I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 746: Where is this?

"I don't mean anything else. I just want to tell you that the paradise will always look at the qualification, my qualifications are higher than you, this box is mine!"

Su Bai said that he was very arrogant.

And Lu Zhengzhi took a breath, then shouted: "Su Bai, what do you mean, you are a silver card, I am also a silver card, your qualifications are more old, you tell me?"

If if it is usually, Lu Zhengzhi may not be more than these things with Su Bai, but helplessness is different.

The first thing is here, if Lu Zhengzhi really makes this, it will have no face in the eyes of Yanme.

Secondly, now, the enemy, Chen Mo, is also here, Lu Zhengzhi brings Chen Mo to the purpose of doing the identity of the silver card member, letting Chen Mo's face, let Chen Mo know him with himself.

However, if Lu Zhengzhi did Su Bai snapped away this box, then all the programs of Lu Zhengzhi fell out, so there was a concession of Lu Zhengzhi today.

"Ha ha……"

Su Bai looked at Lu Zhengzhi and smiled, then said that there was no expression: "Lu Zhengzhi, you are right, we are really the same, but you are also Nanyang City, no matter what you also I know the rules of our Nanyang City. If you are Qi Zhengzhi, whether it is a matter or a human, what do you tell me with me? "


Lu Zhengzhi looked at Su Bai and his face was very speechless.

In fact, Lu Zhengzhi's background is far more than Su Bai, but Lu Zhengzhi usually relatively low-key, which will lead to Su Zhengzhi's illusion.

From Lu Zhengzhi, you can dare Yan, such a woman, can see how territy of Lu Jiazhi in Lu Zhengzhi is located.

"I don't have a mood to talk nonsense with you, Wang Manager, I opened the last box. If these people want to eat, let them go to the low-level box ..."

Su Bai was proud of the priest.

Su Bai snails this box from Lu Zhengzhi's hands, and the mood is still very good. After all, he is a double carving, and the face of Lu Zhengzhi, there is a face of Chen Mo.

After hearing Su Bai, he walked to Lu Zhengzhi, and then smiled and said: "Lu Gongzi, other boxes of our paradise will be very good, you can bring Your friend go to other boxes, I can guarantee you that you can get the same service as the silver card member even if you go to other boxes ... "

Lu Zhengzhi heard the sentence of Wang Manager, the expression on the face is very ubiquitous.

The two of Chen Meryan standing in the same place, did not speak.

In fact, Chen Mo is still a little understanding of the things of the paradise, according to Li Juncheng's character, there is no difference between the same level, if you really follow Su Bai, the Su Bai's qualifications are higher than Lu Zhengzhi If the Su Bai should get a higher level of membership card.

Today, this box should be given to Lu Zhengzhi.

However, Chen Mile can see that Su Bai's eyes are somewhat uns, so these two people must know, so that this manager is not a lover, who is Su Bai, I don't know, but two of them are definitely contact. At this time, this manager is abuse private rights to put this box to Su Bai.

Lu Zhengzhi felt that he was like a slap in the face, the big face was red, and the stunned stood in the land, but he didn't know how it should be good.

Because the experience of the paradise will stand in Su Bai, there is no way now.

After seeing Lu Zhengzhi did not speak, I will directly give Su Bai, and then I respect the Su Bai's membership card to Su Bai and said: "Su Geongzi, your box, I have already Give you a good, I hope you can play! "

"Thank you!"

Su Bai looked at the king manager laughed.

"No thanks, this is what I should do ..."

The beauty manager rushed to Su Bai, and I went to Su Bai to throw a glance.

After seeing this eye of the beautiful manager, there was a natural understanding of the beauty manager. However, Chen Mai was in Su Bai at this time, Chen Mai did not dare to perform too obvious, twist the friends behind him shout: "OK, brother Several, let's go eat ... "


When everyone heard Su Bai, I was very excited to shout, and then turned to go to the position of the box.

When Su Bai came to Chen Mima, Su Bai suddenly stopped, and the up and down, the tone was very disdainful: "This place is your soil bag, you are eligible to eat here. Is it still rolled back to Nanyang University to eat aesthetic? "

"what do you mean?"

Yanme heard the phrase of Su Bai, and his eyes flashed a trace of angry, and he shouted with the water of the water.

Su Bai hixed to see Yanmei, then directly in the original place, as if it was surprised by Yanme.

"Beauty, or today, I will ask you today?"

Su Bai smiled and asked.


Yanme is certainly won't give Su Bai's face, very domineering.

"Ha ha……"

Su Bai heard the phrase of Yanme, couldn't help but smile, and then turn around to go.


But at this time, Chen Mimo seems to have suddenly think of, and there is no expression.

Su Bai couldn't help but heard the words of Chen Mo, and then turned his head to Chen Mo's position, and I asked very much: "Is there anything in your poor silk?"


Chen Mo did not take care of Su Bai, but when I went to the face of the beautiful manager, I said very calmly: "I want to have just now ..."


The beauty manager looked at Chen Mo, and then flashed a helplessness in his eyes. "

"I didn't listen to it just now? I have to have the box!"

Chen Mo said with a beautiful manager.

"Chen Mo, is you a problem with your brain?"

Su Bai hited Chen Mimei, then said very disdain: "Chen Mo, what do you count? Do you know what is it?"

"where is this place?"

Chen Mo looked at Su Bai asked.

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