I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 774: Shu Ziyu's pursuit

According to Chen Mo's understanding, this Shu Ziyu is a Shujia, and in the status of comfort, it is possible to calculate the favorable competitors of the future.

So Shu Ziyu will only vigorously develop this project of alchemy, the purpose is to make it more beneficial to make yourself in the future.

If there is no way to become a comfortable home after Shu Zi Yu, then her last destiny is to marry a man who does not like to meet the interests of Shujia. Shu Ziyu is also to get rid of such fate, so from Xiao Shu Ziyu is very hard. It is also very strong, she wants to prove that she is not poor than anyone of them.

When Shu Ziyu, Shu Ziyu showed an amazing business talent, plus now the home of comfort is very much like Shu Ziyu, so the probability of becoming a master in the future.

It's just a pity that Shu Zi jade is just a girl. A girl wants to be a big family's home, which requires her to pay more than other competitors.

I have been with the middle-aged people who have been with Shu Zi Jade, I am called Wang Baishi, which is very powerful, but as for this king's white stone is doing, Chen Mo is not very clear, and there is no investigation.

Under the guidance of Zhangli people, the team opened the Town, and then rushed to the highway outside the pharmacy town.

Holding a mobile phone, while Chen Mo looks at the scenery outside the window.

Because the position of the pharmacterous town is relatively far, the scenery on the road is still very nice.

The car has been almost for nearly two hours, and Zhao Lei suddenly stopped the car.

"Is it going to a place?"

Chen Mo saw Zhao Lei, I couldn't help but ask Zhao Lei.

"It should be ..."

Zhao Lei shook his head and then continued: "Yesterday I learned about Zhang Li people. If we want to go to the ghost tiger hole, you have to need two or three days, and it is impossible to go so fast ..."

"Is there any problem in the car in front?"

Chen Mo whispered, and then directly pushed the door under the door.

After getting off the bus, Chen Mo saw several luxury cars in front of the car, standing next to the luxury car, I still standing a few young people, smiling, talking with Shu Ziyu.

"What did these people do?"

Chen Mo stunned, and the twist shook softly.

"These people should be the second generation of drugs near the medicine, should have received the news from Shu Zi Jade, so they are here to wait for Shu Ziyu ..."

Helping the sound of light.

"I didn't expect this charm of this Shu Ziyu, which would have been so big. In this place, there is also a pursuit ..."

Chen Mo did not help but sigh.

"Of course, Shu Ziyu's home is so rich, and Shu Zi Yu is still so beautiful, it is likely that the future is likely to inherit the position of Shujia's master, do not know how many people are staring at Shu Ziyu, but Shu Ziyu It seems that I have never talked about love, she used all their energy to do business, now Shu Ziyu's own company has seven or eight, and it has been listed ... "

Help look at Chen Mo slowly.

Chen Mo has heard a helplessness in the eyes of the shake, and Chen Mo finally realized how big is the rich second-generation gap like people with others.

Shu Ziyu's age is almost the age of Chen Mo, but people Shu Ziyu's achievements are simply one day in a day compared to their achievements.

the other side.

Shu Ziyu is very arrogant in the face of the rich second generation, holding hands with shoulders, facing proud, giving people feeling like a queen looks down at their own courtes.

In the face of the second generation, Shu Ziyu is just a free answer.

However, those rich second generations did not feel angry because Shu Ziyu's arrogance, the opposite is more enthusiastic, and the expression on a face is very excited, in their eyes, Shu Ziyu can take care of them. I am very honored, they will not be able to take care of Shuzi Yu.

Shu Ziyu has seen the attentive performance in the face of these people. After all, I have seen too many such pursuits from Xiao to Da Zhu Ziyu.

Shu Ziyu This woman is very smart. She faces this pursuer is not directly refused, but she chooses to get along with a friend. This way, it is not necessary to use these people.

The highest in this group is the highest in the second generation is a mayor's son, named Lu'an.

Lu Angai walked to the face of Shu Ziyu, and smiled and said: "Shu, I don't know where to go this time?"

"We have to go to the ghost tiger hole ..."

Shu Ziyu did not hide, replied directly.

After listening to this sentence of Shu Ziyu, all of them were in the original place. The expression on one face was very shocked because they did not think that Shu Zi Yu actually had to go to ghost tiger holes. The place.

"Miss Shu, the place in the ghost hole is very dangerous. I suggest you still have to pass, I don't know how many people are dead in this past few years ..."

Lu'an hesitated and looked at Shuzi Yu lightly reminded.

"It doesn't matter, because I have to pass ..."

Shu Ziyu felly, then looked at his watch, whispered: "Time is not early, Lu Gongzi we have to leave, so I will not tell you first ..."

"What, Miss Su, you know, don't know the specific location of ghost tiger holes?"

Lu'an looked at Shu Zi Yu asked busy.

"I do not know……"

Shu Ziyu shook his head and then turned his position and saw it softly: "But this person knows the specific location of ghost tiger holes!"

"Where do you know where ghost tiots?"

Lu An is naturally unlikely to face Shu Ziyu when he faces Zhangli people, and asked Zhang Li.

"Yes, I am responsible for the way ..."

Zhangli people know that Lu'an's identity background is not simple, so he quickly returned to a word, talking very well.

"Where is the ghost tiger hole? If you want to go, I can accompany you ..."

In order to get the heart of Shu Ziyu, Lu'an is now at the expense of life, ready to accompany the ghost tiger hole with Shu Zi Jade.

When I heard Lu'an, I couldn't help but smile, and then sighed in my heart: "I didn't expect this charm of this Shu Ziyu, which would be so big. I know that there is life danger to follow, this is really Be beautiful, don't want to live! "

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