I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 749: Ladies lost their arrival

Su Baiwan did not think that Chen Mo's tone would be so big, and he will cancel his membership.

Su Bai can get a lot of strength, and finally ask his father to find a lot of relationships, and soon a silver card, Su Bai has always been a silver card member of heaven. I feel proud.

But at this time, Chen Mo actually said that he wants to cancel his membership, Su Bai feels that this is simply a big joke.

Su Bai may not know that the emperor's Supreme Member Card has the right to imagine the right person in the paradise club.

Any consumption of the Emperor's membership card is free, and it is also able to get the highest level of entertainment. Chen Mo is the emperor's general treatment. Even if Chen Mo looks at the staff, as long as Chen Mo's words, then These female staff have to meet the requirements of Chen Mo without any conditions.

So Chen Mo is now saying that the membership of Su Bai is not a joke, but is very serious.

After hearing Chen Mo's sentence, Wang Manager couldn't help but said: "Chen Gongzi, you are eligible to cancel the membership of this person!"

"That's good, cancel the membership of this person, this kind of person is not worth consumption here!"

Chen Mo's no expression shouted, and immediately walked directly to the position of the box.

"Chen Mo, what do you mean?"

Su Bai saw Chen Mo leaving, and his expression shouted in the position of Chen Mo's position.

However, Chen Miman did not take care of Su Bai, directly entered the box.

"Not, Wang Manager, what is the meaning of this child? He counts anything, he cancels my membership, he thinks this paradise will really open his home?"

Su Bai's expression shouted with the king manager.

After heard the sentence of Su Bai, Wang Man was borne, and the heart was secretly sighed: "I don't know that the paradise will be opened!"

"What, Wang Manager, you must check this kid. I told you that I am very clear about this child. His people can't have a member card of the emperor."

Su Bai expression excitedly shouted in the king manager.

In the case of Sumans, Wang Manager has flashed a helplessness, and then whispered: "Su Geong, I have already checked, Chen Gongzi's membership card does not have any problems ..."

"How can he have a membership card here?"

Su Bai's eyes flashed a doubt.

"Chen Gongzi not only has the membership card here, but the member level is above you, so I will arrange which box will arrange to Chen Gongzi ..."

Wang Manager explained a faint explanation.


Su Bai took a breath, then whispered: "What is wrong with this, the poor silk of Chen Mo does not have the membership card here, I must figure out how this is something ..."

Wang Manager helplessly saw Su Bai, she didn't want to say anything with Su Bai at this time.

Su Bai saw that Wang Manager did not speak, wrinkled with brows: "Okay, Wang Manager, I will not be able to take you with you. You have been arranged a box, my friend is still waiting for birthday ... "


Manager Wang readself a very speechless smile, then whispered: "Su Geongzi is really embarrassed, you have already been canceled with membership, so you are now unqualified in our paradise will be eaten! "


Su Bai was directly stunned in the original place, and his face was very incredible.

"Manager Wang, are you joking here? How can my membership may be canceled? Is it because I just said that Chen Mo said?"

Su Bai glared at the pearly expression very excited.

"Yes, because Chen Gongzi said the words!"

Wang Manager looked at Su Bai and nodded.

"How can this? What is Chen Milim? If you are, you will be canceled because of his membership."

Su Bai's appearance, glimpse of the bead shout.

"Su Geongzi, your membership has indeed been removed, starting from now, you are not the members of our heaven club, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can go to our boss talking ..."

Wang Manager returned to Su Bai, and then turned directly to walk away.

Su Bai looked at the back of Wang Manager, and his face was very incredible.

Su Bai's friends who looked at each other, and the expression on the face was very confused. All did not understand what this is something!

Su Bai originally thought that he was able to play with Lu Zhengzhi, but everyone didn't think of it. At this time, Su Bai not only didn't hit Chen Mo's face, but the opposite of his membership Still lost.

This thing is to pay for the lady again!

But let Su Bai don't understand what Chen Mo is how to get it here, why Chen Mo has such a big right to directly cancel your membership.

Su Bai is now in the heart of the shock.


On the other hand, Chen Mohan, Lu Zhengzhi, after entering the box.

Although it is only a member of the silver card, the renovation inside is still very luxurious.

Lu Zhengzhi quickly adjusted his emotions, then smiled and asked Chen Mail: "Chen brothers, Miss Yan, what are you going to eat?"

"I can eat anything ..."

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"I am just like ..."

Yanme is also whispered.

"Oh, then, then I will order ..."

Lu Zhengzhi nodded and picked up the menu to start lying dishes.

After a few minutes, Lu Zhengzhi did finish the dishes, and then smiled. Chen Mail: "Chen brother, what is your home?"

"I am an orphan, I am going to school in Nanyang University ..."

Chen Deng has no expression.

Lu Zhengzhi heard Chen Mo's sentence, and his eyes flapped, and then he was very polite to talk about Chen Mai.

Just now Chen Mo's performance has changed the view of Lu Zhengzhi's view to Chen Mo. He thinks that Chen Mo is not ordinary people, so it is now given Lu Zhengzhi 10,000 courage, Lu Zhengzhi is absolutely not sin. Chen Mo.

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