I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 845: Li Yifan Li Gongzi!

Su Bai heard this sentence to take the initiative to go to the forefront of Li, and then took the initiative to have two words with Li.

Li Yifan, although the person is not very big, but the shelf is not small, it is also very arrogant, so many people are interested in Wei Chen with Su Bai, so that other people Li Yifan is not to see. Look at it, after talking about two sentences with Su Baishi Wei Chen, said that he did not express his expression: "Ok, go in!"

Original Ning Tao also intended to meet this opportunity to meet such a master brother, but Ningtao did not think that people did not talk to him at all, so Ning Tao is inevitably lost.

Qi Ya saw this so-called rich second generation with his boyfriend, the gap appeared in an instant, so his eyes naturally changed very much.

As for Lin Fei, Li Linger, etc., is not very interested in these rich second generation itself, so even if they don't talk to them, they don't care.

Everyone who found this resort decoration after entering the resort, it is like the beaches of foreign countries, and those girls see the scenery in the resort is also very happy. After all, this place is the most suitable. The photos taken in this place are certainly beautiful.

And Dai Hao took the initial introduction to the situation in the resort. The largest attraction of this resort is the original forest in the middle of the freshwater lake. It is said that it will provide hunting service in the original forest, but present. These people are not very interested in hunting things, most of them like to swim in a dive swimming next to the freshwater lake.

And there are more than ten water villas in the resort. These villas are built on the lake. It is usually in the lake water. All the ground walls are created by glass, so give people feelings seem to live in the lake. same.

These water villas are also a biggest highlight of this resort. Basically, there are very many tourists who have a lot of tourists in this villa.

Of course, this villa price is also very expensive.

And the resort also provides free food for visitors, basically all kinds of gourmet seafood should be!

After listening to the introduction of Dai Hao, everyone was very shocking, because they did not think that this small resort would have so many services, and giving people very high-end, just with the TV series. Same high-end clubs.

In particular, Lin Fei Li Linger is more excited in his heart, after all, their ordinary people can come to this place to play, is still very limited.

Chen Miman is a calm, although this resort is very luxurious, but in fact compared with Bi Tianya, there is still a certain gap, Chen Mo will not show too much excitement.

Wei Chen quickly looked at the environment of the resort, said softly, Li Yafu: "Li Ge, should such a big resort investment a lot of money?"

"My dad just started investing three billions, and later I didn't think it, so I have invested it a 100 million ..."

Li Yifan faintly replied.

"So much money is estimated, only Li will come out ..."

Wei Chen slowly said.

"Oh, my dad, my Dad, is actually in the future, I will be temporarily open, after all, if you want to rely on these tourists, it is basically impossible!"

Li sent a very arrogant.

Everyone heard the words of Li Li, the expression on the face was very incredible, because everyone originally thought that Li Jia made such a big resort should be to earn money, after all, as long as it is normal, it will be this idea.

But no one thought that people Li Jia people were only in order to stay after it.

Being able to live in such a luxurious resort, I don't know how many people in my heart!

So almost everyone looks at Li's extraordinary with an envious eyes.

Li Yifan is not aware of the eyes of everyone, after all, he has been accustomed to this feeling.

"Now this resort is alone in management, if you have any requirements, I will talk directly to the manager. When I get my name, I will take my name ..."

Li Yifan rushed to the two people in Su Bai.

"Li Ge is polite ..."

Wei Chen smiled back to a sentence.

"Nothing, you are friends, I am still not having a little more about there, please accompany you, please eat when you are in the evening!"

Li Yafai took the initiative to shoot Wei Chen's shoulder, and then directly walked away.

Everyone looked at Li's back, I was very excited, and Li's extraordinary is only a real rich second generation. The age of people will be almost in the age of people, but now they have managed such a big resort, which seems to be Only Suxi can compile with him, the rest is also a student, and the gap there is naturally not to say.

Wei Chen looked at the eyes of Li's back, this time, this time, it is also that Wei Chen knows that there are many people in this society to be much excellent, and the Wei Chen at this time still puts themselves. Attention is placed on the body of Chen Mima.

What can I do if I can't count?

Wei Chen felt that he should put a long history!

"All, Li Gongzi has arranged the room for you, please come over!"

At this time, a manager's mid-aged man walked to the front of Su Bai and others smiled.


Su Bai nodded and then followed the manager to the room.

Because Bai Ying has said that Chen Miles have a few people with Su Bing, so Li Yifan naturally helps Chen Mo arranged a room.

Everyone knows that she has taken something in the room.

Ning Tao lived in a room.

"I didn't expect this room here ..."

Ning Tao entered the room and simply observed the environment inside the room. He thought that these rooms were white, the environment should not be very good.

But let Ning Tao do not think of the room is very clean, the three-star hotel outside is almost.

"Not bad! Ning Tao you can't be a bit?"

Qi Ya threw his bag into bed, stunned with Water's big eyes shouted, his face was very angry.

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