I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter VIII: True intention of Chen Mo

Although Shu Ziyu is almost the age of Chen Mo, it has been working in the company's company in his own company. It is clear than anyone else.

Shu Zi Yu and Chen Mer have indeed an agreement on the agreement, but it is just the agreement of the oral, and the two have not signed a contract, and there is no evidence of video recording, so when I arrive, I'm sulf If you don't recognize the account, then Chen Mile is not there.

Shu Ziyu admit that Chen Mo's skill is really very powerful, but how can it?

Chen Mo said that it is only a man, so Chen Mo has no way to get rid of the law, even if it is to fight the lawsuit, Shu Ziyu is not afraid.

"Miss, I think are we doing some unpricalted?"

After the understanding of the meaning of Shu Ziyu, Wang Baishi has flashed a worries in the eyes, and then rushed to Shu Ziyu: "Miss Shu, I think we may be somewhat improper ..."

"What is wrong?"

Shu Ziyu stunned, and asked Wang Baishi.

"I am worried that if Miss you don't pay the account, according to Chen Gongzi's character, it should not be good!"

Wang Baishi returned to a sentence.

When Shu Ziyu heard the sentence of Wang Baishi, I lost a touch of love, "Even if he won't give it, how can he do it? That Chen Mo is just a powerful, but now it is law. Society, whether it is what is needed to tell the law, the Chen Mo is even if it is so powerful, can you still have a law? I don't believe he can treat me! "


Wang Baishi looked at Shu Ziyu gently sighed and didn't know what to say.

"Here is the pharmacy town, I am not familiar with this place. If you are in Southeast Asia, I can throw this Chen Mo into the big tie. At that time, I saw this Chen Mo and how I arrived. Miss this lady is still the first time, I can give him billion cash is already my last bottom line ... "

After Shu Ziyu said in this sentence, Xiao Ziyu smashed his black and beautiful hair, then he walked in front of the long legs.

Wang Baishi's eyes helplessly stood in the same place, and Zhang Wang want to speak, but in the end, I still have to hurt, and I am sighed, and I said that I said: "Miss, you think it is too simple, Chen Gongzi Not so easy to deal with ... "

"After this time I go back, I must negotiate with my grandfather, even if I don't take out a shares, I will give Chen Gongzi 's compensation, this matter must be properly handled, otherwise it may not be What troublesome will come out! "

After Wang Baishi took a breath, he followed the steps of Shu Ziyu.

Shu Ziyu is still in the world, and sometimes there is no Wang Bai Shi, and there is no matter how much.

In the eyes of Shu Ziyu, Chen Mo is just a little bit of a little powerful, but Wang Baishi knows that since Chen Mo can defeat Zhang Wei, then Chen Mo's identity background is not simple, and this person is not a wise plan. .


On the other hand, it is really like this to see Shu Ziyu and others. After the eyes, the eyes flashed, and the brow said with Chen Mo: "Chen Gongzi, you really like this woman. Leave it? "

"Otherwise, how can I still? I can't always stay with this woman all the time ..."

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"But she took the spirit to take the spirit, in case her now, what can we do not recognize the account?"

Say that the voice is worried.

"Don't you pay?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, I couldn't help but smile, then whispered: "Shu Ziyu definitely does not want to pay, but sometimes she doesn't want to pay the account."


Holding Chen Mimei, I lost a lot of intake, then whispered: "Chen Gongzi did not sign any contract with this Shu Zi Jade. Once Shu Zi Jade does not recognize the account, we have no way to take Shu Ziyu! "

"You don't have to worry about this, when I naturally have a way to take the Shu Zi Yuxi, I will come back!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

In fact, Chen Mo has already done a good plan, Chen Mo knows that Shu Zi Yu's comfort is the rich business, and Chen Mo has a little business in Southeast Asia, and people who manage these business are Bai Yiben's father Bai Zhennan.

Therefore, when Shu Zi Yu is dare to pay, Chen Mo can use Baiman's power to deal with Shujia.

Shu Jia has always been Bai Zhennan's largest competitor in Southeast Asia. Shu Ziyu wants to hand in this percent of the shares, which has a great help to Bai Zhennan's business in Southeast Asia, and Chen Mo can you still Let Bai Zhennan have a long-term cooperative relationship with Shu Jia, which is very advantageous for both parties.

But if Shu Zi Yu is not sensible, then there is no way. Chen Mo can only choose to let Bai Zhennan ante the comfort.

These things are actually the discussion of Chen Mile and Bai Zhennan. Chen Mo's first time after the identity of Shu Ziyu gave Bai Zhennan, I asked the situation on Shuzi Jade.

What did Chen Mai did not think that Shujia and Bai Zhennan have a very big conflict in the company's business in Southeast Asia. After so many years, Bai Zhennan has been trying to deal with comfort, but he has never found a right opportunity.

When Shu Ziyu, I didn't know the true identity of Chen Mo, and I didn't know the relationship between Chen Mo and Bai Zhennan, so I went inadvertently revealed that her father was coma for a long time.

This news should still be very useful for Bai Zhennan. At the very least, Bai Zhennan will take the time of Shu Ziyu's father, and enjoy the resource of comfort.

Moreover, Chen Mo also knows that Shu Zi Yu has consumed a lot of money in the sake of his father. Now there is a very big problem for Chen Mo's billion cash. The chain of comforting the family will definitely appear very much. This can also give Bai Zhennan Provide a very good opportunity.

After the father of Shu Ziyu, the status of comfortable home will become very passive, and there will be a lot of white Zhennan.


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