I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 762: Departure Pharmacy Town

Apostated eight o'clock.

Chen Mo Zhao Lei rushed three people riding a bus and rushed to the location of the pharmacterous town.

Although the drug is only a small town, but because of the largest herbal trading market near Jiangnan Province, the transportation is still very convenient, from Nanyang City to the direct car to the drug yuan town.

After Chen Mo got on the bus, most of the trains were some of the old Chinese medicine practitioners who looked in the fairyland. These Chinese medicine should be all I want to buy some medicinal materials in the pharmacy town.

The drug will now start, and there will be very many precious medicines that have not been able to see it at that time, these Chinese medicine is naturally unwilling to give up such a good opportunity.

But Chen Mo also knows that these people in the car is just some small characters. After all, if it is really that rich people must be passed by private cars, no one is willing to travel like this bus.

Just because of the things happened to the paradise, Chen Mo is more vigilant. Although Zhao Lei is on his side, Chen Mo does not know what the killer I have encountered is, how is the strength, so He thinks it is more convenient to take a transportation tool in the past.

And the sexy fashionable rock is also followed by Chen Mo. In fact, Chen Mile originally didn't want to bring a support. After all, he and Zhao Lei were two men, and the old woman was very uncomfortable. Convenience.

However, Li Jincheng said that Chen Mo said that it is good. When the key is the key, it will not drag the legs, and more important is that the situation is still very familiar with the medicine in the medicine. If you use it, if you put a piece of past Chen Mo can also be very convenient.

So the end, Chen Mo, barely agreed to put the support to the belt.

However, Chen Mo's hair will put the big beauty belt to the side is really inconvenient. Because it is too characterful to help the woman.

Putting a black cotton T-shirt, the chest towering double peak is outlined under the package of black T-shirt, as if it can break through the shackles of the clothes at any time, with the support Tingting's posture, the double peak slightly trembled.

The underlying body of the support is wearing a thin fracture skirt. The skirt is very short, as if it will be able to package the sturdy and roundless hips, sleeve with black stockings, step on the foot. A pair of black high heels, the whole person exudes an infinite style and temptation.

When the support appeared on the bus, everyone in the field put the attention on the shake.

Chen Mo looked at the gods of the eye, Chen Mo, said that Chen Mo has already explained a little ordinary, but helplessly said that this is the most ordinary dress, Chen Mo, I don't know what to say. .

Soon, the bus stopped.

Washed the mouth and glanced at Chen Mo, then said softly, Chen Mo said: "Chen Gongzi, do you really want to go to the ghost tiger?"

"Well, Li Taibai has a very important medicinal material in the ghost tiger hole, so I must have to pass ..."

Chen Mo looked at the scenery of the outside.

"But according to what I know, the ghost tiger hole is very dangerous ..."

Helping whisper reminded Chen Mo.

"If it is not because of danger, Li Taibai, the old man will not let me have passed ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

The attitude of helping Chen Mo is so resolute, and there is no more saying more.

Zhao Lei has been sitting around Chen Mile, the expression on his face is very calm.

"Right, holding your situation on the situation on the town is very understanding?"

Chen Mimo watched his head and looked softly.

"Yeah, I lived for a while, if Chen Gongzi, if you want to find any medicinal material, you can tell me directly, I will definitely help you find ..."

Yanmei said with Chen Mo.


Chen Mo looked at the Yanmei and nodded and did not continue to say more.

And the rush, took out his mobile phone and played a mobile phone.


A blink of an eye has passed for a long time.

The bus of Chen Mo has finally arrived at the pharmacterous town. Although the pharmacterous town is a small town, in fact, the scope of the town is still very large, and it can even be compared with a small city.

Chen Mile scored Zhao Lei three people walked down the bus. Chen Mile can see that there are a lot of clothing in the town or is a medicinal businessman. These people should come to the drug gain in the medicine.

Watching Chen Mimei with a flashing head, then loudly rushed to Chen Mail: "Chen Gongzi, what kind of medicine do you need? I can help you inquire ..."

"This is the medicinal material that Li Taibai needs ..."

Chen Mai took out the note of Li Taibai from his own clothes to him.

Put that Chen Mo's note is very careful, and the eyes flashed a helpless, then said softly, said with Chen Mo: "This Li Taibai is really too much, he is all the medicinal materials written here. Rare medicinal materials, and price is not ... "

"How much does these medicinal materials need?"

Chen Mo hesitated and shook it softly.

If you hear Chen Mo's words, I can't help but stunned, then whisper: "Chen Gongzi, if you want to buy all of these herbs, you have two hundred million ..."

"Two billion?"

When I heard the sentence, I was in the original place, and the expression on my face was abnormal.

Originally, Chen Mo thought that these medicinal materials were almost a billion, but he did not think that Li Taibai was so dark, this medicine actually needs so much money.

"The medicinal materials written here are not very rare medicinal materials, but he asked for more than 500 years, which will lead to some of the price of herbs ..."

Watching Chen Mo whispering.

"I understand……"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, then looks at the rock and continue to ask: "Then you know, do you know where you don't know where you can buy these medicinal materials?"

"If you are hard to buy a medicinal material in this year, I know some of my old-fashioned medicinal materials, I think they should have such medicinal materials in their hands, but I don't dare to determine 100%, Chen Gongzi We can ask in the past ... "

After the shake, I would answer it later.

"Okay, anyway, it is already here, then take a look!"

Chen Mo took the nodded with the support.

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