Chen Mo knows that the sniper of the sky with the kidnapped Ye Snow Qiqi at this time is not a group of people.

Because this snipeman is running with Chen Mo, it is not a gun who is running with Ye Xueqi.

Moreover, the middle-aged kidnapped Ye Xueqi is just that if Ye Xueqi will give up the subway project, it is not to kill Ye Xueqi!

But at this time, this sniper is different. This sniper is obviously rushing to kill Chen Maili!

If I didn't because Chen Mo found a sniper, now he may be dead.

This shows that this sniper is likely to be the third killer of Silver Business!

"Chen Mo ..."

Just when Chen Mi was taking these problems, Ye Xueqi under his body was finally breathed, and the smash shouted.

"Sorry, I forgot you ..."

Chen Merloo said that he was sorry to say to Ye Xueqi.

"You don't have to apologize to me, I am tired of you, if not because you don't know how many times to die today ..."

Ye Xueqi returned to Chen Mo.

In fact, it is also very doubts in Ye Xueqi, because she really can't understand what I have recently, why is it in the past, and it's still Chen Mile.

"Let's get together, we must hurry to leave here, otherwise some people may have two hands!"

Chen Mo learned very well on the killer of the silver business, these killers are not the two kids. At this time, there is an Ye Xueqi around Chen Mo. Once there is a killer, it is more troublesome.

Ye Xueqi quickly put his little hand in Chen Mo's hands, and Chen Miman wants to pull Ye Xueqi.


Ye Xueqi petcombed, and then the beauty flashed a pain, sitting again on the ground.

Chen Mo saw Ye Xueqi, I couldn't help it, and I asked softly: "What happened?"

"I am like the feet ..."

Ye Xueqi said with a painful expression.

And Chen Mo suddenly looked down at Ye Xueqi's ankle. Today, Ye Xueqi wears high heels. The situation just now is a little too crisis, so it may be that Chen Mo's feet when they fell in the snow.

Although Chen Mo did not understand what medical skills, after the kneeling, I found out that Ye Xueqi's ankle is amazing, and the situation is very serious.

"I take you to the hospital to see it ..."

Chen Mo said.


Ye Xueqi nodded, and then he appeared to stand up, but after trying, it was found that he didn't have a way to stand up.

Chen Mo knows that Ye Xueqi is tired by himself, so he hesitated and said directly: "I hold you ..."

After that, after this sentence, Chen Mo took the next step directly to the waist.

Ye Xueqi was held in his arms after Chen Maili, heard Chen Sileble, pretty shame, but did not say much, his mind was thinking about what he had to stay with Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo is of course not a mood to consider these things. When you picked Ye Xueqi, you will run the Maserati directly.

After a few seconds, Chen Mo took the car with Ye Xueqi.

After getting on the bus, Chen Mo's face was relaxed, and the position of the Nanyang City Hospital was driven directly.

Ye Xueqi sat in the position of the co-pilot, couldn't help but twice to count the Chen Mo around him, and the beauty flashed a different, then he asked Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, do you think that I am very much? ? "

"Do you quite a lot?"

Chen Mo didn't help but heard the words of Ye Xueqi, and his eyes flapped, and smiled: "Why do you ask this?"

"I was going to have a meal today, but I didn't expect to have encountered so many things, but fortunately your skill is relatively powerful, or I may die."

Ye Xueqi said whispered.

"These things don't blame you, you should also don't want this kind of thing, starting with you today, it is best to bring bodyguards when you go!"

Chen Mo's light reminded a sentence.

"I know……"

Ye Xueqi stunned, then nodded gently.

After half an hour, Chen Miman came to the hospital with Ye Xueqi, and then he helped Ye Xueqi hanging.

If you are busy almost over, Ye Xueqi finally checked his own experience, and it was a slight fracture and plus muscle strain.

In fact, if the normal people have the most, it is also rubbing the drug, but Ye Xueqi is a girl, the body itself is very delicate, so there is no first time to leave the hospital, but choose to observe in the hospital!

"Miss Ye, I have given you good medicine, you have a break here, observe observation, if there is nothing, you can leave ..."

The doctor knew Ye Xueqi's identity, so the tone of speaking is still very polite.

"okay, I get it……"

Ye Xueqi looked at the doctor gently nodded.

"Yes, Miss Ye, you can also let your boyfriend help you simply massage, massage, can promote the flow of congestion ..."

Doctor reminds him.


Ye Xueqi and Chen Mo were listening to this sentence, all stunned.

Ye Xueqi said that he would want to explain, but he has long left the ward.

After the doctor walked, there were only two people with Ye Xueqi, and the doctor's words were plus the pictures of the two people to kiss together, so the atmosphere in the room turned into the moment.

Chen Mer's consciousness looked at Ye Xueqi, and then put his attention on Ye Xueqi's slender legs.

Today, Ye Xueqi is wearing a miniskirt, with a black stockings on the legs.

However, when I just checked the stockings on the leg above the legs, revealing the beautiful legs, and put the stockings on one leg, and another leg is white, such as jade, such a picture for Chen Mile Still very tempting.

Even if Chen Mo has no idea to Ye Xueqi, but I can't help but look at both eyes.

Ye Xueqi also found that Chen Mo has always stared at her legs. The beauty flashed a different, in order to relieve the embarrassment, whispered Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, did the doctor not say to let you massage me?"


Chen Mo heard that Ye Xueqi's sentence couldn't help but stunned.

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