I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 837: Changing the old friend

Chen Mo heard Ning Tao's words faintly smile, so many years did not meet, Ning Tao seems to be the big character.

In Chen Mo's impression, Ning Tao is a man who is guilty, the character is cool, and the high school is also very like to help Chen Mo. It is also possible, the family is good, the family is good, the parents are doing business, so his home can also calculate the secondary family.

Ning Tao took the initiative to chat with Chen Mail in high school.

But most of the time is a person in Ning Tao, and Chen Mo is quiet.

After inheriting the heritage of Wangcheng, Chen Mo's hair seems to have a very big change. Sometimes Chen Mo has no way to say anything like before, what is said, now Chen Mo's words compared to the previous It is much more much less.

"What is the one, Chen Mo, are you still with G G Gifei?"

Ning Tao hesitated and asked softly.

"broke up……"

Chen Mo slowed down.

"It's good ..."

Ning Tao heard this sentence quickly shouted and then continued: "I think you should break up with Gaffey. At that time, when you follow G G Gifei, I think that woman is not a good thing, see The rich people have changed, and our ordinary people don't have a way to take such a woman, I know that you will break up with her ... "

"Oh, that kind of woman, I can't control ..."

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence, then continue asking: "Are you looking for a girlfriend?"


Ning Tao sighed and then continued: "But I have a favorite girl now, chasing a long time, but she has not promised me ..."


Chen Mer gently nodded, then looked at the time of the phone, whispered: "The day after tomorrow is weekend, I have no class, or two of us come out?"


Ning Tao heard Chen Mo's sentence, I didn't want to directly agree, then continue: "I heard that the middle and city next to Nanyang City have opened a resort. It seems that there is a hot spring. Otherwise, let's How do you feel there? "

"Okay ..."

Chen Mo did not want to directly agree.

"That, then let's say it, when I contact the classmates who contact us high school, I just shouted my two relationships with us, just as I didn't meet with them. Let's get together ... "

Ning Tao, this person is very popular, and it is quite good when you go to school, so he can find a lot of contact information for many high school students, but Chen Mo can't find it.

"OK, you will negotiate with them a good time, I will do it in the past ..."

Chen Mo said.

"No problem, let's contact it when you get ..."

Ning Tian smiled and laughed, and then hanged the phone directly.

When Chen Mo saw the phone hangs, he has long sighs, and then a person is lying in bed.


A blink of an eye, two days have passed.

When Chen Mo, Chen Mai, I plan to go to the city, and Chen Mo simplely cleaned up, and she sat on the bus from Nanyang to Zhonghe City.

Zhonghe City is located in the north of Nanyang City, although it is also a municipal level, but in fact, it is similar to a small county, and the people in Mid-China are mainly based on the tourism industry. Because Zhonghe City is beautiful, so There are very many resorts, plus the Nanyang City is close to Nanyang City, so there will be many people in Nanyang City to play in the middle of the city almost one to weekends.

The bus on the bus in Chen Mo is also crowded with people.

Fortunately, Chen Mo came to more than the seat, if if it was a little late at the late car, there may be no seats, only standing.

On the way along, Chen Mo has been enjoying the outside of the outside, and the bus is soon arrived in Middle and City.

After Chen Mo's car, I took out the mobile phone just prepared to call Ning Tao, and I saw a few people running over Chen Mo's position.

Sens boy running in front of the front and glasses is the best Ning Tao with Chen Mo relations when he was in high school, and Ning Tao came to a fist directly in Chen Mo's chest, and then shouted: "Chen Mo, I haven't contacted it for so long, but I saw you! "

"Yeah, Chen Mo, you are nearest from the middle of the city, you are finally come, how are you mean?"

Another skin black body and strong youth also shouted.

This youth is called Lin Fei. At the beginning, Chen Mermail-class sports committee, because he is not very good as Chen Mo, so it is also very good with Chen Mo's relationship.

These two people are calculated that Chen Mo is the best two friends when he is high school!

"Do you say that you have to bring your girlfriend? How did you see people?"

Chen Mo was now only Lin Fei and Ning Tao two people, and the eyes flashed and asked softly.

"The few girls in our class have been here, now waiting for it in the hotel, it is too hot today, I have not let them come over waiting for you ..."

Ning Tao smiled back to a sentence.

"He is afraid that his goddess is too dark ..."

Lin Fei said with his teeth.

"What do you know, I am called pity, and I will be as black as you, then I am chasing or chasing it?"

Ning Tao reached out, I opened a joke.

"Okay, since people have arrived, then don't let people wait, hurry out ..."

Chen Mo didn't expect others to come so quickly, so he was sinking in his heart, and he said softly to Ning Tao.

"Let's get on the bus!"

When Ning Tao took out the car key from his clothes, then gently pressed, I saw a white Mercedes-Benz brightly on the light.

"Ning Tao, you can, now I am open Mercedes-Benz ..."

Chen Mo saw Mercedes-Benz, and said a surprised look after Mercedes, and said.

"What Mercedes-Benz, this is bought from my friend's hand, second-hand, very cheap, usually used to deceive little girls, if you really understand the car, you know that this broken car is not worth money ... "

Ning Tao did not bought it with Chen Mo, and he said.

Chen Mo smiled in the words of Ning Tao, did not say more, followed by Ning Tao and others on a car.

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