I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 81: How did you stay?

In fact, it is still very good in the public security situation in this society. It is also very rare, so that Chen Mo feels that his luck is very good, and there is still a matter of walking.

The woman knows that the middle-aged man has ran away from the slow position, and then looks grateful to Chen Mo.

After the woman stands up, Chen Mo is thinking about the length of this woman in front of him.

Have to say, this woman standing in front of Chen Mo is indeed very beautiful, and the age should be a few years old, a long exquisite melon face, and a black hair is obviously a bit messy, but Also a different temptation, the white skin shines under the dim light, the woman's height is nearly one meter, and the double peaks in the chest are full, and the long white legs are slender.

The woman wearing a coffee career suit, which is wearing a white shirt, but the neckline has been opened by the middle-aged person, and the faint approaches can see the black lace underwear inside, a deep gull Extracetably attractive attention, put on the leg, set a black stockings, step on a delicate high heel.

At this time, Chen Mo finally understood why the middle-aged man will do it for this woman. This woman is really very attractive, and the middle-aged man can not hold it is also normal.

After the woman was simply sorted out his clothes, he was very grateful to Chen Mo: "Today's things are really thank you. If you are not because of your words, I may have been given by this person ..."

When the woman said this sentence, I couldn't help but flow out of tears, as if I was still afraid.

"Nothing, I just passed here, after you come out later, you are still careful ..."

Chen Mo said his woman.

"What is the one, I don't know how to thank you, you will accept it!"

The woman talking out from his bag while talking from his bag. Some cash is ready to make Chen Mo's hand.

Chen Mo directly refused the woman's kindness, then said: "I will help you not for these money, here people are less unsafe, if there is nothing, I will hurry to leave here!"

"If you accept this money, if you don't accept it, I will be delound in my heart. After all, you helped me so much ..."

The woman said very seriously.

"Really don't have it, do you have anything? If there is nothing, I will go first ..."

Chen Mail refused again.

If the previous Chen Mo, there must be no hesitation directly, but now Chen Mo will not lack this money at all, so he naturally will not be.

And the woman saw that Chen Mo seems to have been going to leave, and the beauty flashed in a hurry, and quickly reached the hand, and then shouted: "You are waiting!"

"Do you have anything?"

Chen Mo met his head to see the beauty, and asked in tone.

"This is the case, I want to ask you to help me ..."

The beautiful woman said softly.

"What is busy? You said ..."

Chen Mo smashed and asked directly.

"Can you drive me home?"

Beauty asked Chen Mail whispered.


Chen Mo was directly stunned after hearing this sentence, and the tone was very unexpected.

"This is the case, I drunk today, so I went out of a driver, but I didn't expect this generation of driving halfway to have a heart to me. I just said that the car is broken, let me get off with him to check him. I don't think much about it, I follow the car, then he took the knife forced me to come here ... "

Beauty urgently explained a sentence with Chen Mo, and then reached his finger and said that the red Maserati not far away said: "My car is parked on the side of the road, the taxi is relatively small, I am worried that I can't get the car ... "


Chen Mo looked at the beauty in front of him for two seconds, and then whispered: "Yes, help people give to the bottom to send to the west, you should be very dangerous here alone, I will send you back. ...... "

"I really thank you, you can rest assured, I will not let you help, when I will definitely thank you!"

When the beauty saw Chen Mo, the expression on the face seems to be more excited, and Zhang Mo shouted.

"Thank you, don't have it, we have two people know a fate!"

Chen Mo smiled back to the beautiful woman, then directly with the beautiful woman to walk.

After a moment, Chen Mo sat on the car and then rushed to the position where the beauty home in the guidance of the beauty.

"Hello, my name is Ye Xueqi, what is your name?"

After the beauty was on the bus, the emotions were slightly eased, and I took the initiative to ask Chen Union.

"Chen Mo ..."

While Chen Mo took the car back.

"Your age is not big, should you still go to school now?"

Ye Xueqi got up and down, Chen Mo's eyes and loudly rushed to Chen Mail.

"Well, I am going to school in Nanyang University ..."

Chen Mo said quickly.


Ye Xueqi nodded gently, then took the initiative to chat with Chen Mer.

In the process of chatting, Chen Mo learned that this Ye Xueqi is a big manager of a big company. It seems to be quite done in the home, but as is that Chen Mo, which is doing, is not careful.

In fact, Chen Mo will know that this Ye Xueqi is very good, because Ye Xueqi's price is not cheap, people who can open this kind of car must have money.

After more than half an hour, Chen Mo sent Ye Xueqi to the home.

Ye Xueqi lived a very luxurious villa, although there is no way to meet Chen Mo's villa, but it is also very good in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Chen Mo, do you want to sit on my home?"

After getting off, Ye Xueqi took the initiative to invite.

"No, time is not early, I have to go back ..."

Chen Mo shook his head directly.

"That line, right, don't go first, you are here waiting for me, I will come out!"

Ye Xueqi seems to be, whispered to Chen Mo, and then hurriedly rushed to the villa.

Chen Mo looked at Ye Xueqi helplessly smiled, he clear Ye Xueqi should go home to take money thanked himself, so Chen Mo did not stand in place, but directly turned to leave.

When Ye Xueqi took a big cash from the villa, I found that Chen Mo has already left.

"How come it?"

Ye Xueqi stood in the same place, and the beauty flashed a helpless, whispered.


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