I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 823: Can you not make trouble, please!

Chen Mail?

The shareholders present in the scene were all in the original place after hearing this name, and the expression on each other is very incredible.

And Ning Shasha stood over the eyes of Chen Mo, because Ning Shasha knew that Chen Mo's original name is really called Chen Mo, but Ning Shasha did not know that the chairman of their Hui Ding Group is also called Chen Mo, so she can't understand These shareholders have been so surprised when he heard Chen Mo's name.

After all, Ning Shaisha is just a small staff, so I don't know the name of the chairman. It is also very normal.

"You are Chen Mo?"

Tan Ping's upside down, Chen Mo, and the tone is very incredible.

"Any questions?"

Chen Mo's falling question.

"How can there be such a smart, you actually reintegrate with the chairman of our group?"

Tan Ping frowned softly.

"There is more harder, do you want to listen?"

Chen Mo smiled asked Tan Ping.

"What else?"

Tan Ping stunned, wrinkled with Chen Mail.

"I am the chairman of Huiding Group!"

Chen Mo fell back.

After hearing Chen Mo's sentence, Tan Ping was in the original place. The expression on his face was very shocked.

The rest of the shareholders in the scene also looked at Chen Mo!

Although these people know that the name of the group is indeed Chen Mo, they have not seen it with Chen Mumei. Naturally, I don't know what Chen Siman is going.

At this time, Chen Mo actually said that he is the chairman of the group, how can these people not surprised?

And according to their understanding of Chen Mo, they know that Chen Mo's age is not very big, it may really be almost like this youth in front of him, so a moment of his eyes starts strange.

"Is this little child really a chairman?"

"How is it possible? The chairman should come over with Li!"

"But if this kid is fake, how can he know the name of Chen Chairman?"

"This is really clever ..."

The shareholders present in the field began to get their minds, and they have begun to talk about it.

Others may not know what Chen Mo is, but Ning Shasha is still very understandable for Chen Mo's life, she knows that Chen Mo is not likely to be such a chairman of a large group. In her impression, Chen Mo is just a connection. Tuition fees have taken the poor boy.

Chen Mo's chairman of Hui Ding Group!

The difference between the two is more than 100,000 miles, and Ning Shasha can't believe that Chen Mo is the chairman of Hui Ding Group.

"Chen Mo, what are you talking about here? Don't you do it?"

Ning Shasa frowned very excited to shouting Chen Mo.

At this time, Ning Shasha really didn't understand what Chen Mo was going to do. It was already over today, but Chen Mo did not stand out to mess, and he was guilty of these shareholders. Nowadays, now, the chairman of the group, once If it is really unveiled, it is not a simple thing in Ning Shasha being opened, Chen Mo is likely to be taken away by the police.

"I don't say, I am indeed the chairman of this company. I am not an interview, I am coming to open an Shareholders' meeting!"

Chen Mimer watched the Ning Shasha and said very calm.

"Chen Mo, I am really taking you, who you will not know?"

Ning Shasha looked at Chen Siles didn't know what to say.


Chen Mo's mouth is still talking.

"You are you, you will come over with me ..."

Ning Shassa didn't want Chen Mo to continue to say so, so I reached out, I took the mouth of Chen Mo's mouth and then took Chen Mai to go far away.

The shareholders present in the field were seeing this scene, and the expression on the face was very confused.

"Tan, what do you say? What is this little child? He won't really be the chairman of Chen?"

One of the middle-aged people walked to Tan Ping and asked softly to Tan Ping.

After Tan Ping hesitated, whispered: "It should be not, Ning Shasha knows the bottom of this child, so it will be so nervous, if this kid is really chairman, Ning Shasha can't be so nervous ..."

"But this kid is similar to the chairman of the chairman, and he also knows the name of our chairman. Is this coincidence?"

Shareholders wosted and continued.

"This kid is not a person of our company, knowing that Chen Chairman's name is not big, but it is not completely impossible to know, after all, our group's chairman is not a secret!"

Tan Ping has an analysis of the expression, then continue: "Let's don't have to worry, now it is eight o'clock, the general meeting will begin immediately. Li Xiaolong, chairman, will come over, and everything is true. Big white, if this kid is a fake, then send it directly to the police station as a fraud to handle it ... "

"Good ..."

Those shareholders around Tan Ping have nodded.

At this time, Tan Ping does not want to continue with the true and false of Chen Mo, because Chen Mo is not a chairman who will have an answer. If they go to Chen Mo, if they go to Chen Mo, then Chen Mo is the chairman. It may be a bad impression on Chen Mo, so it is better to see it.


On the other hand, Ning Shasha took Chen Mo to the corner and frown and shouted: "Chen Mo, do you want to die? I was fined three months of salary. Do you think it is not enough? Don't let people put me? Is it satisfied with it? "

"I am, no one can expel you!"

Chen Mo said that he was very calm and said in Ning Shasha.

Ning Shasha listened to this sentence, the expression on his face seems to be more speechless, frown shouting: "Chen Mo, who do you think you? You won't really take yourself as the chairman of our group? "

"I am the chairman of your company!"

Chen Men said that there is no expression of Ning Shasha.

"Oh, big brother, I am really taking you, just if I beg you, don't you do? You really don't do it, I will be expelled from it ..."

Ning Sha Shao's gas collapsed in Chen Mo.

Chen Mo did his mouth to talk, but at this time, a burst of footsteps.

When everyone heard the footsteps, they looked up in front, Li Juncheng took a few shareholders to go to the conference room.


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