I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 817: I have encountered acquaintances

6 o'clock in the second day.

Chen Mo said that one person took a taxi to the company headquarters, and the company in Li Juncheng is the whole department responsible for Wangcheng throughout the Jiangnan Province.

Today, those employees in the company are also a big day, because the company's new chairman Chen Mozi actually has to convene a director of directors!

It is necessary to know that Chen Mo has inherited the heritage of Wangcheng, don't say that it is to convene a shareholder meeting, even if it comes to the company's number of people, it will not even intervene the company's business, but this time this new chairman It is actually to convene an Shareholders' meeting, which is really a big news.

The employees inside the company have begun to secretly guess that Chen Mo's purpose is for what is the purpose of the shareholders' meeting.

Some people think that Chen Mo is now turned with Li Juncheng, and wants to take power from Li Jincheng, and may even have to overhead Li Jincheng.

Some people think that Chen Mo should be a completely let go of the company's business, ready to hand over the company to Li Jincheng.

Anyway, such a guess is endless.

Although those employees in the company do not know what Chen Mo's true purpose is, but overnight has prepared a variety of information, whether it is the company's accounting situation or quarterly reports is a branch office. The profit situation, all are prepared in this evening.

Those employees who have already got off work were shouted to the company's overtime by Li Jincheng, busy all night, and all of them were fully prepared.

The time of the shareholders' meeting begins at 8 o'clock in the morning.

However, Chen Mo's six points have come to the company. At this time, those people in the company are actively preparing to work, even those who are responsible for receiving customers, there are still a small sister who has been safely cleaned. So no one pays attention to Chen Mo has entered the company, and no one blocks Chen Mo.

If this is to change the normal situation, Chen Mumet is impossible to enter the building of Hunts Ding Group.

Of course, the reason why the company will appear in this time is not Li Juncheng, Li Juncheng is not to inform the group's people may convene a general meeting of shareholders tomorrow, so that everyone will prepare.

Those employees inside the company are obviously misunderstood Li Juncheng, so we will do our best to clean the entire building, and strive to leave a good impression of this chairman who does not often come to the company.

Chen Mo looked at the busy employees in the company flashed a helpless, because he just want to convene an shareholders' meeting, and did not have such a big move, and many employees were basically one night. Didn't sleep, many people's face is full of tiredness.

Chen Mo knows that Li Juncheng is still not coming yet, so he is bored with himself, ready to go shopping in the building.

After all, I have only been to the top floor of Hui Ding Building, but the other places have never been there.

Chen Mai stepped into the front of the elevator, and then reached the button and prepared to go to the Finance of the Fifth Floor to stroll.


After a few seconds, the elevator door opened.

Chen Mimei walked into the elevator.


At this time, a crisp sound rang.

After I heard this voice, I quickly pressed the door button.

The elevator that was originally closed slowly, and then a beautiful one handed the coffee and ran into the elevator, and the expression on his face was very anxious.

"thank you!"

After the beauty entered the elevator, I quickly returned to Chen Mo.

After Chen Mo saw the beautiful woman, Chen Mo was in the original place, and his eyes were flashing in a surprise.

The beauty looked at Chen Mo's expression on the same face!

At this time, I stood in the beautiful, exquisite melon face, cherry mouth, cherry mouth, and sexy red lips, a pair of waters, and black hairs. The random scattered on the shoulders, the upper body wearing a white long lady suit, slept in the slender legs, there is a simple jeans, step on a pair of exquisite high heels, the whole person dressed in sexy fashion, youthful.

"Chen Mo, how are you here?"

Just when Chen Mo gave birth to this beautiful woman in front of him, the beauty of the beautiful eyes of the water, shouted with Chen Mo.

"Salsa sister, it is you!"

Chen Mo looked at the beauty in front of him helpless smile.

"Yes, how long have you been meeting, how come you come to our company?"

The beauty of the beautiful woman rushed to Chen Mail.

After heard this sentence of the beauty, Chen Mo has flashed a helpless, and some don't know how to explain it.

At this time, this beautiful woman standing in front of Chen Mo is called Ning Shasha. It is a school sister who knows when Chen Mo is in high school. It is two years old than Chen Mo. At that time, when Chen Mo read a high one, Ning Shasha was reading high, two people can know It is also because Ning Shasha is a good friend of Chen Mo's high school, because Chen Mo's friend's relationship, I have seen a few times with Ning Shar.

Chen Mo is indeed a friend with Ning Sha, and most is the state of understanding.

Just because they have not met for a long time, So Ning Shasha will express such enthusiasm.

Chen Mo knows that Ning Shasha's academic performance has always been very good. Now it should be graduated, and it is not impossible to go to work in Hongding Group.

However, Chen Mo is now in some don't know how to explain these things with Ning Shasha!

If Chen Mo directly tells Ning Shasha, this company is actually its own. Ning Shasha will not believe that Chen Mo may have to explain, so Chen Mo is ready to find an excuse to pay this one!

"Chen Mo, should you come to our company to interview today?"

But at this time, Ning Shasha actually took the initiative to find an excuse for Chen Mo.

Ning Shasha knows that Chen Mo's family has always been very good. When high schools, even tuition fees can't be taken, often work outside, so Chen Maililang Hongding Group interview is also very normal.

"Ah, yes, I am coming to interview ..."

Chen Mo didn't want to nod.

"Then you may not be on the interview today ..."

Ning Shasha said with a small mouth.


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