste boyfriend of Luoqiu? How can this person appear here?"

"Yeah, how can Luoqiu's boyfriend may be eligible to participate in this dance?"

Sun Yuxiang's beauty flashed a doubt.

"Hahaha, I have a hero to save the beauty!"

However, at this time, Wang Tian seems to be enough, can't help but applaud.

"What is this person is bullied?"

Chen Mimo ran into the king of Wang Tian, ​​and asked softly to Luoqiu.

"Chen Mo, you listen to me, this person is Wang Gongzi, you can't help ..."

Luoqiu is a mouth to talk.

"There is no one in this world, I am can't afford!"

Chen Miman is very indifferent to Luoqiu.

Luoqiu heard Chen Mo's sentence, instant, in the original place.


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